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True detective

mammy two shoes

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jao kako je lepo zavukao svima koji su imali hiljadu i jednu teoriju :lolol:


megi i njen cale umesani, verovatno je i jelou king :0.6:


mislim da se smorio i da je ovu epiodu snimio u toku emitovanja samo zbog hiljadu i jedne teorije

Edited by kojot
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A i svi vi ste mi krivi... zbog vas se registrovah ovde, gledah po petnajes i vise puta istu epizodu i zagledah svaki frejm, dumah po ceo dan o spirali i Martijevoj djeci, počeo sam i po trafikama da zagledam da nema neki znak petorice i da pravim od pivskih konzervi figurice... da Bog da jednom ja bio pametan pa ne gubio vreme vise na ovakve stvari... Gde bre može neko ko se preziva Picolato da napravi efektan kraj... Samo je mrsomudio i zavlačio i na kraju smandrljao nešto reda radi


ja bi ih tuzio zbog toga, cak je malo falilo da sve pogledam ispoceka.


sve u svemu odlicna serija sa malo razocaravajucim krajem. ocekivao sam bar neki tvist.

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Jojjj, ala ste se polarizovali oko doživljaja jebene serije. Pa ja ću poludit.

Ne, svi treba isto da se ponašamo i isto da gledamo serije. Ko je pravio teorije na osnovu hintova je debil.

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Jojjj, ala ste se polarizovali oko doživljaja jebene serije. Pa ja ću poludit.

Ne, svi treba isto da se ponašamo i isto da gledamo serije. Ko je pravio teorije na osnovu hintova je debil.


Potpis :) Što se mene tiče, serija je 'journey, not the destination' što se kaže, uopšte joj ne treba neki jeftin trik na kraju i twist u stilu Šestog čula, ako je neko tako nešto očekivao.

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Potpis :) Što se mene tiče, serija je 'journey, not the destination' što se kaže, uopšte joj ne treba neki jeftin trik na kraju i twist u stilu Šestog čula, ako je neko tako nešto očekivao.

Nisi me razumeo. Poslednja rečenica je karikiranje srednješkolskog ponašanja. Meni je žao što sama nisam razvijala teorije, dok je serija još bila kul. Ne možemo svi biti super cool nadbića koja su unapred znala šta žanr predvidja i šta je jedini kvalitetan rasplet.
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Odličan kraj, sve skupa sa insertom iz North by Northwest, filmom sa jednim od najzabavnijih scenarija ikada...


Činilo se uglavnom da ipak sve vodi ovome, ali stvarno je i isterao to i krajem se iskupio, baš kao što je to i savetovao Kaufmanov junak, Robert McKee: I'll tell you a secret. The last act makes a film. Wow them in the end, and you got a hit. You can have flaws, problems, but wow them in the end, and you've got a hit. Find an ending, but don't cheat, and don't you dare bring in a deus ex machina. Your characters must change, and the change must come from them. Do that, and you'll be fine.


Solidna serija, zahvaljujući kraju osetnije odskače iznad proseka...

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Nisi me razumeo. Poslednja rečenica je karikiranje srednješkolskog ponašanja. Meni je žao što sama nisam razvijala teorije, dok je serija još bila kul. Ne možemo svi biti super cool nadbića koja su unapred znala šta žanr predvidja i šta je jedini kvalitetan rasplet.


Svako verovatno ima svoju viziju kvalitetnog raspleta, tu nema kraja. Ja sam takođe isprva kao neki očekivao bog zna šta u poslednjoj epizodi, ali sad kad bolje razmislim, ne bih ni znao da objasnim šta bi to uopšte trebalo da bude, tako da mi je kraj sasvim ok.

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wow them in the end, moj Weenie, wow them in the end.


jeste, to nedostaje da bi serija bila na nivou mojih omiljenih serija. kao je keksikrem rekao, od prve do pete epizode je fantazija, kasnije serija nije na tom nivou.


inace, picolato je majndfakovao milione ljudi i to je dobro isto koliko i serija. idem da skuvam neki topli napitak i da konacno procitam ceo topik. :D

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Symetov ljubimac Douthat je prilično dobro formulisao jedan od bitnijih problema sa ovim finalom. ne radi se o tome da je trebalo da bude nekakvog preokreta a la The Killing ili da je baš svaki detalj misterije trebalo da bude razrešen. isto tako, sam kraj ne obezvređuje seriju kao takvu, čak i ovako nezadovoljavajući kakav  je:



And to be clear: Saying the show needed to reveal more is not the same as saying that it needed to have its heroes put everyone involved in the Carcosa/Yellow King cult behind bars. Far from it! Great mystery stories often end with the bad guys getting away with it. But they don’t usually end with the audience sort-of/kind-of knowing who the bad guys are, but not really, because actually we didn’t even meet most of them, and we know they have some kind of pagan cult, but we don’t really know exactly why they were killing people, or why two killings were public and dramatic and the rest were covered up so well nobody even knew they happened, or whether half the clues the story dropped pointed to anything or not, or why or why or why


The plot of “True Detective” felt, at times, like a hybrid of two famous 1970s-era mystery movies, “Chinatown” and “The Wicker Man” — the former a great film in every sense, the latter a lesser, somewhat-sillier work but still a cult classic. Like “Chinatown” it was a story about an investigation that widens to encompass an entire landscape of corruption, with financial, environmental and familial/sexual elements blended in a toxic stew. Like “Wicker Man” it was a story about a police inquiry that leads to the discovery of a pagan cult that dabbles in some form of human sacrifice. Neither of those two movies, significantly, have anything like a happy ending; indeed, their endings are vastly darker than the last scene of “True Detective,” and their crimes go essentially unpunished (so far as we know). But they both have endings that actually reveal something: They throw a fresh light on what’s happened previously, expose the story-behind-the-story, reveal the essential who/what/why, and weave the various clues dropped along the way into something that surprises/shocks but also makes sense of what’s come before.

It’s this kind of fulfilling/surprising finale, not some “Sixth Sense” twist (Rust Cohle was Cthulhu all long!) or tidy “all bad guys go to jail” triumph, that I — and De Young, and lots of other people — was hoping for from “True Detective.” That it didn’t offer one doesn’t make the performances or direction any less remarkable, or retrospectively transform the show as a whole into “Lost”-style long con. But if you want to play at the “Chinatown” level, as “True Detective” clearly did, you have to respect the standard, and not just rationalize away a final act that fell obviously short.


De Youngov tekst na koji se poziva je prilično dobar, pisan pre poslednje epizode, i to upravo iz perspektive zahteva žanra pa kao takav može da pruži nešto zajedničkog tla za procenjivanje poslednje epizode (i cele sezone) dvema stranama pppovskog neslaganja. izvinjenje ako je nešto od ovoga već kačeno.

Edited by malkin
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