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2 hours ago, Ayatollah said:


Nismo mi dobri, a oni zli, nego mi ne propagiramo i podstičemo organizovano ovakve napade kao metod borbe još od IRA-e i Crvenih brigada, a oni još uvek imaju znatan i veoma glasan deo svoje društvene grupe koji to propagira i dosta njih koji to zaista i organizuje i radi. U našim (zapadnim) društvima su ovakvi događaji obično posledica psihičkog stanja pojedinca koji je to uradio, kao što su kod nas primeri Kosta Kecmanović ili Uroš Blažić, a ne nekog prihvaćenog metoda borbe. Kada su IRA i Crvene brigade raznosile ljude i vršile atentate sedamdesetih, niko nije pričao da su njihovi pripadnici oboleli, jer je bilo vrlo jasno da nisu bili oboleli. Kada danas izraelska avijacija sravni ceo blok zgrada u Gazi ili Libanu, niko za Bibija i izraelske generale ne priča da su oboleli, jer je i za njih jasno da nisu oboleli.


Bibi nije oboleo, ali nije ni terorista. Ni Asad nije oboleo, ali jeste terorista. Neko ko se zaleti kolima u masu je isto terorista pod uslovom da je verujući musliman. U suprotnom je nemoguće da bi neko naš uradio nešto tako osim ako nije lud. Ja sam mislio da je pravda slepa, ali očigledno može malo da se viri i nađe opravdanje, naši™ imaju neki razlog (oboleli, na braniku slobodnog sveta...), njihovi su takvi, zli.


ovo je drugi slučaj da neko iz islamske države izvrši teroristicki napad iz ultradesnih pobuda. pre nekoliko godina je mladić iranskog porekla ubio 7 klinaca kod jednog soping centra u minhenu iz mržnje prema strancima. navukao ih je preko interneta da se nadju kod mcdonaldsa i onda ih pobio. 

meni je ovaj svezi slučaj WTF zbog toga sto je ubica uspeo da dođje autom do markta i punom brzinom uleti u ljude. posle napada u berlina pre nekoliko godina se u nemačkoj posebna pažnja davala bezbednosti marktova i rečeno je da će svaki biti obezbedjen da se ne može prici autom

4 hours ago, Ayatollah said:


Ja sam pročitao veliki pinovan thread od 13. i 14. avgusta na njegovom Twitter profilu, a i preleteo sam druge objave na profilu koliko sam mogao, jer je 80% objava na arapskom. Njegovi računi su uglavnom bili sa nemačkom državom, islamom i Saudijskom Arabijom, uglavnom vezani za tretman različitih izbeglica, pre svega žena. Jeste bio antiislamski nastrojen, ima čestitki ljudima koji su odlučili da napuste islam i slično. Nešto malo ima i o Siriji i Izraelu, deluje mi da je blago i antiizraelski nastrojen, ali ništa posebno. O nemačkoj unutrašnjoj politici ima vrlo malo, a i to što ima je prilično uopšteno i high-level, jer se pre svega bavi nemačkim državnim aparatom i nekom svojom pričom. Reći da je nekakav pro-AfD ili pro-bilo ko drugi je onako, i više nego nategnuto. 


Retweet lidera AfD-a uz komentar: levica je luda, treba nam AfD



"U narednim mesecima stupili u kontakt sa AfD-om radi osnivanja akademije za bivše muslimane"


"Ja i AfD se borimo protiv istog neprijatelja da bi štitili Nemačku"


  • +1 1

Kako se uopšte desi da "osveta će doći uskoro" i "nemački narod će platiti" na javnoj tabli prođe bez ikakve reakcije bezbednosnih agencija?

  • +1 3
Posted (edited)

Pored toga što je lik sam najavljivao da će napraviti sranje, izgleda da je neka žena iz inostranstva takođe pokušavala da upozori policiju na njega i nije joj uspelo.



Edited by vememah
  • Tužno 1

Bili su zauzeti konfiskovanjem peroreza starijoj ženi, bilo je u nekom ranijem postu

Posted (edited)

FT i Telegraf o napadaču:


Al-Abdulmohsen was an activist who publicly renounced Islam after leaving Saudi Arabia and created a website to help opponents of the regime in Riyadh — particularly women — flee the country and apply for asylum in Europe. His interviews and social media posts reveal him as a militant critic of Islam who nurtured sympathies for the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a far-right party fiercely opposed to Muslim immigration. In recent months he had become increasingly hostile to Germany, and critical of its strict hate speech laws which prohibit incitement against certain religious or ethnic groups. He gave extensive interviews to German newspapers about his activism in 2019, describing himself to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung as “the most aggressive critic of Islam in history”. “If you don’t believe me, ask the Arabs,” he said. “After 25 years in this business, you think nothing could surprise you any more,” wrote Peter Neumann, an expert in terrorism at King’s College, London, on X. “But a 50-year-old Saudi ex-Muslim who lives in East Germany, loves the AfD and wants to punish Germany for its tolerance towards Islamists — that really wasn’t on my radar.” In one of the 2019 interviews, he said he had “broken away” from Islam in 1997. “I found life in Saudi Arabia an ordeal, you have to pretend you’re a Muslim and follow all the rituals,” he said. “I knew I could no longer live in fear and when I realised that even anonymous activism would put my life in danger as a Saudi ex-Muslim, I applied for asylum.” In the other, he said he had written posts criticising Islam in an internet forum run by the jailed activist Raif Badawi and subsequently received threats to his life. “They wanted to ‘slaughter’ me if I ever returned to Saudi Arabia,” he said. “It wouldn’t have made any sense to expose myself to the risk of having to return and then be killed.” In recent months, he appeared to have moved away from activism and switched to railing against the German authorities, peddling conspiracy theories more often associated with the nationalist right. In some posts he alleged he was being censored and persecuted by the German authorities. In a post on X in November setting out the “demands of the Saudi liberal opposition” he called on Germany to “protect its borders against illegal immigration”.  “It has become evident that Germany’s open borders policy was [former chancellor Angela] Merkel’s plan to Islamise Europe,” he wrote. He also demanded Germany repeal sections of its penal code that he claims “limit . . . free speech” by “making it an offense [sic] to insult or belittle religious doctrines or practices”. His X profile features a machine gun and claims “Germany chases female Saudi asylum seekers, inside and outside Germany, to destroy their lives”. In an interview earlier this month on an anti-Islam blog he accused the German authorities of carrying out a covert operation to hunt down Saudi ex-Muslims while granting asylum to Syrian jihadis. In recent months his messages took on an increasingly threatening tone. “I assure you: if Germany wants war, we’ll have one,” he wrote on X in August. “If Germany wants to kills us, we’ll massacre them, die or go with pride to prison.”




Nora Abdulkarim, a Harvard-based scholar of Saudi feminism who met Abdulmohsen in 2017, said at the time he should be avoided because he had “issues” and that “there is something wrong with his mind”.

Ms Abdulkarim said on Saturday that she believed the grievance Abdulmohsen referred to in his last messages related to a legal dispute with a charity for atheist refugees that he had accused of taking advantage of Saudi women.

“I first encountered Taleb in 2017 while looking into the case of Saudi asylum-seeker, Dina Ali Lasaloom. En route to Australia, she was stopped in transit in Manila, Philippines, and forcibly returned home on April 11, 2017,” she said.

“From the Dina Ali case, I wasn’t comfortable with Taleb’s ‘style’, shall we say. I noted ego, paranoia, aggressiveness, unclear and at times suspicious access to information, questionable ethics in terms of activist methods, and emotional instability.”

The Saudi Arabian authorities also reportedly warned the German security services three times about Abulmohsen, although it it is unclear what was contained in the warnings.




According to the BBC, the Saudi government sent four “note verbale” warnings to Berlin over the doctor, who worked as a psychiatrist in the town of Bernburg just south of Magdeburg.

Three were sent to police and one to the foreign ministry.

In December 2023, police received a separate complaint after Abdulmohsen threatened on social media to make Germany “pay a price” for its alleged persecution of Saudi refugees.

Local and federal police investigated but concluded that he posed “no specific danger,” the German newspaper Die Welt reported, citing security sources.



Špigl o vezama s AfD-om - ništa konkretno sem međusobnog praćenja i retvitovanja. Lik je inače imao skoro 50 hiljada pratilaca na Tviteru.


The alleged perpetrator A. is obviously a fan of the AfD, according to an analysis of several of his social media accounts by SPIEGEL. Eight years ago, he wrote on Twitter that he wanted to start a project together with the AfD: an academy for ex-Muslims. When asked by another user why he was planning to do this with the AfD of all people, he replied: “Who else is fighting Islam in Germany?” He obviously held this opinion to the end. This June, he retweeted party leader Alice Weidel, writing with typos: “The left are crazy. We need AFD to protect the police from them.” He also addressed the best-known head of the far-right “Identitarian Movement”, Martin Sellner, in tweets at the time. He also retweeted the far-right AfD-affiliated activist Naomi Seibt with the following quote in English: “Tyranny is based on the docility of cowards. I choose to be brave.”
There is a lot of other content that can also be found on accounts from the AfD environment. For example, he posted a photomontage of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel holding a sign with the words “I destroyed Europe”. Or of lateral thinker activist and lawyer Markus Haintz. Or videos in which French right-wing extremists call for “remigration” and “Islam out of Europe” - and they are called “patriots”. And some in the AfD also seem to find him interesting. Several well-known AfD officials and their youth organization “Junge Alternative” followed him.

https://www.tickaroo.com/e/FCixsWpU7UJ88OTr (prevod: Deepl)

Edited by vememah
2 hours ago, vememah said:

FT i Telegraf o napadaču:







Špigl o vezama s AfD-om - ništa konkretno sem međusobnog praćenja i retvitovanja. Lik je inače imao skoro 50 hiljada pratilaca na Tviteru.

https://www.tickaroo.com/e/FCixsWpU7UJ88OTr (prevod: Deepl)


dobro je i ovo kako neka zena primeti jos 2017te da je lik procukao, ali za Nemce je on dobar da im radi kao psihijatar. Toliko o kontroli lekara.

Posted (edited)



that he is "not an ex-Muslim atheist, nor is he a fan of the AfD or Elon Musk" There were 2016 posts proving the opposite, before Elon Musk deleted them.



Edited by vememah

Elon baš ne zna kako radi X. U stvari zna al se nada da onih 700-800  "miroljubivih levičara koje je woke kultura nazvala fašistima" a koja je demonstirala juče i uzvikivala "Nemačka nemcima" ne zna.


Očekivano, zato sam i uradio screenshot juče.


Ne znam za Shitter, ali Elon vrlo dobro zna kako funkcioniše ljudski mozak. Sad će i on i Višegrad 24 da postuje do ludila da je još jedan islamističke terorista ubijao decu i to će kod većine ljudi proći.


Neće proći, u ovom slučaju je sočnija stvarnost (pro-izraelski anti-islamista doktor kvrcnuo pa napao nemačke hrišćane, lol) nego izmišljotina (još jedan muslimanski terorista, yawn).



On 20.12.2024. at 18:13, garmonbozia said:

afd su poprilično tolerantni i ne prave razlike


...među migrantima, sve će ih deportovati






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