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fwiw, mada sam skeptičan u pouzdanost izvora, a i u značaj informacije (možda je po sredi neki levi kontakt na terenu bez širih implikacija), no videćemo:

ALEPPO, SYRIA (4:10 P.M.) - Negotiations to surrender the rebel-held east Aleppo pocket have begun between the Syrian Arab Army's High Command and Islamist groups, a local source told Al-Masdar News on Wednesday afternoon.

The two parties are currently negotiating the possible exit of all Islamist groups from east Aleppo, via the contested Bustan Al-Qasir District.

If the Islamist groups agree to the terms offered in today's negotiations, the Syrian Armed Forces will be in full-control of some east Aleppo neighborhoods.

While the Syrian Armed Forces have found some rebel groups to negotiate with, large Islamist factions like Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Al-Nusra Front) refuse to speak to the government and their Russian allies.

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fwiw, mada sam skeptičan u pouzdanost izvora, a i u značaj informacije (možda je po sredi neki levi kontakt na terenu bez širih implikacija), no videćemo:



nemam pojma da li je bilo sta od toga istina, ali je izvor svakako daleko od nekog kome treba bilo sta verovati.

da ne pricam koliko je konstrukcija vesti losa tj. navodi na propagandni aspekt.

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eto, sve si rekao.


obe strane u siriji uglavnom tačno izveštavaju kada nešto osvajaju, kada nešto gube onda uglavnom mudro ćute. to je činjenica.

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Алмасдар прилично тачно и наводи дешавања на фронту, и то у оба смера.

Можда касни који сат уколико је реч са вестима са друге стране, али и то уредно пријављује.


Што се тиче извора информација са којих Бане црпе информације, још увек нисмо видели који је.

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Theresa May has raised doubts over the safety and enforcement of a potential no-fly zone over Syria to protect civilians from Russian or Syrian airstrikes.

 How should the UK respond to the crisis in Syria?
Alison McGovern, Emily Thornberry, Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, Rime Allaf, Peter Tatchell and Lindsey German
Read more

Andrew Mitchell, the former Conservative international development secretary, made a passionate case on Tuesday for a targeted no-fly zone aimed at Syrian helicopters or possibly tracking Russian jets.

But May told the Commons at prime minister’s questions: “The scenes we see of the indiscriminate slaughter of innocent civilians are absolutely appalling. We want to see an end to that, but there are many questions about a no-fly zone that need to be looked at: Who is it there to protect? Would it lead to [President Bashar al-]Assad bombing people in the expectation that they would then move to that zone? Who would enforce that safe area?”

She added: “What we all know is the only real solution is a political transition and it’s time Russia accepted that; that the future of Syria is a political transition to a stable Syria free of Assad.”

May’s questions are a clear indication that the British and US military are unconvinced about the feasibility of a no-fly zone, given the presence of Russian airplanes in the skies above Syria. London is waiting to see if Washington policy changes after the expected election of Hillary Clinton as president in January.

Asked if she would join France in calling for Russia to be referred to the international criminal court, May replied: “We’re very clear that it’s for the courts to decide where a war crime has been committed. It was May 2014 when we co-sponsored a UN security council resolution to refer those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria, regardless of affiliation to the international criminal court. That was vetoed by Russia and China.”

Her remarks came as the French foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, claimed Vladimir Putin had cancelled a visit to Paris next week because he was too embarrassed to discuss Syria. The French president, François Hollande, had insisted that his Russian counterpart meet him to discuss Syria as part of a long-arranged visit to open a Russian Orthodox church in the capital.

Asked about Boris Johnson’s call for protests outside the Russian embassy in London, Ayrault asked: “Is it the job of a foreign minister to organise demonstrations?”


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Za to vreme u Australiji rodbina i prijatelji skupili milion ipo dorla za kauciju... 








Sydney-based Renas Lelikan was charged with being a member of the banned organisation, the Kurdish Workers Party, after he returned to Australia from northern Iraq in July.


The Kurdistan Workers' Party, also known as the PKK, is fighting against the Islamic State [iS] terror group in northern Iraq.

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