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True detective

mammy two shoes

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ja najvise volim da citiram, jer takvo je vreme.



citirao bih badjua il kako se vec zove.  dakle,  this kind of entertainment works on a grand scale. To the names of victim and gladiator correspond today the commerce of colossal media budgets and doping in sports.This art is the art of pomp which makes of the funereal power of the Empire the material of games and fictions increasingly more allegorical and bombastic. The natural hero of this art is the Killer, the torturing serial killer. In short, the perverse gladiator.


dakle nije cudo sto se serija svidja nebitnim likovima sa sporta.




to je sto se citata tice, sto se serije tice: smece za debilne amerikance. od prve epizode do poslednje.




inace Ajant je napisao 2 vrhunska posta ovde, tuzno je sto ih niko nije udostojio komentara.







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pa mozda bi ga neko i ozbiljno shvatio da nije ko hordash sa postovima... a i taj se ne bi sa samim sobom slozio da je ostavio analizu...so go figure....

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Da ponovim pitanje: hoće li smeće za debilne amerikance i nas par odavde dobiti potvrdu druge sezone ili da polako počnemo sa strepnjom? :unsure:


Još nigde nisam video ofišl konfrmejšn. Zahvaljujem. :)

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Da ponovim pitanje: hoće li smeće za debilne amerikance i nas par odavde dobiti potvrdu druge sezone ili da polako počnemo sa strepnjom? :unsure:


Još nigde nisam video ofišl konfrmejšn. Zahvaljujem. :)

Zvanično nije potvrđeno, ali nezvanično verovatno nema teorije da ne bude bar još jedna sezona :)

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...The disappointment of the “True Detective” finale suggests how we are entering a confusing and precarious time in television’s evolution: we approach a show as an artistic achievement with all the privileges and responsibilities that this brings, when we may have done better to embrace it instead as pleasurable genre trash. (Trash in the purest, most joyful Pauline Kael sense of the word.) If we had accepted “True Detective” as a gothic procedural (albeit one with snappy dialogue and an undeniable woman problem) instead of as the latest incarnation of highbrow TV, then the last episode may not have felt as deflated (or defining) as it did. As Rust said to Marty, “You have to be careful about what you get good at.” We have to be careful about the shows we choose to make into Trojan horses, packed with meaning and insight. Sometimes what we are watching contains multitudes, and sometimes there’s nothing inside but air...


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druga sezona ce biti idealna za analiticare i zene sa interneta, jedva cekam. 




The basic idea: hard women, bad men, and the secret occult history of the US transportation system.
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