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Liga Šampiona 2015/2016, 16/17...


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The format for the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League for 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21 have been confirmed, with no changes to the compettions system but a new procedure for entries.




  • The UEFA Europa League winners will automatically qualify for the UEFA Champions League group stage (currently they can potentially take part in a play-off round).
  • The top four clubs from the four top-ranked national associations will now qualify automatically for the group stage of the UEFA Champions League.
  • The full details of the access list for both competitions will be finalised by the end of the year.
  • A new system for the club coefficients: clubs will be judged on their own records (deletion of the country share for individual club coefficient unless that coefficient is lower than 20% of the association's coefficient).
  • Historical success in the competition will also be acknowledged in coefficient calculation (points for previous European titles with a weighted system for UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League titles)
  • Financial distribution to clubs will be increased significantly for both competitions.
  • A new four-pillar financial distribution system (starting fee, performance in the competition, individual club coefficient and market pool) will see sporting performances better rewarded, while market pool share will decrease.

What doesn't change

  • Retention of Champions and League route of qualifying in the UEFA Champions League, ensuring that clubs from all associations can enter through their domestic leagues and qualify for both competitions.
  • The UEFA Champions League will continue to have a 32-team group stage leading to a 16-club knockout phase. Similarly the UEFA Europa League remains at 48 teams.
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Neka lepo  zatvore takmicenje, nazovu ga Super Rich League by Ceresit i mecevi da se igraju po Azijama i Amerikama. Recimo grupna faza u Kataru, ujedno i priprema za WC, a nokaut faza neka menja gradove, pa moze osmina u Pekingu, pa malo SAD, Tokio, Afrika.  

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Zar je uopšte bilo sumnje da će jedna korumpirana organizacija učiniti nešto što će popularizovati fudbal umesto što će ga uništiti?

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Podrzavam bilo kakvu promenu. Ovakva liga sampiona mi je ekstremno dosadna- prvi zanimljiv mec bude u 1\4 finalu.


Nadam se da ce i peti klub iz Engleske i Spanije igrati kvalifikacije za CL.

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Realno, Zvezda ce se kvalifikovati nikad :D


Jbg, ovo je bezveze, ali potpuno ocekivano. U ne toliko dalekoj buducnosti bice vjerovatno neko poluzatvoreno takmicenje. 

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Ne vidim neku razliku. Lazna Liga Sampiona ostaje lazna. Ovo je samo nastavak onoga kad su uveli da i vicesampioni mogu da igraju, sad se samo nadovezuje.


Matematika je prosta: sto vise utakmica -> svaka utakmica nosi manju draz. Da citiram hazarda sa teme o formatu EP, pravilo je da kod ovakvih takmicenja less means more. Iz ove perspektive postaje narocito vidljivo koliko je superioran bio sistem sa tri evropska takmicenja, gde u Evropu idu samo sampioni, osvajaci kupa (KPK) i vicesampioni (kup UEFA).


Ali koga briga za ono sto predstavlja draz za nas fudbalske sladokusce i romanticare, nema to nikakve veze sa korupcijom vec sa drugacijim prioritetima. Gledalaca hvala bogu ima sirom planete, za UEFU je cela prica jedan neprekinuti niz sve vecih uspeha.

Edited by IndridCold
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Neophodno je treće takmičenje. Ovo su minimalne promene, a ono što nije navedeno je da li će i dalje postojati šampionska i nešampionska ruta kvalifikacija. Kvalifikacije su za 6 mesta, ostaje da se vidi sistem.

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Neophodno je treće takmičenje.


Mogu ja?


Da se prosiri Liga Evrope na jos po deset ekipa iz lige petice (full inkluzija) i da se uvede trece takmicenje za one najvece i beznadezne luzere iz zone ispadanja (jer nije posteno da i oni ne ucestvuju u srkanju evropskog novca kad vec mogu, a i navijacima bi znacilo). Zvalo bi se UEFA Special Shield i igralo bi se u 4 grupe po 16 timova, pa onda sesnaestina finala i tako sve do finala.

Edited by IndridCold
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