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imam problem There are no virtual machines currently available. Please retry in a few minutes.





imas poruku da nema slobodan server/neko drugi brzi od tebe onda sacekaj par sekundi i refresuj url (mozes refresovati 2 puta u 30 sekundi (to je od skora, inace je moglo cesce)) i sve dok taj hit ne postane job (zato ja sve neuradjene cuvam u fajlu sa strane i sibam ih kada imam vremena ... i tako ...

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Meni to naknadno refrešovanje apsolutno nikad nije uhvatilo hit. Kad mi se tako pojavi probam jedan refreš i ako neće gasim tab i čekam da izleti sledeći.

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Meni to naknadno refrešovanje apsolutno nikad nije uhvatilo hit. Kad mi se tako pojavi probam jedan refreš i ako neće gasim tab i čekam da izleti sledeći.


u poslednje vreme, radim ovako


kada izadje i nije hit, refresujem jednom odmah ... sacekam 30ak sekundi i reffresujem jos dva puta

ako se ne ostvari kopiram link za kasnije i gasim tab



cuvam linkove zato sto svaki od njih jeste (bice) hit, kada RF proradi kao sto je radio ranije sa manje ljud,i tj sa vecim obimom posla, nadam se

Edited by cedo
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ajd da skrenem temu sa rainforesta, jel se desava jos nekom da ne dobija one korekcije u taskovima? danas sam dva puta expellovan, bez ikakvog objasnjenja.

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ajd da skrenem temu sa rainforesta, jel se desava jos nekom da ne dobija one korekcije u taskovima? danas sam dva puta expellovan, bez ikakvog objasnjenja.


i ja jednom, danas

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evo i objasnjenje za (ne)placanje testnih hit-ova


Training tests are unpaid for new testers. It's even written clearly in the instructions in the crowdflower job, so there was no need to even ask. Do always read instructions carefully!

Old testers got paid for them because they were testing the training tests.

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jbt ... nikad nisam otisao na wiki stranu a ima odgovore na mnoga pitanja


ne znam ... ovo gore sam pokupio sa nb foruma. ovaj pise o instrukcijama u CF (valjda RF jobu). bas cu da obratim paznju sledeci put

mozda se ovo na wikiju odnosi na stare radnike i training taskove koji bi tada mogli dobiti, iako se termin training task koristi u oba slucaja 



edit: nema nista u job instrukcijama



Rainforest QA Guide to Good Testing

During this job, you will use our terminal to test a website. For each step, you will be asked to perform some actions and answer a question with "Yes" or "No". If you do not follow these testing principles, your work will be rejected.
5 Principles of Testing:

Only answer Yes if the test was clear, you followed it exactly, and the answer to the question asked is Yes. Otherwise, answer the question with No.
Even if there is only a small difference between the website and instructions in placement, color, number of items mentioned, etc., answer the question with No.
Follow the instructions exactly for every step, even if you have done it before. Do not perform any actions except for the ones for the current step.
Match text in quotes exactly - any difference in spelling, content, or punctuation should be reported with No and a note explaining the problem. You do not need to report capitalization differences, unless the test states otherwise. Any reference to text that is NOT in quotes does not have to be matched exactly.
There is one exception to the text-in-quote rule. If you see "_" in the instructions, it is meant to be a placeholder for what you will see on the test. Do not report this. (e.g. if the question asks Do you see a message that says "Results (_)" and you see Results (15), answer Yes)
You can check out some potential test scenarios that will help you understand how to apply these principles in action: See Examples




edit1: evo ovaj sto sam ga dobio je testni, takve cete poznati po url-u u terminalu https://:tester.rf .....

sad cu da vidim da li ce mi biti placen

edit2: bice placen, u pending listi mi je

Edited by cedo
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samo da primetim da je neobux očajan poslednjih dana. Malo poslova, slabo plaćanje, nekakvi blesavi bugovi sa ispravkama........


verovatno krenula sezona odmora, šta li?! :/

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You have reached the maximum number of unsubmitted assignments. So we are fair to other workers, we stop you doing too much for us at once. You can complete the other assignment(s) and refresh this page, or simply return this hit.


vatafak? :blink:

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You have reached the maximum number of unsubmitted assignments. So we are fair to other workers, we stop you doing too much for us at once. You can complete the other assignment(s) and refresh this page, or simply return this hit.


vatafak? :blink:



to znaci da imas hit na kojem radis, a pokusavas da uzmes novi ... mozes da radis samo na jednom


ako to nije slucaj, onda si ugasio hit (zatvorio prozor/tab) bez da ga predas sa odgovorom (Yes/No) ... i trebace ti jedan sat (ili tako nesto) da budes u stanju da uzmes novi 


nikada ne zatvaraj prozor ako nisi uradio zadatak


ako zelis da izbegnes ovo gore, a ne zelis da uradis zadatak iz bilo kog razloga, onda refresuj url 4 puta i hit ce otici u "too often" te ces moci brzo da uzmes novi zadatak



edit: ako ti se prozor zatvorio slucajno i zelis da uradis taj zadatak, trebao bi da mozes da ga nadjes u chrom history (poslednji zatvoren tab, tj prvi u listi)

Edited by cedo
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Ovo se javlja svima danas. Zabrljali su nešto prilikom redizajna. Meni se pojavila 2 bezveze rejectiona. Kažu da će da srede i automatski ih izbrišu, da nema potrebe da se žalimo.

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