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Posted (edited)
"Ја сам кибер-организам, живуће ткиво преко жељезног костура."
A kraj filma gde on zavrsava bez tog smrdljivog i znojavog zivuceg tkiva?+ Meri Seli je starija referenca :P Daklem, ipak je ova Plava Sintija frankenstajn. A ne neki tamo gubernator ili g. smit.
jeste velika i značajna vest jer je prvi put u ćeliju ubačen čitav sintetički genom, a ne pojedinačni geni kao do sada.ali čini mi se da ovi komentari isto imaju smisla, pošto je ova sintetička DNK najvećim delom kopija postojeće DNK sa malim procentom izmena. uzevši to u obzir, kao i da je 99% posto ćelije prirodno, slede komentari da nije stvoren pravi veštački život.ubačen je po prvi put softver, koji je velikim delom kopija prirodnog softvera u prirodni hardver. drugi milestone u stvaranju veštačkog života bi bilo stvaranje hardvera.
OK, sve to stoji. Ne osporavam.No mi se ipak cini da je ovo ogroman korak*.Nemam predstavu koliko je uopste tesko napraviti hardver. Cini se daleko daleko teze od ovoga, jerbo su proteini gadno uvrnuti.Ja cu biti zadovoljan kad oni promene DNK tako da bakterija zivi i proizvodi nesto totalno levo.*a u persun, rasejani gore vreba, a meni ne pada na pamet bolji prevod za milestone. Edited by Antares
Outdoor Bacteria Can Make You Smarter, and Happier"Research from The Sage Colleges in Troy, New York, suggests that exposure to a natural soil bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae can increase learning behavior."
Баш ме занима чиме мере величину понашања.
  • 2 weeks later...

Muškarcima je dovoljan delić sekunde da bi procenili da li ih neka žena privlači ili ne, ističe se u studiji britanskih istraživača, objavljenoj u Oksfordskom časopisu socijalne psihologije i afektivne neurologije.To, međutim, ne znači da su muškarci površni već da su genetski programirani da to čine, objašnjavaju profesor Mark van Vugt i dr Johana van Hof sa univerziteta u Amsterdamu koji stoje iza ovog istraživanja.Muškarci istog trenutka odmeravaju potencijalne partnerke na osnovu njihovog spoljnjeg izgleda, jer ih na to navodi instinkt preživljavanja.Privlačno žensko lice je za muškarce znak plodnosti i garancija da će nastaviti porodičnu lozu.Za razliku od njih, ženama je potrebno više vremena da procene eventualnog partnera, jer moraju da ustanove da li će im biti odan i u stanju da im obezbedi materijalnu sigurnost, što je deo njihovog programiranog instinkta za preživljavanje.Istraživači su testirali 20 žena i 20 muškaraca kojima su zadavali zadatke, kontrolišući njihovu moždanu aktivnost.Tokom izvođenja zadataka, volonterima su prikazivane fotografije lica osoba suprotnog pola, od privlačnih do ružnih.Muškarci su lako gubili pažnju kada bi videli neko lepo žensko lice, dok su žene ostale skoncentrisane na zadatak.„Muškarci zaista šaraju pogledom, ali to je zbog toga što su evolucijom programirani da registruju znake plodnosti, a jedan od njih je lepota lica”, kazao je prof van Vugt, dodajući da to ne znači da su muškarci površni.On je objasnio da su muškarci sposobni da u deliću sekunde procene žene i to daleko brže nego što se dosad mislilo.„To je nešto iskonsko što pomaže muškarcima da pronađu najbolju partnerku za produžavanje vrste”, kazao je van Vugt.„Lepa muška lica ne privlače automatski žene, jer im je potrebno više dokaza da će muškarac biti dobar partner”, objasnio je on, dodajući da žene tu procenu vrše na osnovu ponašanja.„Za njihovu konačnu ocenu da će muškarac biti vredan poverenja i posvećen potrebno je više vremena”, zaključio je van Vugt. Profesor nije samo objasnio gde je nafatao trezne primerke zena za ovo istrazivanje.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jes da je izvor yahoo, al paz ovo>

ca-66830f1361891e0dfcd52ea9784423fa.jpeg?Michael BolenYahoo! Canada NewsThe planet's only immortal animal is spreading fast A species of jellyfish has evolved the potential for immortality - and they're starting to spread.The species turritopsis nutricula is able to transform itself from its mature state back into a polyp (immature jellyfish) and then back again - picture a gelatinous 'Benjamin Button' on repeat.The species, which is only 4-5 mm in diameter, performs this miraculous feat using a process known as transdifferentiation, in which one type of cell transforms into another. While this sounds a lot like what happens in stem cells, the process is distinct.Turritopsis nutricula isn't the only species to use the technique; salamanders use the process to regrow limbs, while chickens utilize it to repair damaged eyes. Turritopsis nutricula, however, is the only species able to regenerate its entire body.The entire transformation from adult to polyp takes place very rapidly, helping to explain why it has never been observed in the wild. The process, however, has been observed in the lab, and so far 100 per cent of specimens have been capable of the transformation.Theoretically, the process can go on indefinitely, which may help to explain why scientists have noticed a spike in the number of these jellyfish in the oceans. "We are looking at a worldwide silent invasion," said Dr Maria Miglietta of the Smithsonian Tropical Marine Institute.The jellyfish are believed to have originated in the Caribbean, but, due to the common shipping practice of emptying ballast water in foreign ports, is now found all over the globe.While the jellyfish can potentially live forever, it's unlikely that one ever will.That's because like other jellyfish, Turritopsis nutricula is often eaten by other animals and readily succumbs to disease.Other larger long-lived species have a better chance at reaching impressive ages. Bowhead whales, tortoises and koi fish can all live to be more than 200 years old. Plant species can live even longer. The oldest known bristlecone pine is nearly 5,000 years old.That isn't stopping scientists around the globe from searching for the secret that allows this unique jellyfish from reversing the aging process. Mastering transdifferentiation could be the key to discovering a real fountain of youth.
  • 1 month later...

Naukometrika 2.0, iz First MondayScientometrics 2.0: New metrics of scholarly impact on the social Web(Jason Priem, Bradely H. Hemminger)Abstract

The growing flood of scholarly literature is exposing the weaknesses of current, citation-based methods of evaluating and filtering articles. A novel and promising approach is to examine the use and citation of articles in a new forum: Web 2.0 services like social bookmarking and microblogging. Metrics based on this data could build a “Scientometics 2.0,” supporting richer and more timely pictures of articles' impact. This paper develops the most comprehensive list of these services to date, assessing the potential value and availability of data from each. We also suggest the next steps toward building and validating metrics drawn from the social Web.
  • 1 month later...

kad smo vec kod eksponiranosti nauke u blogovima, evo jednog pristojnog sajta sa kritickim prikazima kontroverznih radova iz psihologije iz uglednih casopisa (npr science): http://psycrit.com


evo najnovijeg rada o radovimaPeer-review in a world with rational scientists: Toward selection of the average

We quantified the effect of nepotism networks and demonstrated that under the presenceof ’rational’ referees quality-increasing strategies of jour-nals or funding agencies can lead to adverse effects on asystemic level. Our message is clear: if it can not be guar-anteed that the fraction of ’rational’ and ’random’ refer-ees is confined to a very small number, the peer reviewsystem will not perform much better than by acceptingpapers by throwing (an unbiased!) coin. For exampleif the fractions of rational, random and correct refereesare approximately 1/3 each, the quality selection aspectof peer review practically vanishes.

jako zanimljivo! na sledecem internom research assessmentu, kada me budu pitali zasto ne objavljujem u casopisima s impact factorom vecim od 6, uputicu starije kolege da procitaju ovaj rad i sagledaju implikacije 'racionalnog' peer review ponasanja :)

  • 2 weeks later...

nije lose znati...bad side of doing sciencehttp://www.nature.com/news/2010/100929/pdf/467516a.pdf

Posted (edited)
nije lose znati...bad side of doing sciencehttp://www.nature.com/news/2010/100929/pdf/467516a.pdf
Ross, though, is happy that the ordeal is largely over. For the month-and-a-half of the investigation, she became reluctant to take on new students or to hire personnel. She says she considered packing up her research programme. She even questioned her own sanity, worrying that she was the one sabotaging Ames’s work via “an alternate personality”.
Edited by BraveMargot
Posted (edited)

sto bre :isuse: ? pa meni bi taj alternate personality objasnio mnogo stvari kod mog sefa. :D ako ostavimo populisticki pristup temi na stranu, ostalo je surova stvarnost. ja ovde recimo imam svaki od ovih karaktera u blizoj okolini: paranoicne individue, nepoverljive tehnicare, way-over-healty-level-kompetitivne saradnike, iskomplexirane postdocove, egoisticnog sefa... you name it! :) skoro pa kasting lista za neki film. najbolje u celoj prici je recikliranje. ako si u jednom labu napravio povece sranje, samo produzi dalje - drugi univerzitet, drugi state, druga drzava, kontitent ... sta god <_<

Edited by lostfanforever

ta je mala bas nekreativna.mogla je da napise rad o tome kako uzorci celijske linije XYZ prozivode etanol. esperimentalno potvrdjeno. imala bi nature rad a ne nature feature!

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