radisa Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 Just now, Mel said: Ako su vec zatvorili anyhow tunel na 4 nedelje, koliko im ustvari treba da zamene te ventilatore? Za zamenu 1 dan, za proceduru 6 meseci... 2
Mel Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 12 minutes ago, radisa said: Za zamenu 1 dan, za proceduru 6 meseci... Ja sam za nesto slicno ovome gde je procedura bukvalno 6 meseci a druge firme rade za par nedelja ili i dan (primer od juce) odustala vec i da pricam klijentu. I evo nema pola sata, jedan moj kolega na nekom sastanku ponavlja ta opsta mesta i kaze ali to vec uostalom sigurno svi i znate. Pa da, znamo. Jedino ne znam(o) jel u pitanju neka politika iza koju mi ne znamo ili prosto haos i pingpong medju timovima.
burekdzija Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 28 minutes ago, x500 said: Mislim da nije problem znak kao takav, vec da se organizuje koridor za tranzit. Set znakova koji ce dovoljno rano da preusmere teska vozila na alternativni pravac. Ako se stavi znak ispred ulaza u tunel, dodje tesko vozilo i onda sta - rikverz ili U-turn Razmsljas kao Nemac Stavise u tekstu cak pise da su prvo planirali zaista da naprave i obeleze tranzit za kamione i autobuse. Pa su od toga odustali. Jer je tesko. A posto je tunel i sada zatvoren (za SVE), a tranzit ne postoji, do resenja se doslo metodom crva nije ni bilo. 1
Baldrick S. Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 Nije to ništa sa tunelom. Tja. Berlinski senat mora da skrese budget za sledeću godinu za 3 milijardi evra. Ko će sve da najebe čitajte u spoileru jer je dugačak tekst. Spoiler TRAFFIC: Around 660 million euros are to be cut from the budget of the Senate Department for Mobility, Transport and the Environment alone. That is around 18.5 percent of the budget - the largest single item in the savings. The 29-euro ticket for public transport, which has only been in circulation since July, will be completely abolished again, although probably not until 2025. However, the CDU and SPD would have had to weigh up the benefits of this ticket and the free student ticket for over 300,000 children, free school meals and daycare, the Senate justified the move on Tuesday. The social ticket will no longer cost 9 euros per month but 19 euros. At least 100 million euros less will be available in the future for public transport in the city centre and new construction projects . According to the coalition's current considerations, the state subsidy to the BVG for the purchase of electric buses will be completely eliminated. This amounts to approximately 100 million euros. The BVG's previous plan to convert the bus fleet to electric drive by 2030 is therefore likely to be over. addition, funds intended for a planned extension of the tram from Alexanderplatz to the Kulturforum and from Johannisthal to Gropiusstadt will be cut. For measures to improve cycling , the subsidy will be almost halved, and other items such as the funding of a public bike rental system , still operated by the provider Nextbike, and a cargo bike funding program will be completely eliminated. Expenditure on improving the bicycle infrastructure will also be cut by 2.5 million euros, from 6.5 million. Expenditure on improving road safety will be halved, and four million will be cut from noise reduction on roads . The Senate is also cutting back on road construction: for example, construction work on the B96 / Tempelhofer Damm from Platz der Luftbrücke to Borussiastraße in Tempelhof-Schöneberg is affected; the two million euros will be completely cut. The costs for the renovation of Torstrasse between Chausseestrasse and Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse in Mitte will be halved , in addition to further road construction works and bridge construction projects . ENVIRONMENT: Around 20 million euros are to be cut from the BENE II climate protection programme . The state wants to reduce the subsidy to water companies in order to implement water protection measures . A mixed forest program in Berlin's forests will be cut by 400,000 euros from 1.8 million euros, and the Senate will provide almost a third less money for the maintenance of Berlin's forests . A conversion of the Kreuzberg Prinzenbad to climate-neutral energy supply is off the table; the Senate is cutting 2 million euros for it. The state-owned company Grün Berlin will also have to make do with significantly less money; 10 million euros will be missing from investments in parks. Grün Berlin will have to save 5 million euros in running costs, with cuts being made in particular at the renovated Spreepark . HOME AFFAIRS, EDUCATION & SOCIAL In contrast, the Senate Departments for the Interior and Sport of Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) and the department of Social Affairs and Labor Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) are getting off relatively lightly. Here, the savings are significantly lower than the ten percent originally planned for all departments. Nevertheless, there will be noticeable cuts here too. The Interior Ministry must plan less money for vehicles and technology for fire services and civil protection . Funds for a new fireboat (savings of 1.3 million euros) are completely eliminated. Investments in swimming pools operated by bathing companies as well as in the school and sports facility renovation program will also be cut. The budget for independent youth work will be cut by 7 million euros from 41 million euros. The subsidy for the maintenance of the land and buildings of independent youth welfare services will be almost halved to around 300,000 euros. Pregnancy counseling centers, family and vocational training measures , hospital accommodation for the homeless and the outpatient clinic at Berlin Zoo Station are also affected by proportionally larger cuts. The so-called hotspot allowance for teachers, totaling 3.24 million euros, will be completely abolished. Until now, teachers who worked at schools with a particularly high proportion of students from low-income families and without German as their mother tongue received the allowance of 300 euros per month. The Senate is cutting the expansion of daycare centers by 14 million euros, according to its own information, because the need for additional places has decreased. Foregoing the construction of two new primary schools : 95.6 million euros. This affects Heinersdorfer Straße in the new Blankenburger Süden residential area in Pankow and Rue Racine in the Cité Foch in Reinickendorf. The subsidies to the student union are falling by 7.5 million euros, from 22.4 million euros previously. The " quality and innovation offensive at universities " is being cut from almost 5.6 million euros to around 1 million euros. The "Berlin School of Public Health", a joint teaching and research platform of three Berlin universities to train young scientists in public health (e.g. epidemiology), will no longer receive any subsidies at all. 400,000 euros will be cut. The Solidarity Basic Income project will save 2.8 million euros. CULTURE In total, Berlin's culture sector will lose around 130 million euros, about 12 percent of its budget. The Deutsches Theater has to save 3 million euros out of its budget of almost 30 million euros, the Volksbühne 2 million out of 24.3 million, the Schaubühne 1.8 million out of 23 million euros and the Berliner Ensemble 1.75 million out of almost 21 million euros. The Opera Foundation has to cut around 15 million euros from its budget of 170 million euros. The Komische Oper will not receive any funds from the Senate for the planned renovation in 2025 ; the cost is 10 million euros. Funding for artists' work spaces will be halved, which means around 12 million euros less. In the independent scene, 520,000 euros will be cut from 2.2 million euros for theater and dance. The funds for the free museum Sunday once a month amounting to two million euros will be cut. Grants for music festivals will be significantly reduced, falling by 600,000 euros. So far, the total item "Music, festivals and club culture" has totaled 1.6 million euros. The so-called Diversity Fund will be completely stripped of the Senate's funds, which is 500,000 euros. It was set up with the aim of promoting local diversity in Berlin's cultural sector and supporting people whose artistic perspectives have so far been poorly represented in the cultural sector. The Foundation for Cultural Further Education and Cultural Advice also clearly has no future; it will lose most of its funding and is to be wound up. The Senate is cutting 1.07 million euros in subsidies for the controversial "Oyoun" cultural center on Lucy-Lameck-Straße in Neukölln next year. The operators had already failed in their application for funding for 2024 before the Berlin Administrative Court. DIGITALIZATION AND RESEARCH The area of administrative digitization is expected to see a major cut in the budget : more than 70 million are to be saved here, which would be almost 22 percent of the budget. For example, halving the funds for electronic files by 20 million euros is a major savings item alongside other reduced approaches in the area of information and communication technology, such as IT security. The broadband expansion funding program will be cut by 4.5 million euros and the digital premium funding program by 3 million euros. The Senate is reducing the funds for the university construction investment pact from 5 million euros to 3 million euros. The Charité will now receive 8.5 million euros for the renewal of its technical infrastructure instead of the previously planned 17.3 million euros. Research institutions such as the Institute for Applied Research (IFAF) Berlin will receive 2.4 million euros less in grants, and the Weizenbaum Institute for Digitalization Research will receive 1.5 million euros less. BUSINESS: Savings are to be made in street cleaning (5 million). Berlin city marketing will also be cut: Economics Senator Franziska Giffey has to budget 5.6 million euros less for advertising to tourists. The state-owned tourism agency Visit Berlin will receive 1 million less, as will the economic development agency Berlin Partner. The Senate will also provide less funding for small wind turbines (2 million). Innovation funding will receive 8.4 million euros less. URBAN DEVELOPMENT & HOUSING: The coalition wants to reduce housing subsidies in the state budget by around 150 million euros . Guarantees and loans are to be granted as compensation. This is where the state-owned investment bank IBB will come into play. The Senate is cutting subsidies to limit rents in social housing by 3.2 million euros, from 7.1 million previously. The development of the former Köpenick freight station will cost around 10 million euros, which means the total will be almost halved. The Senate is also cutting the "Blankenburger Süden" project , namely 1 million out of a total of 4 million euros. The Berlin Senate is changing its plans for the demolition and reconstruction of the Jahn Sports Park . This will save 20.4 million euros. The renovation of the so-called Mediterranean House in the Botanical Garden (500,000 euros) has been cancelled until further notice. TAX INCREASES: The coalition partners agree in principle that an improvement in revenue is also necessary to close the gap. The entertainment tax for the use of slot machines will be increased from 20 to 25 percent, which could bring in an estimated nine million euros. The CDU and SPD hope to raise an additional 10 million euros by increasing the second home tax . The city tax for tourists will be increased from 5 to 7.5 percent, which could generate an additional 27 million euros. 2
bags Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 Kod nas ne mogu napraviti koaliciji radi 3 milijarde ali na nivou drzave.
dunja Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 @Baldrick S. jel imaš link odakle je ceo tekst, gugl mi daje samo delove?
Baldrick S. Posted November 21, 2024 Posted November 21, 2024 1 hour ago, dunja said: @Baldrick S. jel imaš link odakle je ceo tekst, gugl mi daje samo delove? https://www.rbb24.de/politik/beitrag/2024/11/berlin-senat-sparmassnahmen-beschlossen-liste.html 1
Baldrick S. Posted November 26, 2024 Posted November 26, 2024 Moram da rantujem malo. Vise. Danas mi je dete donelo papir da potpisem da se slazem (naravno da se ne slazem) da je sutra testiraju za Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. LRS kojim se utvrdjuje sposobnost citanja i pisanja nemackog jezika te da bi se utvrdila moguca disleksija. Test je lagan, radi se citanje, pisanje, die/der/das i prepricavanje. Kad sam pitao ko se sve testira iz njihovog razreda, dete kaze: 5 stranaca i jedna nemica koji je inace losa ucenica. Dakle, jebeni rasisti koji ne shvataju da su rasisti testiraju 5 od 8 stranaca bez nemackog roditelja u odeljenju od 22 deteta da bi pronasli disleksicnu decu, sto znaci da 14 rodjenih nemaca ili sa barem jednim roditeljem nemcem nece ni da taknu. Procedura testiranja dece ide ovako: ucitelj/ica nemackog na osnovu kriterijuma postavljenih od senata predlaze ucitelju/ci koji je prosao kurs LRS-a decu za koju misli da treba da se testiraju. Moje dete je od pocetka godine imalo 6 casova nemackog sve u svemu, skola nema nikog ko je zavrsio kurs za LRS sto naravno znaci "ajde strance jer drugi jezik". Moje dete inace ima dvojku iz nemackog samo zato sto ne rade nista i kad se kojim slucajem uciteljica nemackog pojavi zvizne im test i normalno da pola odeljanja dobija lose ocene. Poslao sam mail "glavnoj" uciteljici sa pitanjem ko je odabrao decu ako nemaju uciteljicu nemackog odavno, i posto uputstva Senata kazu da se LRS vazi za svu decu, sto je nekako normalno na koji nacin su deca odabrana, te da na internetu nisam nasao ni jedan jedini podatak da su deca rodjena od strane roditelja nemaca izuzeta od disleksije. Normalno da nikakav odgovor nisam dobio a sledeca je na redu direktorka skole, pa ministarstvo za edukaciju. Ko se seca vec sam rantovao da su ih za vreme korone a i kasnije uvek razdvajali tako da nemci idu zajedno stranci zajedno jer "im treba vise pomoci oko jezika". Ej, centar najliberalnijeg dela Berlina, Prenzlauer berg i niko jebeno ne shvata da ovo sto rade je blatantni rasizam. Jednostavno ne razumeju, beze od odgovornosti i toga da ako si liberalan, vozis biciklo, vegan si, free palestine, tras rights are human rights prosto ne razumes definiciju profilisanja dece na nemce i nenemce. Ko je bese pitao zasto ce AFD da dodje na vlast? Ako se ovde nastavnici/direktori ovako ponasaju, kako se ponasaju u Marzanu, Kotbusu, Frankurtu na Odru, Cemnizu...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 7 2
dunja Posted November 26, 2024 Posted November 26, 2024 volela bih da kažem da sam iznenadjena... keep us posted, navijamo ovde zdušno da isteraš do kraja, a i da sve njih makar malo bude sramota 2
x500 Posted December 9, 2024 Posted December 9, 2024 VW planira da zatvori deo fabrika u Nemackoj, i otpusti deo ljudi, te da smanji plate/beneficije zaposlenih. Sindikat planira da organizuje strajkove i blokade. 1
Spooky Posted December 10, 2024 Posted December 10, 2024 Pri tome, nikada veće keš rezerve nisu imali (94 milijarde evra - za 8 milijardi evra veće nego prošle godine), a fabrike gase zbog najave završetka prodaje SUS u EU od 2035 i povećanih troškova proizvodnje. A nekim čudom se proširila priča da su u krizi - verovatno delo njihovog PRa da bi lakše prodali ova otpuštanja. Prilog - screenshot finansijskog izveštaja Q3 2024 (pun izvestaj - https://www.volkswagen-group.com/en/financial-reports-18134 strana 45) 1
assignment Posted December 20, 2024 Posted December 20, 2024 Naravno, nakon sto su skoro pa sve partije (sem AFD i BSW) i mediji u Nemackoj ofenzivno navijali za Harris, i nisu stedeli lose reci u vezi Trampa, sledi ocekivana kontra... Ovo je tek pocetak... 2
Engineer Posted December 20, 2024 Posted December 20, 2024 Ako Mask i trampisti podržavaju (nemačke) fašiste, onda ljudi koji njih nazivaju fašistima zapravo i jesu u pravu i da je svako drugi, pa i Haris, bolji izbor? Ko bi rekao? 3 1
assignment Posted December 20, 2024 Posted December 20, 2024 4 minutes ago, Engineer said: Ako Mask i trampisti podržavaju (nemačke) fašiste, onda ljudi koji njih nazivaju fašistima zapravo i jesu u pravu i da je svako drugi, pa i Haris, bolji izbor? Ko bi rekao? Ko kaze da su AFD fasisti? Mislim imaju dva tri lika koji su dosta desno, ali koliko vidim CDU je za nove izbore skoro pa preuzeo program AFD-a I to bas po pitanju izbeglica i azila, zbog kojih su AFD i napadali da su "fasisti" (taj izras se ovde u Nemackoj ne koristi, vec radikalna desnica) 1
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