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Толстый и тонкий

Ryan Franco

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Putin Signs Controversial Law Tightening Internet Restrictions


In one recent high-profile case, a Russian blogger was convicted of inciting hatred and insulting religious believers' feelings with videos he posted on YouTube -- including one showing him playing Pokemon Go in a church.
The blogger, Ruslan Sokolovsky, was handed a 3 1/2 year suspended sentence that was later reduced by more than a year.
Sokolovsky was also added to an official list of "terrorists and extremists" maintained by Russia's Federal Financial Monitoring Service.



Cudi me da ga nisu za nacistu proglasili


Kaze McFaul da Amerika nema ukupno 755 diplomata u Rusiji


Pa to vest i ne kaze, kaze i da se ukljucuje i rusko osoblje pri predstavnistvima.


jest ruskinja, al posle pet sest piva, staznam


ja bih je posedovao i bez piva

  • 2 weeks later...

Ma slucajnost. U Rusiji dominira antifasizam.


Posted (edited)

Ma slucajnost. U Rusiji dominira antifasizam.


Ovaj, a gde kaze political analyst?


Ja vidim u potpisu neki alternativeright.



I u cemu je fora da se vadi klip iz 2012?


Usput, znate li zasto je Svoboda uspesan?

Tako je, Putin!



Anton Shekhovtsov




The consensus was reinforced by the leadership of Dmytro Yarosh, the head of Tryzub and of Right Sector as a whole: contrary to Yarosh’s demonisation in the (pro-)Russian media, he tried to moderate the movement by publicly denouncing racism and anti-Semitism.

Edited by Budja
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