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^^Vidi ovako.O Radagastu ne mislim ništa od toga što si ti naveo.Ničim izazvana analiza mog poznavanje Sirije i brige za njegove žitelje je jadan pokušaj bezobrazluka.Dakle, diši duboko desetak sekundi, uzmi propisanu terapiju ili jednostavno nađi drugog za svađu i vređanje.
Dobro Edited by Tutankamon
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Neka neko obavesti Kerija da su Turci pre tri meseca uhapsili članove al nusre sa 2 kg sarina.
Ne branim turke ni one druge, ali ta prica je gotovo potpuno demantovana (ne do kraja) u zvanicnoj izjavi guvernera provincije Adana povodom tog hapsenja.Ipak, njegovo obracanje i podatak da je pola uhapsenih iz te grupe ubrzo osobodjeno nisu preneli oni koji su uporno ponavljali da je pronadjen sarin pa tako se to i danas uzima kao gotova stvar kod svih Asadovih pristalica. Zanimljiv je niz glasila koji su tu pricu vise puta vrteli (Press TV, RT, Voice of Russia...)Turska nakon toga nikada nije zvanicno objavila da li je i kakva supstanca pronadjena, a dokazivanje istinitosti te tvrdnje je u najboljem slucaju u rangu Kerijevih dokaza (izuzimam ove laboratorijske analize ako su uradjene prema potrebnoj proceduri) Edited by Bane5
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Kerry dobio nove dokaze:via WP:
Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Sunday that fresh laboratory tests show that Sarin nerve gas was used in an Aug. 21 attack in Syria that killed more than 1,400 people, the first time that U.S. officials have pinpointed what kind of chemical weapon was used.In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Kerry said blood and hair samples from emergency workers in east Damascus had tested positive for Sarin, a highly toxic nerve agent. He said that U.S. officials learned of the lab results in the past 24 hours, citing the evidence as yet another reason for Congress to pass President Obama’s request to authorize the use of military force against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.“So this case is building and this case will build,” Kerry said, according to a transcript of his remarks provided by NBC. “I don’t believe that my former colleagues in the United States Senate and the House will turn their backs on all of our interests, on the credibility of our country, on the norm with respect to the enforcement of the prohibition against the use of chemical weapons.”
1. "naši interesi"2. "naš kredibilitet"3. "primena normi o zabrani upotrebe hemijskog naoružanja"pošteno iznet prioritet, bez uvijanja.btw, sirija nije potpisnica konvencije o zabrani hemijskog naoružanja iz 1993. (potpisnica je doduše ženevskog protokola iz 1925.) pa je i pravni slučaj tu malo razvodnjen.naravno, uvek postoji opcija da se asad ganja za stare dobre ratne zločine.
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Jedna disonantna izjava i na drugoj strani:DUBAI: Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said the Syrian government, a strong ally of Tehran, had carried out chemical weapons attacks against its own people, the semi-official Iranian Labour News Agency reported on Sunday. "The people have been the target of chemical attacks by their own government and now they must also wait for an attack by foreigners," Rafsanjani said, according to ILNA. "The people of Syria have seen much damage in these two years."

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pokusao sam da prevedem originalnu vest i deluje kao da moze dvostruko da se tumaci (doduse google je prevodilac). svi ostali prenose ovakvo tumacenje kako sam ga postavio.edit: da dodam i link sa nimalo nebitnim cinjenicama. analiza onoga sto admisnistracija predlaze kongresu da usvoji. zanimljivo je pravno gledanje koje otkriva dosta velike slobode u tumacenju i odlucivanju predsednika ukoliko se ovo nekako ne ogranici u kongresu.http://www.lawfarebl...-is-very-broad/

Edited by Bane5
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Dok ti prevodis sa google-om evo sto kazu Saudijci:

Rafsanjani warns US military strike on Syria could “engulf region” Sunday, 1 Sep, 2013Also warns against "inappropriate rhetoric" from officials not qualified to speak on Iranian foreign policyLondon, Asharq Al-Awsat—Reports from Tehran reveal that President Rouhani updated the Expediency Council, chaired by Hashemi Rafsanjani, of the latest development on the ground in Syria and Tehran’s likely responses to an expected US military strike against the regime of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad. For his part, Hashemi Rafsanjani articulated his vision on possible turmoil in the region, saying that a US military intervention in Syria could “engulf the region.”“It seems that the main objective of US adventurism in the region is not limited to Syria and [is intended to] engulf the entire region,” Rafsanjani was quoted as saying by Press TV.Rafsanjani cautioned council members that “US attack and aggression will probably not be confined to Syria and the outbreak of war in this country. . . . Their dangerous, warmongering game could engulf the entire region.”The Expediency Council chairman acknowledged that the US is capable of starting a regional war, but added that Washington would not be in a position to control the way that war would end.He also emphasized the “strategic significance of Syria in the region,” saying that “Damascus is the stronghold of resistance against the Zionist regime,” according to Press TV.Hashemi Rafsanjani also warned against the use of inappropriate rhetoric on sensitive foreign policy issues by irresponsible individuals who are not officially charged with outlining Iran’s foreign policy.This can be seen as a direct warning against some Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders or radical clerics whose positions do not permit them to comment officially on Iranian foreign policy.Hashemi Rafsanjani said that the current crisis is intentionally being “fed by the US and its allies,” adding that Tehran must act cautiously to protect its national security.As for his comments regarding the use of inappropriate rhetoric on sensitive foreign policy issues, these have been viewed as a gradual shift in Iranian policy regarding the need not to further inflame the situation.On Thursday, IRGC commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad-Ali Jaafari warned against any attack on Syria, saying that this would lead to the “end for Israel.”
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kad smo već udarili po regionalnim mišljenjima:

Top Sunni authority says against US strikes on SyriaSeptember 01, 2013 02:04 PM (Last updated: September 01, 2013 05:20 PM)CAIRO, Qahirah: Al-Azhar in Cairo, Sunni Islam's highest authority, on Sunday declared its firm opposition to any US strikes on Syria, saying this would amount to "an aggression against the Arab and Islamic nation".The institution in a statement "expressed its categorical rejection and condemnation of the decision by the American President (Barack Obama) to launch military strikes on Syria," to punish president Bashar al-Assad's regime for an alleged chemical weapons attack near Damascus last month that left hundreds dead.To general surprise, the US leader on Saturday announced that he would seek approval from Congress for action against Syria, effectively pushing military action back until September 9 at the earliest.But the Obama administration remains committed to military action, with at least five US warships armed with cruise missiles having converged on the eastern Mediterranean ready to launch precision strikes.Al-Azhar said such strikes would amount to "an aggression against the Arab and Islamic nation... which endangers peace and international security."The Islamic institution insisted on "the right of the Syrian people to decide their destiny and their government for themselves in all freedom and transparency," while condemning the "recourse to chemical weapons, whoever it was that used them."The Assad regime has denied responsibility for the incident.The Arab League, which is due to meet at 1600 GMT in Cairo to discuss Syria, is expected to condemn Assad.
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1. "naši interesi"2. "naš kredibilitet"3. "primena normi o zabrani upotrebe hemijskog naoružanja"pošteno iznet prioritet, bez uvijanja.btw, sirija nije potpisnica konvencije o zabrani hemijskog naoružanja iz 1993. (potpisnica je doduše ženevskog protokola iz 1925.) pa je i pravni slučaj tu malo razvodnjen.naravno, uvek postoji opcija da se asad ganja za stare dobre ratne zločine.
Nijedna stavka nije pravna, ni interes ni kredibilitet samim tim ni treći na listi prioriteta - Obamina crvena linija što je više poruka Iranu, Severnoj Koreji nego što ima veze sa samom Sirijom.
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Pozivas se na vest sa ILNA, odatle prevodis?
ne, vest je prenelo dosta izvora verovatno kao agencijsku.agencije reuters i agi (ne racunajuci ovu iransku), pa to prenose daily star (vodeci libanski dnevnik), jerusalem post i jos 15-ak listova.kako mi je vest bila nelogicna, otisao sam na sajt ove iranske agencije i preveo ovu vest ne bi li video sta je tacno rekao i dobio sam prevod koji moze biti dvosmislen. Edited by Bane5
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edit: kasnim@dillingernačelno gledano, treća stavka bi mogla biti pravna, ali to je pitanje tumačenja, shvaćenih pravnih konsenzusa itd.no, naravno da establišment u vašingtonu realno boli đoka za to.

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