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plašim se da će se evropski radni narod pobuniti protiv ograničavanja slobode govora i da će umesto dosadašnjih oštrih osuda i snažnih apela posegnuti za manje demokratskim sredstvima radi neophodne odbrane suvereniteta i teritrijalnog integriteta :fantom:

A retired media boss at a major German state broadcaster has admitted his network and others take orders from the government on what — and what not — to report.

National public service broadcaster Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), which was recently forced into a humiliating apology for their silence on migrant violence and sex assault is being drawn into a fresh scandal after one of their former bureau chiefs admitted the company takes orders from the government on what it reports. He said journalists received instructions to write news that would be “to Ms. Merkel’s liking”.



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izgleda da će kulturno bogatstvo doneti još mnogo bogatstva npr bogatstva obogaćenim uranijem :fantom:


Report: Germany to require citizens to stockpile supplies in case of catastrophe


A civil defense plan to be debated by the cabinet would require citizens to stockpile supplies in case of a catastrophe. The plan says people should prepare for an unlikely event that "could threaten our existence."



For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to encourage its citizens to prepare for a catastrophe or armed attack by stockpiling food, water and other supplies, the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung" reported on Sunday.


Citing the government's "Concept for Civil Defense" paper to be discussed by the cabinet on Wednesday, the government will require people to stock 10 days worth of food and five days of worth of drinking water.

The civil defense strategy would require citizens to have a sufficient supply of food, water, energy, money and medicine to wait out a period until the state would be able to initiate a response to a catastrophe or attack.

A spokesperson from the interior ministry declined to comment on the contents of the paper until a Wednesday press conference.


The 69-page report said an armed attack on Germany was unlikely. However, as a precaution people should "prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future," FAS quoted the report as saying.


The civil defense strategy was originally commission by a parliamentary committee in 2012, but its release comes amid a raft of new security measures in the country.

cw/rc (AFP, dpa, Reuters)






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CDU zakiva u kampanji u Berlinu:


vise policije i vise kamera:







ali to nije dosta, na kraju cherry on the top: vise policijskih pasa  :frust:



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Šta je sporno u kampanji CDU?


Pa sporno je to sto partija koja je Berlin uvalila u dug veci od stete od saveznickog bombardovanja nema nista drugo da kaze osim "vise policijskih pasa!"

A kad ih AfD ojadi na izborima, razmislice valjda malo i sami o tome. Plakati im se u medjuvremenu ionako razlikuju samo po imenu stranke.

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