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U.S., Russia reach agreement on seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenalSwitzerland_US_Syria-0a457.jpgLARRY DOWNING/AP - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, shake hands after making statements following meetings regarding Syria in Geneva, Switzerland on Saturday. By Anne Gearan, Loveday Morris, Colum Lynch and Karen DeYoung, Saturday, September 14, 2:33 PM E-mail the writersGENEVA — The United States and Russia agreed Saturday on an outline for the identification and seizure of Syrian chemical weapons and said Syria must turn over an accounting of its arsenal within a week. The agreement will be backed by a U.N. Security Council resolution that could allow for sanctions or other consequences if Syria fails to comply, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said. Kerry said that the first international inspection of Syrian chemical weapons will take place by November, with destruction to begin next year. Senior administration officials had said Friday the Obama administration would not press for U.N. authorization to use force against Syria if it reneges on any agreement to give up its chemical weapons. The Russians had made clear in talks here between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Kerry that the negotiations could not proceed under the threat of a U.N. resolution authorizing a military strike. Russia also wanted assurances that a resolution would not refer Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the International Criminal Court for possible war-crimes prosecution. President Obama had said that the unilateral U.S. use of force against Syria for a chemical attack last month remains on the table. But consideration of that action, already under challenge by a skeptical Congress, has been put on hold pending the outcome of these Geneva talks. The discussions in Geneva began this week following a Russian proposal Monday, quickly agreed to by Assad, to place Syria’s chemical arsenal under international control and eventually destroy it. Speaking at a televised press conference in Istanbul, Syrian rebel commander Gen. Salim Idriss reiterated his rejection of the Russian initiative, saying that it effectively leaves Assad unpunished for the Aug. 21 chemical attack. “What about the murderer Bashar who gave the order? Should we forget him?” he said. “We feel let down by the international community. We don’t have any hope.” He said that the U.S. and other international allies of the Syrian opposition are backing the Russian deal despite the knowledge that it is a ploy to protect the Syrian government, saying Russia and Syria are “playing games” and buying more time. With the focus of the now on chemical weapons, the Syrians killed by other weapons such as Scud missiles have been forgotten, he said. He implored the international community to give further assistance. Don’t leave the Syrians alone, facing and resisting this criminal regime,” he said. The question of U.N. authorization for using force in Syria came up less than 24 hours after the Russians first made their proposal. France quickly drafted a resolution that threatened to consider “further necessary measures” — code words for military force — if Syria makes a deal and then breaks it. The draft, negotiated with the United States and Britain, was met with public statements from Lavrov and Russian President Vladi­mir Putin that they would not negotiate under threat. Washington and London have now backed off the use-of-force provision, and a revised French draft being circulated at the U.N. Security Council has weakened it. Instead, the draft calls for continuous review of “Syria’s compliance . . . and, if Syria does not comply fully, to impose further measures” that are unspecified. The draft still includes a provision to refer Syrian authorities to the International Criminal Court, but that provision could also be removed in subsequent reworkings as the Geneva negotiations continue. The senior officials said they expected a U.N. resolution in some form to pass within weeks of a Geneva agreement. One possible course of action, they said, is the internationally verified transfer of Syria’s chemical stockpiles to Russia, where they eventually would be destroyed. Assad sent a letter Thursday to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon saying that on Monday he will sign the international accord banning chemical weapons. Syria, which is not a party to the Geneva talks, denied until this week that it had chemical weapons. Under Russian pressure, Assad agreed to acknowledge the stockpiles and join the international weapons ban. Both Syria and Russia have said that the Aug. 21 attack, in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, was carried out by rebels, not the government. The site of the attack was visited last month by U.N. investigators who are due to brief Ban on their findings Sunday. Ban told a gathering of women’s groups Friday that the inspectors have obtained “overwhelming” evidence that the attack took place, according to a U.N.-based diplomat. “I believe that the report will be an overwhelming report that chemical weapons were used, even though I cannot say it publicly at this time,” Ban said in comments he apparently thought were confidential but that were captured on an internal television feed. Ban did not say who was responsible for using chemical weapons or what nerve agent was used. But the diplomat, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the unreleased results, said that “the report will clearly say it is sarin” gas and that “it clearly hints that the regime is the perpetrator.” Ban is scheduled to present the findings to the Security Council on Monday.
Rezultat svega - prva inspekcija oružja je tek u novembru (više od mesec dana od danas, iako je Keri odbijao i rok od mesec dana kao predugačak), proces izvlačenja i uništavanja bi trajao do sredine 2014, bez jasne pretnje o vojnom udaru od strane Zapada, plus zaštita za Asada od eventualne optužnice MKS-a a napad od 21. avgusta će očigledno pokriti ruzmarin, snjegovi i šaš.Realno, grand-slam za Ruse.
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Smesan je ispao Obama. Nasumicna crvena linija. Zalet koji je delovao kao da intervencija samo sto nije, pa onda povlacenje i prebacivanje odgovornosti na kongres i na kraju ovaj sporazum sa Rusima kojim je Putin sacuvao svog kupca oruzja i partnera u trenutku kada je sve vise jasno da je on presao Obaminu "crvenu liniju".

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Rezultat svega - prva inspekcija oružja je tek u novembru (više od mesec dana od danas, iako je Keri odbijao i rok od mesec dana kao predugačak), proces izvlačenja i uništavanja bi trajao do sredine 2014, bez jasne pretnje o vojnom udaru od strane Zapada, plus zaštita za Asada od eventualne optužnice MKS-a a napad od 21. avgusta će očigledno pokriti ruzmarin, snjegovi i šaš.Realno, grand-slam za Ruse.
BBC kaze sledece:
If Syria fails to comply, the deal could be enforced by a UN resolution backed by the threat of sanctions or military force.
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Sad smo obrnuli pun krug u argumentima. Dok je trajala intervencija u Libiji, neintervenisanje u ratu u Siriji, koji je vec bio u punom jeku, bio je krunski dokaz cinicnosti Zapada i posebno americke administracije: posto u Libiji ima nafte, a u Siriji ne bas toliko, tvrdio je Kauboj u horu sa drugima, ne postoji nikakav interes da se i tamo intervenise protiv rezima. To je, u Kaubojevoj argumentaciji, pokazivalo da bombardovanje Gadafijevih snaga nema humanitarne motive jer, da je USA administraciji stalo do civila, ta bombardovali bi valjda i Asada. Medjutim, posto Kauboj sada sluti da ce do bombardovanja ipak doci, a da bi ostao dosledan svom anti-amerikanizmu, onda su se odjedanput, kao grom iz vedra neba, pojavili nekakvi lobiji, nejasno je kakvi, cije je postojanje dokaz da bi eventualna intervencija u Siriji bila motivisana interesima a ne brigom za civile.


Citati za Kauboja. :Hail:You R my hero.E a sad nema intervencije, Radagaste, i sad smo opet najebali. :mellow: Koliko god 180° preokreta sitovacija imala, kauboj je uvijek u pravu i sve je znao kajikakćbit.
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BBC kaze sledece:
NA zajedničkoj KZŠ prvo je Keri pomenuo potrebnu odluku o tome u SB UN u duhu tačke 7 povelje, a onda je Lavrov rekao da će se eventualna akcija pod okriljem UN odigrati u slučaju nekakvih ekscesa (moja reč), što bi značilo ili neki novi napad ili jasno nepoštovanje plana od strane Asada, ali posle prikupljanja svih dokaza i većanja o tome u SB. Keri se osmehnuo i na kraju mu pružio ruku. Dakle, ako bude neko sranje, na SB UN će se većati o daljim koracima.Inače, Keri je priznao da i pobunjenici poseduju hemijsko oružje.
Asadove sanse da se posle bilo kakvog razresenja u Siriji odrzi na vlasti su otprilike tolike kolike su sanse da NLO sleti usred Damaska u sledecih par dana.
Asad je ovime kupio sebi vreme. Pobunjenici su svakako demoralisani odustajanjem Vašingtona od lupanja (barem onaj umereniji deo), a da li i kako će se to preneti na teren, videćemo. Bilo bi zanimljivo videti postoje li ikakve šanse da to umerenije krilo SNC sedne za sto i sa Asadom ispregovara nekakvo rešenje, neki vid tranzicije Sirije u post-Asadovsko stanje (tj Siriju u kojoj nije Asad jedini power broker), naravno, ako Rusi mogu i hoće da dovoljno pritisnu Asada u sličnom smeru.
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Evo ga "plan u 6 tačaka":
The agreement on Syria, announced by US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on September 14, sets out a procedure for eliminating chemical weapons there.At joint press conference in Geneva after nearly three days of talks with Lavrov, Kerry outlined the framework of the deal as follows:1. Syria’s chemical weapons must be placed under international control as quickly as possible.2. Within one week, Syria must provide a “comprehensive” listings of its chemical weapons stockpiles.3. Extraordinary procedures under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CPW) will be applied to allow for rapid destruction.4. Syria must give inspectors full and “unfettered access” to all chemical weapons sites.5. All chemical weapons must be destroyed (by the middle of 2014, although no exact date has yet been specified).6. The UN will provide logistical support for the plan and compliance will be enforced by Chapter VII of the UN Security Council Charter (allowing for the possibility of sanctions and for the use of military force).
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