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pa jebote, danska proizvodi skoro pola, tj. 45 posto energije na taj nacin, od toga 30 posto od vetra.

slede island, portugal, spanija i nemacka koja pravi samo 20 posto.


to je ogroman, ali ogroman uspeh.


edit: apdejt, nemci prosle godine proizveli 31 posto.


Btw, Francuska ispusta manje CO2 po stanovniku od svih nabrojanih zemalja, osim Portugala, zahvaljujuci nuklearkama. Mozda je najrealisticnije resenje u nuklearnoj energiji, pogovo u razvijanju bezbednijih i "cistijih" nacina njene eksploatacije, naprimer reaktora na torijum.


ali nije problem samo u co2. 

francuzi su imali, i dalje imaju velike probleme sa skladistenjem nuklearnog otpada.

guglaj Centre de Stockage de La Manche.


ali nije problem samo u co2. 

francuzi su imali, i dalje imaju velike probleme sa skladistenjem nuklearnog otpada.

guglaj Centre de Stockage de La Manche.


Da, to je tacno.


Ma "najbolje bi bilo da vratimo u pecine", svetlimo na ulje a grejemo na kozu od bizona - al' ne moze - izumrli bizoni a i XXI vek je, malo je neprijatno. Plus prevoz, letovanja, zimovanja... :)))


Svaki korak koji smanjuje upotrebu fosilnih goriva je dobar korak.

Googlova little box challenge inicijativa da se napravi malogabaritni, a efikasni invertor.


ako se nesto omasovi, cena mora da pada.

nisam upucen u razloge stagnacije cena komponenti za vetrogeneratore, ali to je univerzalno pravilo.

ništa na svetu se ne proizvodi masovnije od automobila pa vidimo kako cene padaju :lolol:


vidi, stvarno nisam raspolozen da ti tumacim razliku izmedju troskova proizvodnje nekog proizvoda i kolicine novca potrebne da se isti priusti u maloprodaji.

ako hoces da verujes zdravom razumu, odlicno, ako ne, kul, tvoj problem.


ako se nesto omasovi, cena mora da pada.

nisam upucen u razloge stagnacije cena komponenti za vetrogeneratore, ali to je univerzalno pravilo.


nije samo to, za deo troškova je bitno da se pređe na druge materijale


ako se nesto omasovi, cena mora da pada.



ako je ova svetska kriza od 2007 nesto pokazala to je da ekonomska teorija ne postoji. Sve sto ekonomisti kazu moze ali i ne mora biti tacno, sve zavisi od konteksta.


On topic, ja sam slusao i jedne i druge. Svi se slazu da covek utice na klimu, ali jedni kazu da je taj uticaj fatalan a drugi da se jos zapravo ne zna, nego da Perica prerano vice Vuk. Moj je umjetnicki dojam da su u pravu i jedni i drugi. Pravi modeli jos ne postoje, ali cini mi se da postoje pokazali bi da je uticaj fatalan.


Ja kao stari meteoropata koji ne podnosi leto mogu samo da kazem da su leta mnogo gora nego sto su bila i da su granica 90te (njihov pocetak). Pre toga leta su znala da budu sveza. Danas je ili uzasno vrelo ili je, ako su nize temperature, jako sparno, tesko, vlazno i "pada na zivce".


I nije neki post ali jebes ga.


I nije neki post ali jebes ga.


ovo treba da piše ispod 90% postova :fantom:


ako je ova svetska kriza od 2007 nesto pokazala to je da ekonomska teorija ne postoji. Sve sto ekonomisti kazu moze ali i ne mora biti tacno, sve zavisi od konteksta.

Pa, ekonomija je društvena nauka (Ili "nauka") i kao takva ne može da predviđa događaje na način na koji to rade prirodne jer njihov ishod zavisi od izbora pojedinaca, a oni su nepredvidivi.



Ekonomija je postala najmatematiziranija nauka posle fizike. Umesto da se matematika prilagođava za rešavanje ekonomskih problema, mnogo je jednostavnije ekonomske pretpostavke veštački formulisati tako da omogućavaju matematičko rešenje. Tri najpopularnije takve pretpostavke su: homo oeconomicus, racionalno ponašanje i potpuna informisanost. Na tim i takvim pretpostavkama izgrađena je velika superstruktura koja se znatno razlikuje od ekonomske stvarnosti.


 (prof. dr Branko HorvatKakvu državu imamo i kakvu državu trebamo, Prometej, Zagreb 2002)


Matematika je samo alat, ali alat ne odlucuje sta ces da napravis. O tome kako ce ekonomija raditi i sta ce nam doneti odlucuju neki ljudi od krvi i mesa i uglavnom vodjeni svojim sebicnim interesima. 


ontopic: malo smo i svi mi krivi jer drzave zarad socijalnog mira se trude da drze energente kolko tolko jeftinim. Ukoliko bi energija poskupela odjednom bi mnoga kucna resenja postala isplativija. Ovde se sada nude za 5 iljada ojra neke kineske solarne ploce za na krov plus baterije za dva dana, kao daju dovoljno struje za domacinstvo... ako se ne kuva po srpski pola dana. Al se ni to ne isplati jer je struja - jeftina. 

  • 3 weeks later...

The latest annual update of the Global Carbon Budget shows that the remaining CO2 emission “quota” may be used up in one generation, and half of all fossil fuel reserves may need to be left untapped.

Carbon dioxide emissions, the main contributor to global warming, are set to rise again in 2014 – reaching a record high of 40 billion tonnes. The 2.5 per cent projected rise in burning fossil fuels is revealed in the annual update of carbon emissions and sinks by the Global Carbon Project published as a discussion paper in the open access journal Earth System Science Data.

The Global Carbon Budget 2014 shows that global CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuel and cement production also grew 2.3 per cent to a record high of 36 billion tonnes CO2 in 2013. The largest emitters were China, the USA, the EU and India, together accounting for 58 per cent of the global emissions in 2013. Emissions from deforestation remained low in comparison, at an estimated 3.3 billion tonnes CO2 in 2013, accounting for 8 per cent of total CO2 emissions. The atmospheric CO2growth of 2.54 parts per million (19.8 billion tonnes of CO2) was high in 2013, reflecting the increase in fossil emissions, and smaller and opposite changes between the ocean and land carbon sinks compared to the past decade.

The emissions growth for 2014 brings the cumulative emissions of CO2 to a record high of 2000 billion tonnes of CO2 since 1870. In a companion paper published in Nature Geoscience based on these findings, Prof Pierre Friedlingstein and colleagues reveal that total future CO2 emissions cannot exceed 1200 billion tonnes – for a likely chance (66 per cent) of keeping average global warming under 2°C (since pre-industrial times). At the current rate of CO2 emissions, this “quota” would be used up in around 30 years. This means that there is just one generation before the safeguards to a 2°C limit may be breached. The international team of climate scientists says that to avoid this, more than half of all fossil fuel reserves may need to be left untapped.

The Global Carbon Project’s report each year incorporates data from multiple research institutes around the world on carbon dioxide emissions, carbon increase in the atmosphere, and land and ocean sinks for its annual assessment of the Earth’s carbon budget. The “Global Carbon Budget 2014”, led by Prof Le Quéré, Director of the Tyndall Centre at the University of East Anglia, with 59 co-authors from 10 countries and 49 institutions, is published in the “living data” format to provide the highest transparency and traceability in the reporting of this set of key indicators and drivers of climate change.

See the Global Carbon Budget 2014 (Earth System Science Data Discussion):

For more information visit:


The latest annual update of the Global Carbon Budget shows that the remaining CO2 emission “quota” may be used up in one generation, and half of all fossil fuel reserves may need to be left untapped.


Carbon dioxide emissions, the main contributor to global warming, are set to rise again in 2014 – reaching a record high of 40 billion tonnes. The 2.5 per cent projected rise in burning fossil fuels is revealed in the annual update of carbon emissions and sinks by the Global Carbon Project published as a discussion paper in the open access journal Earth System Science Data.


The Global Carbon Budget 2014 shows that global CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuel and cement production also grew 2.3 per cent to a record high of 36 billion tonnes CO2 in 2013. The largest emitters were China, the USA, the EU and India, together accounting for 58 per cent of the global emissions in 2013. Emissions from deforestation remained low in comparison, at an estimated 3.3 billion tonnes CO2 in 2013, accounting for 8 per cent of total CO2 emissions. The atmospheric CO2growth of 2.54 parts per million (19.8 billion tonnes of CO2) was high in 2013, reflecting the increase in fossil emissions, and smaller and opposite changes between the ocean and land carbon sinks compared to the past decade.


The emissions growth for 2014 brings the cumulative emissions of CO2 to a record high of 2000 billion tonnes of CO2 since 1870. In a companion paper published in Nature Geoscience based on these findings, Prof Pierre Friedlingstein and colleagues reveal that total future CO2 emissions cannot exceed 1200 billion tonnes – for a likely chance (66 per cent) of keeping average global warming under 2°C (since pre-industrial times). At the current rate of CO2 emissions, this “quota” would be used up in around 30 years. This means that there is just one generation before the safeguards to a 2°C limit may be breached. The international team of climate scientists says that to avoid this, more than half of all fossil fuel reserves may need to be left untapped.


The Global Carbon Project’s report each year incorporates data from multiple research institutes around the world on carbon dioxide emissions, carbon increase in the atmosphere, and land and ocean sinks for its annual assessment of the Earth’s carbon budget. The “Global Carbon Budget 2014”, led by Prof Le Quéré, Director of the Tyndall Centre at the University of East Anglia, with 59 co-authors from 10 countries and 49 institutions, is published in the “living data” format to provide the highest transparency and traceability in the reporting of this set of key indicators and drivers of climate change.



See the Global Carbon Budget 2014 (Earth System Science Data Discussion):



For more information visit:


sjajne vesti



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