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Fantasy PL: група за самопомоћ

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Rekao Fei da čipove koristi isključivo kad bude igrao sa Malkinom :)


pffff, ne sme ovde da se javno pojavi, nego šalje druge da prenose njegove pretnje. :fantom:

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5 čipova:

- 2 wildcarda

- 3 one zanimacije severno od terena


Sve može da se iskoristi po jednom u sezoni i ne može dve magije u istom gw-u. WC po jedan za oba dela sezone.



EDIT: Napravio PPP Brod, javljajte se za kod.

Edited by Gylfi Pleasure
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ja od gw38 ništa nisam pratio. ne znam ni ko gde igra ni ko je koga kupio ni kad počinje sezona ni ništa.

i onda vidim da su onu sjajnu, jednostavnu igru upropastili cirkuskim veštačkim pravilima. i da Aguero košta 13 miliona.

biće ovo najgora sezona ikada, mmw.

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Mislio sam da je jasno šta su zanimacije ako si spravio bar template tim pošto su mene odmah isprepadale, izgleda da nisi. Ono je bilo najsažetije moguće.


čip=magija=zanimacija  :fantom:


Ako moze na srpskom




Chips can be used to potentially enhance your team's performance during the season.

Only one chip can be played in a single Gameweek.

The chips available are as follows:


All Out Attack   Allows you to play a 2-5-3 formation in the next Gameweek.

Bench Boost   The points scored by your bench players in the next Gameweek are included in your total.

Triple Captain   Your captain points are tripled instead of doubled in the next Gameweek.

Wildcard   All transfers (including those already made) in the Gameweek are free of charge.


The All Out Attack, Bench Boost and Triple Captain chips can each be used once a season and are played when saving your team on the my team page. They can be cancelled at anytime before the Gameweek deadline.


The Wildcard chip can be used twice a season, once in the first half of the season (before 28 Dec 14:00) and once in the second half of the season. The Wildcard chip is played when confirming transfers that cost points and can't be cancelled once played.

Edited by Gylfi Pleasure
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Sad procitah,cekaj,ako dobro razumem,ova tri prva cipa mozes da koristis 1 u sezoni?


Kad se planira pravljenje Lige 1?

Edited by Bogotac
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