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@lrd: Zar se nismo se zavetovali na cutanje povodom Gotama? :P


Znam, ali morao sam da se izjadam da me ne bi iz'elo iznutra. Šta ću. :(

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Da nas ne bi izelo iznutra, lecimo se tako sto gledamo npr. Flasha. :D  Opasna epizoda! 

A gde si ti da pises tamo na temi? Ja samo znam da gledam, ne i da piskaram recenzije. <_< Da, ti si bezecovala fila, ja sam zbog radi toga morala warda, kingmejkerka ce morati da se snadje sa ostatkom. ^_^

tek sam pocela, pa cu javiti u koga sam se zaljubila. moja posvecenost je velika, u bizarnom ukusu kakav gajim treba naci mesta za the good wife, bron, odvratni skandal, agents of shield i newsroom. prsotina. 

The Flash mi je premašio sva očekivanja i sasvim me je iznenadio. Gotivno, zabavno, opičeno.

the good wife, bron, odvratni skandal, agents of shield i newsroom. 

sve to pratim i još štošta :isuse:

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Wow! Moram da kazem, cuk cuk cuk, pu pu pu, da ne ureknem, Flash razbija. 

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Danas i sutra (ili sinoc i veceras, zavisi gde zivite) su Flash/Arrow crossover epizode. Superhero nerd fest :D


fleš svakom novom epizodom*, dotiče neistražene dubine dna; u poslednjoj, ovaj gistro gik/nrd/duib, ex cathedra objašnjava (sic!) šta je, paz sad, bumerang ("znate, koriste ga aboridžini") :isuse:


*da, pratim, zašto, zato što sam poremećen

Crossover je bio suuuupeer! Još!

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Crossover je bio suuuupeer! Još!


Totalni nerdgasm!  ^_^

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By James Hibberd on Dec 8, 2014 at 7:00PM
The world of Superman is headed back to TV. A Superman prequel series called Krypton from Man of Steel writer David S. Goyer has landed in development at Syfy.
Here’s the pitch: “Years before the Superman legend we know, the House of El was shamed and ostracized. This series follows The Man of Steel’s grandfather as he brings hope and equality to Krypton, turning a planet in disarray into one worthy of giving birth to the greatest Super Hero ever known.”
Goyer was previously rumored to be working on such a project, but without a network or any details publicly attached. Goyer and Ian Goldberg (Once Upon a Time) will executive produce the project, with Goldberg writing a pilot script based on a story by both men.
In addition to Man of Steel, Goyer’s credits include Starz’ Da Vinci’s Demons, NBC’s Constantine and the upcoming Man of Steel sequel Batman vs. Superman.
The project comes on the heels of Fox’s Batman prequel series Gotham breaking out as one of the fall’s top-rated new shows.
The Krypton sequence of Man of Steel was some fans’ favorite part of the film, a mashup of sci-fi technology, dragon-riding fantasy and political intrigue. While Syfy has been on an ambitious roll lately, grabbing more high-profile and lavishly produced titles that may appeal to their core sci-fi audience. See Syfy plans to lure you back with these five shows.




A dosta više Supernema. Rađeno do smrti i ništa osim drugačijeg pristupa ne treba da se radi, kao Nolanov Betnem, ali ne tako mračno, jer mračno i Supernem mitos jednostavno ne idu zajedno.


Od superheroja bih najviše voleo da neko uradi Authority, ali to ne može jer je za odrasle.

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Ali ovo nece biti o Supermenu  :fantom:


Meni se generalno svidja ideja sajfaj serije o kriptonu pre unistenja, u Man of Steel je taj deo bio dobro uradjen. Naravno sve od izvedbe zavisi. Plus, kako ce to vizualno da bude reseno sa 1 tv budzetom. 

Tedoh za Flash da napišem "tačno sam znao", ali znali smo svi. :D

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