March 14, 201510 yr Author Stranački život... "Außenpolitik" - Habermas, malo starije ali veoma aktuelno Privreda Dovoljno za početak...dosta su se izvlačili Edited March 14, 201510 yr by MancMellow
March 22, 201510 yr parcijalno, u različitim formama i malo o detaljima više ovde Edited March 22, 201510 yr by Prospero
March 24, 201510 yr Neki kažu: “Only when we know our solitude to be different from our loneliness can we be whole enough to honor another’s place.” Inguz – “Ing-guz” – Literally: “Seed” or “The god, Ing” – Esoteric: Process, space Rune of isolation or separation in order to create a space or place where the process of transformation into higher states of being can occur. Rune of gestation and internal growth. Psi: internal growth, personal development, the power of suggestion, the inner-child, wholeness Energy: earth-god, stored energy, gestation process, male mysteries, subtlety, planned bursts Mundane: male sexuality, agriculture Divinations: Resting, gestation, internal growth, expectation, time for oneself; or impotence, scattering, movement without change, frivolity, immaturity. Governs: Storage and transformation of power for ritual use. Stored Energy Passive meditation and centering of energy and thought Sudden release of energy All forms of subtle, creative action
March 24, 201510 yr Author Ono što je problem je što su i neki koji se nikako ne mogu podvesti pod levičare izgovorili (ili znamo da misle) do sada veoma slične pa i iste stvari - recimo 1 Helmut Kohl.
March 24, 201510 yr Koja gomila levicarskog lupetanja. Merkel je car za ove. Sta je konkretno lupetanje? Koje tvrdnje?
March 24, 201510 yr Sta je konkretno lupetanje? Koje tvrdnje? Recimo to da minimum wage u Nemackoj ima uticaja na dolazak Le Pen na vlast i da je Merkel kriva za to.
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