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ponavljanje je nekima potrebno da prihvate i da misle.

Evo i nesto humano, 1 AI za kolekciju i pomoc pri objektivnom i neutralnom, nenavijackom analiziranju i izvestavanju.







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mada ti je ovo bas odvratno, ne znam sta ti to treba...

koliko je decjih glava izbrisano u iraku?



ne prihvata eraserhead kritiku USA bez nabijanja na nos da i Rusi prave sranje, nema šanse.


Ma jok samo pratim logiku ali sam zaboravio da "kvotujem" i bajkovitog.

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Russia deploys advanced anti-missile system to Syria for first time, US officials say


By Lucas Tomlinson

Published October 04, 2016



EXCLUSIVE: Russia has deployed an advanced anti-missile system to Syria for the first time, three US officials tell Fox News, the latest indication that Moscow continues to ramp up its military operations in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

It comes after Russia's actions led to the collapse of a cease-fire and the cut-off of direct talks with the U.S.  

While Moscow’s motives are not certain, officials say the new weapon system could potentially counter any American cruise missile attack in Syria.

Components of the SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system, which has a range of roughly 150 miles, arrived over the weekend “on the docks” of a Russian naval base along Syria’s Mediterranean coastal city of Tartus, two US officials said.

It is the first time Russia has deployed the SA-23 system outside its borders, according to one Western official citing a recent intelligence assessment. The missiles and associated components are still in their crates and are not yet operational, according to the officials.

The U.S. intelligence community has been observing the shipment of the SA-23 inside Russia in recent weeks, according to one official.

While the purpose is not clear, one US official asked sarcastically, “Nusra doesn’t have an air force do they?” speaking about the Al Qaeda-linked group in Syria.  The Islamic State also does not fly any manned aircraft or possess cruise missiles, in a sign that Russia is directing its actions to protect itself against any potential attack from the United States or its allies. 

The SA-23 can fire two different types of missiles. A smaller missile is used against aircraft and cruise missiles and is known by NATO as Gladiator. The larger missile is used against intermediate-range ballistic missiles and jamming aircraft and is known as Giant. Both missiles use the same type of warhead containing over 300 pounds of explosives, according to military-today.com.

Three years ago, President Obama weighed military action against the Assad regime’s chemical weapons facilities as well as airbases housing the regime’s attack helicopters and jets. US Navy ships in the eastern Mediterranean were prepared to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles in a limited strike to cripple the regime. 

Russia deployed a separate air defense system, the S-400, to Syria after a Russian jet was shot down by a Turkish warplane last November.  Since the S-400 deployment, the U.S. military has been careful about flying  manned aircraft inside the range of the system, despite repeated pledges by the US military that its airstrikes in Syria are focused on ISIS, not the Assad regime.

Monday, the Pentagon announced it conducted an airstrike potentially killing a “prominent” al-Qaeda linked operative in Syria.  Officials said they were still assessing the strike and have not released the name of their target.



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To je u stvari S-300VM, ili Antey-2500, Rusi očigledno ojačavaju no-fly zone... sa ovim i S-400 pokrivaju sve, od krstarećih raketa do stealth bombardera

Edited by slow
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To je ko one Tojote po pustinji...vozi se prakticno sam a dobijes 3 za 2 na Amazon.


Ne mozes ti mudrog Srbina zajebat. Svaku zaveru on provali u trenucima dokolice.

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