March 19, 200916 yr Obzirom da se orvelijanska bratija (koja je, po štovanom Al Kvarizmiju, proizvod moje bujne mašte) ostrvila da filteruje internet u Australiji od bilo čega što bi bilo koga moglo da uvredi, pitanje je koliko ćemo dugo moći i o ovome da pričamo... Otprilike, dok nas neko ne prijavi.Nisam pristalica cenzure, ali ozi vlada je cenzurisala uglavnom pedofilske sajtove. Niceg tu orvelijanskog nema.
April 6, 200915 yr Nisam pristalica cenzure, ali ozi vlada je cenzurisala uglavnom pedofilske sajtove. Niceg tu orvelijanskog nema.Bas sam nasao listu i za cudo sam uspeo da otvorim 2 sajta. Nakon sto sam video bilo mi je zao sto sam uspeo da vidim. Jedan su bile slike iskasapljenih fetusa, a drugo decija pornografija.
November 7, 200915 yr Da oživim ovu davno skrenutu temu... Interesantan članak u (pomalo konzervativnom) The Australian-u gde se pominje i mogući zamor populacije horror pričama o užasima globalnog zagrevanja...Could man-made climate change turn out to be the greatest hoax of the present century? Certainly, ordinary people are beginning to ask questions.
November 7, 200915 yr Author Da oživim ovu davno skrenutu temu... Interesantan članak u (pomalo konzervativnom) The Australian-u gde se pominje i mogući zamor populacije horror pričama o užasima globalnog zagrevanja...Could man-made climate change turn out to be the greatest hoax of the present century? Certainly, ordinary people are beginning to ask questions. To pre neki da dan a ovo danas: Science is in on climate change sea-level rise: 1.7mm.Kad mogu state-of-fear majstori da koriste anecdotal evidence mogu i ovi drugi...Mene samo zanima kad ce konacno advokati da shvate koje pare leze u potencijalnim procesima protiv drzave/a i para-naucnika koji su svu tu halabuku izazvali... Za stetu i, naravno, pretrpljeni strah.
February 2, 201015 yr dugo niko nije pisao o globalnom zagrevanju. ignorisanje (tj necitiranje) radova kolega ciji rezultati se ne uklapaju sa vodecim i sirokoprihvacenim modelom, uz sikaniranja po konferencijama, postalo je uobicajena praksa u mnogim naucnim oblastima. cula sam i za pretnje urednicima, tvrdnje da ce tom-i-tom unisiti karijeru zbog toga sto je objavio nesto sto se ne svidja velikim facama, price o uglednim profesorima koji su slali emailove postdoc supervizorima svojih bivsih phd studenata trazeci da im daju otkaz uz slabo prikrivene pretnje, zbog toga sto su objavili nesto sto im se nije svidelo.medjutim, sve to nije nista u poredjenju sa paranojom i zaverenickim ponasanjem teoreticara globalnog zagrevanja, sramotno je zaista sta su sebi dozvolili. evo teksta iz danasnjeg gardijana sa svim detaljima (My link).
February 3, 201015 yr Taman sam na vreme batalio akademsku karijeru. Padajte braco, plin'te u krvi, pustite mene da bezim prvi.
February 3, 201015 yr otkrivanje tople vodeWater vapour worse climate change villain than thoughtal ograda na kraju "This research does not change the consensus view that human emissions drive climate change," says Fortunat Joos, a climate modeller at the University of Bern, Germany.što je sigurno sigurno je
February 3, 201015 yr the University of Bern, Germany.U Njemačkoj isto ima Bern? Zanimljivo. Nisam znao.
February 3, 201015 yr a dok kada ce se onobese otopiti svi gleceri sa himalaja. 2035 zasigurno No apology from IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri for glacier fallacy"You can't expect me to be personally responsible for every word in a 3,000 page report," he said. Edited February 3, 201015 yr by Gonzo
February 3, 201015 yr U Njemačkoj isto ima Bern? Zanimljivo. Nisam znao.pogrešili, evo ga citirani članak 3 Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland.
February 3, 201015 yr rajendra odgovara pre koji dan u bez mene potop stilu. cezar, brut, sve je tu.:isuse:Q: The other issue that dogged IPCC is theleaked e-mails from the [Climatic ResearchUnit of the University of East Anglia in Norwich,U.K.].R.K.P.: Those e-mails represent nothing morethan private communications, private airing ofanguish or anger or emotion. It was indiscreet.Q: Has all that has happened this winterdented the credibility of IPCC?R.K.P.: I don’t think the credibility of theIPCC can be dented. If the IPCC wasn’tthere, why would anyone be worried aboutclimate change?There are those who would wish todemolish the science of climate change. Ourvindication will lie in our performance.Q: A statement from TERI lists the number ofcompanies you are associated with, themoney which has flowed back to you and theorganization: €100,000 from DeutscheBank, $80,000 from Toyota, and so forth.You don’t think this is conflict of interest?R.K.P.: Where is the conflict of interest? I ama paid employee of my institute, not of theIPCC. I don’t see why I shouldn’t adviseanybody anywhere in the world … as long asI am not making money out of it. [Themoney] is going to my institute.Q: Some people disagree; they believe thatyou have to be cleaner than Caesar’s wife.R.K.P.:Yeah, but Caesar was also murderedby Brutus, wasn’t he? Caesar was murderedby a group of people for their own interest,all right? So I cannot possibly be heldaccountable for all the lies that the media arewriting about in a certain section of the I mean, if they are going to influencepublic opinion, I can assure you it is notgoing to last forever. I am absolutely convincedthe truth will prevail in the end.Q: You put up a brave face, but some in thescientific community feel let down. They saythat you are carrying too much baggage,that it’s time for you to move on.R.K.P.: I certainly have no intention to quit. Iwill continue as the chairman of the IPCC tillI have completed the fifth assessment report.
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