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Iraq violence: 'IS suicide attack' kills 29 in football match


At least 29 people have been killed in a suicide attack in a crowded park in the Iraqi city of Iskandariya, officials have said.

The bomber detonated the explosives at the end of a football match, wounding more than 60 others, according to police and medical sources.

Iskandariya is a mainly Shia town 40km (25 miles) south of the capital, Baghdad.

So-called Islamic State (IS) said it carried out the attack.

IS, a mainly Sunni group which controls large swathes of northern and western Iraq, has attacked numerous Shia targets in the country recently.



juce ili prekjuce je bila vest da su ovi iz boko harama spalili 86 dece u nigeriji. valjda je to bilo jos pre dva meseca ali se tek sada saznalo.

  • 1 month later...


VICE News has obtained footage recorded by an ISIS fighter’s headcam during a clash with Kurdish Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq, about 30 miles outside Mosul.


  • 4 weeks later...



The Caliphate’s Global Workforce: An Inside Look at the Islamic State’s Foreign Fighter Paper Trail
Brian Dodwell
Daniel Milton
Don Rassler

Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
April 2016



pregled strukture stranih (van sirije/iraka) boraca islamske države - poreklo (zemlja, socijalni statusi itd), uloga, novac, šverc-komerc...

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Iracka vojska zvanicno otpocela ofanzivu na Faludzu:


Iraq's Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi has announced the start of an offensive to retake Fallujah from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which was quickly followed by reports of heavy shelling of the city.

"By the name of God, we are here to announce that the Iraqi flag will soon be flying in the sky of Fallujah," Abadi said.

"Today, we will tear down the black flags of these despicable strangers who abducted this dear city. The time has come to liberate Fallujah and the victory will be ours. ISIL has nowhere to go but to flee the city."

Earlier on Monday, the army had told residents of Fallujah to leave.

Families who could not leave should raise white flags to mark their locations, the army's media unit said on State TV.

Fallujah was the first Iraqi city to fall to ISIL (also known as ISIS) in January 2014, six months before the group swept through large parts of Iraq and neighbouring Syria.

The army "is asking the citizens that are still in Fallujah to be prepared to leave the city through secured routes that will be announced later," the broadcast said.

The city on the Euphrates River, 50km west of the capital, had a pre-war population of about 300,000.

It is encircled by Iraqi forces and a coalition of Shia Muslim armed groups known as Hashid Shaabi.

Known as the "City of Minarets and Mother of Mosques", Fallujah is a focus for Sunni Muslim faith and identity in Iraq. It was badly damaged in two assaults by the US army against suspected al-Qaeda members in 2004


Da stavim ovde da su YPG/SDF snage otpocele napade na severu Rake u cilju zauzimanja de facto glavnog grada IS-a u Siriji.

Ono sto je, u principu dobro je to sto je na delu sinhronizovana operacija sa onom protiv IS-a u Faludzi.

Moguce je da se u narednih nedelju-dve protiv IS-a otvori/aktivira bar jos jedan front.

  • 2 weeks later...

Na drugom delu sveta - snage iz Misrate otpocele su napad na Sirt - rodni grad bivseg libijskog vodje Moamera Gadafija - jednu od najvecih baza IS-a u Libiji. Pominjali smo ranije ovde zasto i kako je Sirt postao bastion IS-a odakle su se sirili na jednu stranu ka naftnim postrojenjima u zalivu Sidra i na drugu stranu ka Bani Walidu i samoj Misrati. U jednom trenutku kap je prelila casu. I sa jedne i sa druge strane podignuta je uzbuna. Treba pomenuti da Misracani cine okosnicu vojnih i politickih snaga koji drze pod kontrolom mahom zapadni deo Libije i koje su do nedavno podrzavale nepriznatu vladu u Tripoliju (od nedavno posoji ujedinjena vlada). Takodje treba naglasiti da oni spadaju u red umerenih islamista.


Edited by Bane5

Umereni islamisti - obožavam taj izraz

Umereni islamisti - obožavam taj izraz


los izraz, ali nemam drugi.

Manbij opkoljen, SDF Ypg stigao do Arima, na pola puta Manbij-Al Bab. Idu ka spajanju sa Afrin SDF frontom?

očigledno daleko, daleko najefikasnija kombinacija u ovom ratu je ypg+usaf.

  • 1 month later...

Zar nismo imali libijski topik? Kačim ovde:



France's defence ministry says three of its soldiers have died in Libya, reportedly after their helicopter was shot down.

A short statement said the soldiers died "while on mission" in the north African country.

Earlier on Wednesday, ministry spokesman Stephane Le Foll confirmed French special forces were in Libya.

On Tuesday, Associated Press quoted Libyan officials as saying an Islamist militia shot down a French helicopter.

The attack on Sunday happened near the city of Benghazi, and left no survivors, AP reported.


@Prosepro, taj topik je onaj o tzv. 5. oktobru na Bliskom istoku.


Jedna pomalo preoptimisticka izjava Ban Ki Muna:


Islamska država pred porazom u Libiji


Njujork -- Generalni sekretar Ban Kimun izjavio je da se borci ID u Libiji suočavaju sa "izrazitom mogućnošću" da budu poraženi u svom poslednjem uporištu u toj zemlji.


Za očekivati je da teritorija ID pukne, prije ili kasnije. Svi ovi ludaci i napaljeni klinci iz siromašnih, muslimanskih četvrti Francuske, Njemačke, Belgije.. koji se sad organizuju da idu na to neko "ratište" tad neće imati gdje da idu. ID će nastaviti da djeluje isključivo kao gerila, po evropskim gradovima. A to će neminovno odvesti u apsolutni haos.

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