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Original music plays an important part in the story this season, says show's music director


Posted June 10 2015 — 9:12 AM EDT


In True Detective’s first season, music director T Bone Burnett helped elevate the show’s intense drama with an incredible mix of haunting, original roots-rock tunes and classic tracks by acts like Captain Beefheart. Burnett is back at it for season 2, which has relocated from the Louisiana bayou to the wilds of Los Angeles and stars Colin Farrell and Rachel McAdams. EW caught up with the prolific producer to talk about the music and the top secret project ahead of it’s June 21 premiere on HBO.


Were you pumped to work on Season 2?

It’s exciting. The writing is really good and the acting is really good. And because they’re so good, it’s really inspiring to score. The music grows right out of the character. And the stronger the characters, the stronger the music.


How does this season’s setting affect the songs you write?

It’s very, very different. It’s not just Los Angeles – it’s California. It’s the desert. Last year, it was a swampy kind of vibe. This year, it’s an incredibly different landscape, and different colors. It’s barren and dangerous, more arid and electronic. [The music] sounds very electronic, but it’s just me and the guys playing instruments the way a machine would sound. There is original music that plays an important part in the story this season.


Were you listening to anything in particular for inspiration?

I like this guy Tipper. He’s a dubstep artist. And I like Hex alot. Those are a couple of good electronic artists.


Creator Nic Pizzolatto is notoriously tight-lipped. How would he explain what he wanted?

I read the script. Then we’d get together and talk about the scenes, and where the shifts are. He lets his intentions be known, but then he leaves us alone. He’s great at giving you a jumping-off place, from which to dive in.


Barely any details have leaked about the show. Do you have to write and record in total privacy?

Sort of! We kept everything real tight. But it wasn’t a bunker.


You worked with Lera Lynn and Rosanne Cash for the song featured in the trailer. What’s it called? And how does that song play into the new season?

It’s called “The Only Thing Worth Fighting For.” It hasn’t been fully released. I’d rather let that be revealed as the show plays out. But it’s an interesting axis to the show. There is original music that plays an important part in the story this season.


How so?

I feel like I’d be robbing you if I told you that. [Laughs]


How much of the new season have you seen?

I’ve seen half, and I’ve read all of it. It has really strong characters. It’s like a hard-boiled detective [novel]. The first read like a Faulkner novel. But this is more in the James M. Cain and Ross Macdonald kind of world. Nic is a very studied writer.


True Detective premieres on June 21 on HBO.

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Going straight is a struggle for True Detective


I Sepinwall objavio svoj clanak, gde izmedju ostalog stoji i:


There were reports of discord between Pizzolatto and Fukunaga last season, and one of the new episodes features a visit to a film set with an Asian-American director styled to resemble Fukunaga, in a manner meant to be unflattering to one man, but which reflects more poorly on the other. 



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Neću baš ništa da čitam ni sada ni kad počne. Nisam teo ni prošle godine, ali su nas spamovali i objašnjavali da su random ljudi sa interneta pametniji od nas i da moramo da čitamo šta pišu neke budale.


Doduše, Sepinwall nije budala, ali kada sam došao do dela:



“Do you really just want to see two stars riding around in a car talking?” Does he really not understand what drew people to season one?



Pogledao sam ime autora i video da linkovano nije pisao Sepinwall, ali da je on napisao ovo kvotovano što je stvarno "who the hell cares?", tako da ćaozdravo.


Užasna je postala ova nova publika što gleda sve to pomoću tvitera i objašnjenja sa neta. U-ža-sna! (ne mislim na Kavaleru)

Edited by Lrd
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Cekaj, tebi stvarno ne smeta sto se Pizza boy™ ponasa kao da ga je Fukunaga ostavio pred oltarom? :D Realno, ovoga bi se i 1 Sorkin postideo...

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Cekaj, tebi stvarno ne smeta sto se Pizza boy™ ponasa kao da ga je Fukunaga ostavio pred oltarom? :D Realno, ovoga bi se i 1 Sorkin postideo...


Naravno da mi ne smeta, svašta. :lolol: Šta ima da mi smeta? Davno sam naučio da od umetnika ne treba očekivati ljudsko i karakterno gromadstvo.


edit: Jedan moj poznanik je na nekoj od godina režije snimao film pa se posvađao sa snimateljem najstrašnije, a onda ga je na špici stavio uokvirenog. :lolol: To je tako među stvaraocima od malena, drugačija sorta ljudi.

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Meni uglavnom smeta zbog toga sto, kad saberem utiske iz citave prve sezone, dolazim do zakljucka da mi se Fukunagino reziranje (i ne mislim samo na onaj tracking shot) vise svidelo od Pizzinog scenarija koji se pravo raspao pred kraj. Prosto mi je jadno da se sprdas s covekom koji je u ogromnoj meri zasluzan za hajp koji je serija navukla, ali to sam samo ja, sto ljudi sto cudi, itd itd.

Edited by Calavera
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Meni uglavnom smeta zbog toga sto, kad saberem utiske iz citave prve sezone, dolazim do zakljucka da mi se Fukunagino reziranje (i ne mislim samo na onaj tracking shot) vise svidelo od Pizzinog scenarija koji se pravo raspao pred kraj. Prosto mi je jadno da se sprdas s covekom koji je u ogromnoj meri zasluzan za hajp koji je serija navukla, ali to sam samo ja, sto ljudi sto cudi, itd itd.


Možda se ja nisam lepo izrazio. Ja se ne sprdam sa rediteljem, nego sa načinom na koji se piše o seriji. A hajp koji je navukla prva sezona je užasan, pošto je bio sav pogrešan i na kraju je prso i onda si dobio ljude koji rejdžuju i govore da je to "sranje".

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Ma ja sam se lose odrazio™, u toj recenici nisam mislio da se ti sprdas s reziserom, nego Pizza :D

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koga briga ako je serija dobra. jos manje ako nije.



cerislave, duzan si nam utiske pete sezone :fantom:

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Užasna je postala ova nova publika što gleda sve to pomoću tvitera i objašnjenja sa neta. U-ža-sna! (ne mislim na Kavaleru)



koga briga ako je serija dobra. jos manje ako nije.



cerislave, duzan si nam utiske pete sezone :fantom:

Искулирао нас само тако...

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koga briga ako je serija dobra. jos manje ako nije.



cerislave, duzan si nam utiske pete sezone :fantom:


Jebiga, meni takve stvari smetaju pri pracenju serija. Tako sam i prema Komjunitiju stvarno postao indiferentan tek kad se ispostavilo da je Harmon teska dileja. 


A i odgovorio sam vec Viniju na OITNB topicu u neku ruku... pljuvanje po GoT je vec postala forumska moda koliko i iznosenje objektivnih zamerki, a ja prosto ne uzivam da citam sav taj doom & gloom o seriji u kojoj (khm, i pored nekih ociglednih mana) i dalje uzivam i gledam prvom mogucom prilikom. 

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Pa to je sve 1 proces, ja kad iscitam sta ste sve vi ispisali potpuno izgubim volju da vam objasnjavam gde gresite -_- Ali dosta o tome, nije tema.

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