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True detective

mammy two shoes

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a ja limenka

You got: Rust’s beer can manenhanced-buzz-21161-1393264891-14.jpgHBO You’re an empathetic teacher: you feel you’re here to be an example to others. You are capable of transformation beyond anyone’s expectations.

Edited by ants
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pokusavam da pronadjem vezu kardashiansa s bilo cim. jesu li svi rastovci, kao i ja, glasali za kim? vjerovatno je njena guzica je presudna za krajnji rezultat, posto i rast voli da uhvati u rijetkim trenucima.

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pokusavam da pronadjem vezu kardashiansa s bilo cim. jesu li svi rastovci, kao i ja, glasali za kim? vjerovatno je njena guzica je presudna za krajnji rezultat, posto i rast voli da uhvati u rijetkim trenucima.


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Propali scenarista se reinventovao kao kritičar scenarija koji kruže Holivudom. Evo šta je imao da kaže o scenariju za pilot epizodu TDa - http://scriptshadow.net/tv-pilot-true-detective/ SPOILER: nije oduševljen.


I think the biggest faux pas the script commits is that it masquerades as something deep, when in reality there’s zero depth. The writing is dense, with thorough descriptions of characters and events (such as the way the dead angel body is posed), giving the illusion that we’re dealing with something profound here. But it’s all a magic act.
If this had showed up in my Inbox for an Amateur Friday slot, I would’ve been positive it was from a beginner. It takes good writers ONE SCENE to set up who their characters are. Not 20 pages! And the whole dead angel girl isn’t even original. It feels like every other setup for a serial killer. So I guess I’m not surprised that Pizzolatto is fairly new to screenwriting. I mean maybe he goes into actually telling stories in future episodes. But this episode was one big boring setup where nothing happens.
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Da li se neko od vas seća u kojoj epizodi se pojavila ova fotka? Ako se uopšte pojavljivala igde u seriji sem na zvaničnoj fb strani...



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"That's Rianne Olivier's class photo isn't it? If 10-11-87 is when Gerhart was found dead, then this definitely could mean there is more than one murder victim in that photo. I just watched the episode when the photo is found at Olivier's grandfather (episode 3 for those wondering) and Rust references how small the school is. I mention this because two murders in one class of such a small school has to be more than a coincidence, right?

I think you just made a fine catch my man."

Edited by Mos
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