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Meni Hamburg fenomanal grad gde bi rado zivela. Nekako se tamo osecam kao u Beogradu (ono lepo sto mi se svidja u Bg).


Zavidim :)


hamburg je ćaća. jedino je klima zakurac.


hamburg je ćaća. jedino je klima zakurac.



I celo to severnonemacko primorje ima nesto, jebemliga, svidja mi se.


i klima je u hamburgu super. u prolece. minimum dve nedelje.


i klima je u hamburgu super. u prolece. minimum dve nedelje.


znaci stvarno lici na beograd. dobro, u beogradu ima i dve nedelje u ranu jesen.


Klima je super maksimum dve nedelje. Svaki put sam se tamo smrzo ko dupe.


al ima para, sta god to znacilo... pare greju kosti a dusu im prosti.




...poslato sa prinudnog...

  • 2 weeks later...

Zanimljivo kako se bez pogovora veruje u to da Amerika sestim culom izaziva revoluciju u Ukrajini ili arapsko prolece ali kada se pomene ovako nesto onda se to a priori odbacuje.


imamo viktoriju nuland koja je sračunala 5B$ uloženih u rad sa ukrajinskom elitom tokom zadnje 2 decenije, imamo deljenje kolačića i otvorenu podršku jednoj od strana, imamo imperativno biranje poželjnih političara (yats + fuck the eu). to ovako of the top of my head.
sad, rusi su sa svoje strane slično kuvali u ua.
no ove pobrojane tačke još ne videsmo u usa.
da li su globalizovani ruski mediji (rt pre svega, u zadnje vreme možda i sputnjik ali je to mnogo niži nivo) deo nekakvog širenja ruskog, proruskog narativa - da.
ostaje pitanje zašto bez nekih uloženih para u kupovinu elita, uticaja, ovoga ili onoga, takav narativ ima plodno tlo? e to je pitanje kojim treba da se pozabave zapadne elite. njihovo (ne)činjenje je napravilo prostor u kojem se može za sitnu kintu ili bez kinte prodati neka priča

Losing the propaganda war
December 10, 2016

The Western world, we are told, is subject to a steady stream of ‘Russian propaganda’. Perhaps this is true, but if so it is but a drop in the ocean of overall media content, the overwhelming majority of which is fiercely anti-Russian. Let us see what the English-language press had to say about Russia this week.

Atlantic magazine has just issued a new article entitled ‘Russia and the Threat to Liberal Democracy’. In this, author Larry Diamond explains how ‘Putin’s regime has been embarked for some years now on an opportunistic but sophisticated campaign to sabotage democracy’ and ‘We stand now at the most dangerous moment for liberal democracy since the end of World War II’.

‘CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election’, says The Guardian, citing the Washington Post and New York Times. Apparently, ‘A secret CIA assessment found that Russian operatives covertly interfered in the election campaign in an attempt to ensure the Republican candidate’s victory’, and ‘intelligence officials had a “high confidence” that Russia was involved in hacking related to the election’.

Building on this last story, the Guardian claims also that ‘Russian involvement in US vote raises fears for European elections.’  This follows a statement this week by the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, Alex Younger, in which he ‘said cyber-attacks, propaganda and subversion from hostile states pose a “fundamental threat” to European democracies, including the UK. … Younger did not specifically name Russia but left no doubt that this was the target of his remarks.’ The Guardian says that, ‘there will be speculation that Younger was basing his statements, in part, on suspicions of Russian meddling in Britain’s Brexit referendum campaign. …  Any evidence of direct or indirect Russian interference in the British referendum campaign would be politically explosive.’

The Daily Express picks up on the alleged Russian threat to European elections. ‘RUSSIA TO DESTROY MERKEL’, its headline today reads in capital letters, with a subtitle saying ‘US official discovers intelligence of takedown plot.’  The article proceeds to tell us that, ‘RUSSIA has launched a cyber campaign to take down Angela Merkel and promote far-right groups in the upcoming German elections. … A US official familiar with the investigation says that Vladimir Putin will continue to wreak havoc.’

On a separate subject,  a report issued this week by Richard Maclaren on behalf of the World Anti-Doping Agency says that, ‘More than 1,000 Russians – including Olympic medallists – benefited from a state-sponsored doping programme between 2011 and 2015’. ‘It was a cover-up that evolved from uncontrolled chaos to an institutionalised and disciplined medal-winning conspiracy,’ claims McLaren.

As Syrian forces, with Russian help, recaptured most of Aleppo, Western politicians and the press lined up this week to accuse Russia and Syria of various atrocities. In a joint statement, the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada demanded a ceasefire in Aleppo and said: ‘We condemn the actions of the Syrian regime and its foreign backers, especially Russia, for their obstruction of humanitarian aid.’ The statement added ‘that hospitals and schools appeared to have been targeted “in an attempt to wear people down”.’ Western media outlets repeated claims of the ‘president of Aleppo city council’ that ‘Today 150,000 people are threatened with extermination’, and parsing Tacitus, MI6 chief Alex Younger complained that, ‘In Aleppo, Russia and the Syrian regime seek to make a desert and call it peace.’

Bear in mind that this is just one week’s stories. The consumers of Western media are subjected to similar output week after week. The oft-stated claim that ‘Russia is winning the information war’ is rather naïve. It is losing it badly.

Posted (edited)


Edited by Prospero



da li su globalizovani ruski mediji (rt pre svega, u zadnje vreme možda i sputnjik ali je to mnogo niži nivo) deo nekakvog širenja ruskog, proruskog narativa - da.



Sputnjik je smesan koliko je providan, bar ovaj srpski.


RT imam utisak da je nazadovao, bar online izdanje (TV nemam vise). Na samom pocetku je RT imao suvise teorija zavere i sl. (pokupili raznorazne Amere i Engleze koji su bili previse wacko za "svoj" medijski mainstream) a onda su iskulirali sa tim i uozbiljili se. Medjutim u poslednje vreme sajt kao da im se pretvorio pola u clickbait, bombasticni naslovi, clanci koji se kao bave ozbiljnim vestima su puni loseg giffy humora, i slicno. Ne znam, mozda su tako izracunili da su vise "viral" ali je utisak ozbiljnosti dosta opao. Citao sam pre vesti preko njihove aplikacije za tel., sad sam prestao jer mi to smeta. 

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