Posted October 6, 201410 yr Dakle, najkultnija, jedna od najuticajnijih serija i popkulturnih pojava se vraća! Vratiće se 2016. u formi mini-serije od devet epizoda na Showtime, a radiće je Linč i Frost. Ostalo su nagađanja, ali se pretpostavlja da će se dešavati u sadašnje vreme i da će biti direktan nastavak i da će konačno dati gomilu jebenih odgovora. Nema tih reči da se opišu radost i uzbuđenje, pa evo topika na vreme. Naravno, ako neko želi da spomenarski piše gomilu utisaka i o tome kako je Twin Peaks uticao na život, tim bolje. Ja trenutno ne mogu. Twin Peaks fans’ quarter-century wait is over. One of the top cult series of all time is coming back with a new limited series on Showtime from its original creators, David Lynch and Mark Frost. I’ve learned that the nine-episode series will go into production in 2015 for a premiere in 2016 to mark the 25th anniversary of when the series finished its run on ABC. In a fact that will delight Twin Peaks devotees, Lynch and Frost will write and produce all nine episodes, with Lynch set to direct every episode. I hear the new Twin Peaks will be set in the present day, more than two decades after the events in the first two seasons. It is expected to continue the lore and story of the original series, with Lynch and Frost committed to providing long-awaited answers and, hopefully, a satisfying conclusion to the series. It is unclear which actors from the original series will be featured in the followup. Rumor is that star Kyle MacLachlan would be back, likely reprising his role as FBI Agent Dale Cooper who was at the center of the show. The ABC series also featured some of Lynch’s favorite character actors, and it is likely that at least some of them will return. Leading to the 2016 debut of the Twin Peaks limited series, Showtime will re-air the first two seasons of the series, owned by parent CBS Corp. Lynch and Frost fueled speculation about a possible Twin Peaks revival with identical cryptic tweets posted at 11:30 AM Friday: “Dear Twitter Friends: That gum you like is going to come back in style! #damngoodcoffee“. “Damn good coffee” was a phrase frequently used by MacLachlan‘s Agent Cooper on the show, expressed typically while eating cherry pie in the town’s cafe. The tweet’s 11:30 AM time stamp matched the time Cooper first entered the town of Twin Peaks to investigate the murder of homecoming queen Laura Palmer. Lynch and Frost picked the same 11:30 AM time today to tweet another clue, “Tween Peaks on Showtime.” The two Tweeted an announcement video making it official. The Twin Peaks limited series comes on the heels of the July Blu-ray release of the entire original series by Showtime sibling CBS Home Entertainment. Groundbreaking, genre-bending, stylish, moody and a little weird, Twin Peaks became a phenomenon when it premiered in April 1990, with the two-hour opener drawing mind-boggling 34.6 million viewers. The series followed the inhabitants of a quaint northwestern town who were stunned after Palmer is shockingly murdered. The town’s sheriff welcomed the help of FBI Agent Cooper, who came to town to investigate the case. As Cooper conducted his search for Laura’s killer, the town’s secrets were gradually exposed. Here are the series’ opening credits, set to the haunting theme by Angelo Badalamenti. After a very strong first season, viewership for Twin Peaks tapered off in Season 2 when the Laura Palmer murder was resolved midway through the season. Despite the series’ cancellation after 30 episodes, it was never forgotten, with its cult following only growing as years went by. Lynch’s 1992 movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, which he directed from a script he co-wrote with Robert Engels, served as a prequel to the series. It left most questions from the show unanswered, so fans continued to wish for another season. But for Lynch, Twin Peaks seemed a closed chapter. Asked in a 2001 Empire interview whether he would ever go back to the show, he said, “No. Uh-uh. It`s as dead as a doornail.” Thankfully for the fans, he changed his mind.
October 6, 201410 yr hvala ti na ovoj informaciji :o nezaboravni dijalozi Who's the lady with the log? We call her the Log Lady.
October 6, 201410 yr WTF, kako za ovo nisam cuo? Samo se bojim da mu je ponestalo para i da ce biti Star Wars feeling all over again.
October 6, 201410 yr Samo se bojim da mu je ponestalo para i da ce biti Star Wars feeling all over again. да, то јесте могуће, мада има и ово... Edited October 6, 201410 yr by Dionysos
October 6, 201410 yr ima li negde ekstra full remasterovana serija da se kupi, tj postoji li to u sređenom obliku?
October 6, 201410 yr ima li negde ekstra full remasterovana serija da se kupi, tj postoji li to u sređenom obliku? 29. jula izaslo na blu rej disku, mislim da moze da se nadje za ispod 100$ Edited October 6, 201410 yr by aram
October 6, 201410 yr mene savrseno zabole posle karnevala pokusao ponovno da gledam, kakva bulja jebote. ne mogu da verujem na sta sam se lozio kao klinac.
October 6, 201410 yr Meni baš drago zbog ovoga. U šta god da se pretvori na krajuTreći razred srednje, Odri Horn I dan danas kad krene sezona trešanja sjetim se nje i ponovo se u nju zaljubim, makar na dvadesetak dana.
October 6, 201410 yr mene savrseno zabole posle karnevala pokusao ponovno da gledam, kakva bulja jebote. ne mogu da verujem na sta sam se lozio kao klinac. +1 don't believe the hype..
October 6, 201410 yr Author Ne brinem se ja da je ovo zbog para, imao je Linč prilika i prilika da se proda™, ali je uvek pokazivao da mu je više stalo do umetničke vizije (kakva je da je) nego do novca i slave. Čak sam i siguran da je od ranije imao neke nacrte i ideje za ovo što sada dolazi. Toni i Jimmy, TP se ipak mora posmatrati u istorijskom kontekstu. edit: Грешни Василије, imaš na uobičajenim mestima bluray verziju. Edited October 6, 201410 yr by Lrd
October 6, 201410 yr oko mene se sve neki foliranti ložili na to pa nisam odgledao ni jednu epizodu sad mi malo žao što sam propustio
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