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Teroristički napad u Parizu

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Uhapšeno 8 ljudi u vezi sa napadom u Nici.


i šta kažu jel ih sve ostavila žena :fantom:

Edited by Hella

I šta kažu, slučaj islamofobije, a ne zna se ništa ni o napdaču, ni žrtvi?

Pa nije senzacionalizam izum Kurira i Informera. Još je Radio Sarajevo jedan od boljih. Šta li se dešava na Avazu bolje da ne čačkamo. 

French police make woman remove burkini on Nice beach

Wednesday 24 August 2016 00.43 BST


Authorities in 15 towns have banned burkinis, citing public concern following recent terrorist attacks in the country







Photographs have emerged of armed French police confronting a woman on a beach and making her remove a burkini as part of a controversial ban on the swimwear.



vidi vidi nameštaljka ljubitelja multikulturalizma ko bi rekao :fantom:


French Burkini Controversy Was Set-Up By Muslim Activists In Concert With Television Station


“Selectively edited” Footage of a young Muslim woman wearing a so-called Burkini being threatened on a French beach was a deliberate set-up for the benefit of a Channel Seven Australia television crew, according to revelations in the Australian press.


Newspapers around the world sympathetically reported the plight of 23-year-old Australian Muslim university student Zeynab Alshelh this week after images emerged which purported to show her being harrassed on a French beach.


British titles including the Daily Telegraph, Sun, BBC, Mirror, and others reported Ms. Alshelh had been “chased off” the beach, while she and her family were “met with abuse”.


Yet calls for the young Muslim activist to issue an apology to France for her deliberately provocative stunt are growing after claims that the anger of those on the beach wasn’t directed at the woman’s attire — but at the presence of television cameras, in clear breach of French privacy laws.




  • 2 months later...

izgleda da je karl marks u kog se šabanerija kune ipak pravilno razumeo islam :fantom:


The Koran and the Mussulman legislation emanating from it reduce the geography and ethnography of the various people to the simple and convenient distinction of two nations and of two countries; those of the Faithful and of the Infidels. The Infidel is “harby,” i.e. the enemy. Islamism proscribes the nation of the Infidels, constituting a state of permanent hostility between the Mussulman and the unbeliever.



Terror gang was set to hit Paris on Dec 1


Paris (AFP) – A jihadist terror ring was planning to attack Paris on December 1 and had researched sites including a Christmas market and Disneyland outside the capital as potential targets, a police source said Thursday.


    Seven suspects were arrested in police raids last weekend in the eastern city of Strasbourg and Marseille in the south following an eight-month investigation by security services, although two were later released.


    The source said investigators found the suspects had made internet searches on sites including the Christmas market on the prestigious Champs-Elysees avenue, the Disneyland Paris theme park, cafe terraces in the northeast of the capital, the Paris criminal police headquarters and a metro station.


Edited by Hella

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