January 14, 20169 yr kako biste nazvali likove koji kažu ej treba nam kulturno obogaćivanje daj da uvezemo stotine hiljada nepismenih likova iz kojekakvih vukojebina koji nemaju pojma o osnovama rodne ravnopravnosti i slobode govora a i boli ih zagorela ona stvar šta glupi ćafiri misle o tome Police said they have detained migrants in three more cases - one of which was traced to an asylum centre. It comes as legal programmes have been launched for migrants, addressing areas of sexual equality and freedom of speech. The classes, launched in Bavaria, are voluntary, and officials say they were planned before widespread assaults on women were revealed. naravno tako bistroj ekipi će od 100 ovakvih vesti uvek biti zanimljivija 1 glupava karikatura Three teenagers aged 15 from Syria have been arrested for rape after a 17-year-old girl was attacked in a public swimming pool in Munich on Saturday. The trio allegedly surrounded the teen, with one of the boys groping her under her swimming costume and penetrating her, making the sex attack rape under German law. The girl's sister was also allegedly groped before they managed to flee to a lifeguard who called the police. Because the asylum seekers were only 15, they were not remanded in custody and were released, and will be prosecuted under juvenile law. Officers have also made an arrest for rape and attempted murder after a 24-year-old woman was attacked on Christmas Eve. The alleged attacker, aged 20 from Morocco, was traced to an asylum seeker centre. During the attack outside a cemetery in Gelsenkirchen the woman was approached from behind and beaten unconscious before being dragged into a cemetery and raped. http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/633850/Syrian-Emerge-attacks-Germany-Cologne-NYE-Merkel Edited January 14, 20169 yr by Hella
January 14, 20169 yr dajdžestiraj čoveče jel ti misliš da radni narod ima vremena da se upušta u ovakve čaršave
January 14, 20169 yr dajdžestiraj čoveče jel ti misliš da radni narod ima vremena da se upušta u ovakve čaršave
January 14, 20169 yr na švedsku više ne vredi trošiti reči jer je teško pronaći bolji primer političke korektnosti podivljale do bezumne suicidnosti 110% +1 Svetcka bi mogla da bude svoja tema na ovom forumu. Mrze dance jer nece da uvedu 'ono' za decu umesto ona I on. Usput u danskoj se slatkisi u vrticu dele I sa decacima. U swe ne bas svuda zbog kaznjavanja za muske grehove tokom poslednjih vekova.
January 15, 20169 yr Francuska lijevica (Clémentine Autain je izabrana na listi Mélenchon-a za evropski parlament)
January 15, 20169 yr Htela je da poentra da nije islam kriv za sva silovanja u istoriji Nemačke, ne razumete dubinu njene misli.
January 15, 20169 yr Ne znam sta tacno pise gore, ali stav iz poslednjeg posta iznosi i Die Zeit u poslednjem broju. U tekstu zene koja je bila napadnuta za Novu godinu u Hamburgu.
February 12, 20169 yr obama poslao špijuna da dokusuri eu Heartthrob Clooney hopes to charm Merkel over refugees Published: 11 Feb 2016 17:31 GMT+01:00George Clooney said he would meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and asylum-seekers about Europe's refugee crisis as he opened the Berlin film festival Thursday. http://www.thelocal.de/20160211/heartthrob-clooney-hopes-to-charm-merkel-over-refugees
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