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Premier League 15/16


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lol žoze :fantom:


I onda je Pep stigao u PL...


Što se Murinjo picnuo i obrijao za potpisivanje ugovora...


Ameri ne trpe tu kezual neurednost kao npr. Frankovi ili npr. pijani Rusi :fantom:

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After months of whispers and second-guessing, it was today officially announced that the Portuguese manager has signed a contract to restore one of the great clubs of English football to where fans believe it belongs. We are talking, of course, about Carlos Carvalhal :D who has given Sheffield Wednesday supporters a mighty fillip by revealing that he has agreed to remain at the club for the next three years and continue the exciting work that he started last June, when he arrived at Hillsborough to be told that the broken sink was just down the corridor, second door on the left. After explaining that he was not some passing plumber but actually the new manager, Carvalhal set about building a slick team – and now everyone knows who he is.

“I want to stay at clubs where people are happy with me and where I am happy also,” explained Carvalhal, whose pursuit of happiness is so thorough that he has led 15 clubs in the last 17 years. “Being happy is the people around you enjoying what you are doing,” he continued. “If they are I can stay here 10 years. If they aren’t it will be different for me.” On Saturday there is only one way for Wednesday’s children not to be full of woe: Carvalhal’s team must beat Hull City in the Championship play-off final to hoist the club back to the top flight for the first time since 2000.

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puna podrska za biliceve ceklcare koji ce sledece sezone biti novi lester, mmw


Oni su ove godine bili svoj Lester. Nisam siguran da ce moci da prebace ovogodisnji rezultat s obzirom na sve, eventualno ako dovedu Lakazeta i jednog odlicnog stopera, ali igrali su na gornjoj granici mogucnosti ove sezone.


189, sta se prica za Azara, da li ide ili ostaje? Nekako mi to ne deluje kao nesto sto se resava usred prelaznog roka, trebalo bi da se vec zna odmah.

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Ako ostane Payet (ne verujem) i dođe Lacazette (možda ali isto ne verujem), WHU je siguran u prvih 6 a vrlo verovatan u prvih 4.

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I ja bih rekao da će teško bilić prebaciti ovogodišnji rezultat. A i potcenjujete koliko je zapravo jaka naša liga, ne mogu svi u top 4 (kad otpišemo siti i tot, što je očigledana stvar, ostaje još samo 2 mesta na toliko pretendenata)

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Sve više legendi diže glas protiv ovog ludila! :Hail:




Louis van Gaal exit disappointing for Man United youngsters - Jonny Evans


Former Manchester United defender Jonny Evans says Louis van Gaal's departure will be disappointing for the club's young players.

Van Gaal left on Monday, paving the way for Jose Mourinho to take charge, although the new managerial appointment is yet to be confirmed.
Van Gaal allowed Evans to leave for West Bromwich Albion last summer, but the Northern Ireland defender still spoke warmly about the Dutchman.
Evans told Sky Sports: "I'm pleased for Van Gaal that he won the FA Cup. I think he's a very good coach and I was pleased to see his team win something.
"A lot of players will be sad to see him leave in a way, especially the younger players. He's brought a lot of younger players into the squad and given them opportunities. He was very brave and very good at doing that."



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Gde će Lukaku?

Šatro u Čelsi.


Bilo bi ekstra kada bi Murinjo umesto Žbunokosog instalirao Williana, trebalo bi da može da ga dobije za 20-25m.

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A sta kaze Azar na to, hoce li opet da se vucara kao prebijena macka ili planira da nesto i odigra sledece sezone?


Pominje li se nesto za Matica? Jeste da nije bio u formi kao prosle sezone, ali jebeni Dzon Obi Mikel mu je zauzeo mesto u drugom delu sezone, izlapele li holandske drtine 2.0.

Edited by Malvo
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Matić, Willian in.


Carrick, Fellaini out.


To ti je već renesansa fudbala. Dodati još štopera i špica i biće djavolja žurka svakog vikenda na topiku.

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Svašta je igrao i 3-5-2 i 4-4-2 i sa jednim napadačem, doduše ređe.


Belgijanac bi bio dobra opcija za vezni red, pitanje je samo cene. Možda je malo previše za nekoga ko treba da se bori za mesto startera.




Belgijanac™ moze da useta u prvih 11 bilo kojeg tima na svetu. Dobro, ne bi mogao u Barcelonu i Pepov midzit cirkus, al to ne menja sustinu.

Ko potcenjuje Radju trebalo bi malo vise fudbala da gleda.

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A sta kaze Azar na to, hoce li opet da se vucara kao prebijena macka ili planira da nesto i odigra sledece sezone?


Pominje li se nesto za Matica? Jeste da nije bio u formi kao prosle sezone, ali jebeni Dzon Obi Mikel mu je zauzeo mesto u drugom delu sezone, izlapele li holandske drtine 2.0.




gde bi uopste i isao. jedino ga vidim u realu za godinu-dve. sve zavisi kako se odvija situacija u chelsea. u barceloni tu je neymar a premier ligasi i bayern ga ne mogu kupiti.


valjda je matic jedna od mourinhovih zelja. on da ode a da dodje nainggolan, ja bih bio zadovoljan.

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