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Najbolje u 2014.

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Niko da stavi Leftovers, toliko je dopadivlja.


kod mene 6. mesto :(

5 Grimm

4 True Detective

3 The Newsroom

2 The Knick

1 Fargo

Pa dobro, ali to je vec sest komada... mislim, da ti nije malo mnogo...?  :huh: 


Jeste, ali trudim se da pronađem bisere u fekalijama. I to sve za vas, sve!



Ovo je zajebano i koliko god se trudio, uvek će neko da izostane, ali 'ajde:


True Detective - 5 poena

Fargo - 4 poena

The Leftovers - 3 poena

Penny Dreadful - 2 poena

Hannibal - 1 poen


I tu negde The Americans, Parks, Brooklyn, Louie, Oranžada, Affair, Banshee, Flash...Uf, bila je baš dobra godina.

Ja sam taman pet i odgledao, pa nece biti problem


5 Justified

4 Fargo

3 True Detective


1 Louie


A da, gledao sam i Brooklyn nine-nine, ali ne delim odusevljenje, i House of Cards koji je bulja na kvadrat.

5 True Detective

4 The Americans

3 House of Cards

2 Homeland

1 Fargo

5 Fargo

4 Justified

3 True Detective


1 Peaky Blinders


4 The Newsroom

3 The Good Wife

2 True Detective

1 Parks and Rec

5 Supernatural

4 Banshee

3 Suits

2 Agents of SHIELD

1 The blacklist

5 sons of anarchy  :0.6:  

4 true detective

3 fargo

2 louie

1 hannibal

5 Vikings


3 True Detective

2 Banshee

1 Fargo


4 sherlock 

3 true detective

2 cosmos*

1 p&r


*valjda spada ovde, jeste nekakva serija

5 Midsomer Murders 

4 True Detective        

3 Sherlock


1 Sons of Anarchy

5 - True Detective
4 - Orphan Black
3 - Game of Thrones
2 - Legends
1 - The Good Wife

5 Justified

4 The Americans

3 Penny Dreadful

2 True Detective

1 The Knick

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