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Nakon ratne eksploatacije vazdusne premoci i zdruzenog SAA-iranskog kopnenog poduhvata, sada i produzena medijska eksploatacija.


Sto rece jedan u komentarima, ruski Shock'n'Awe meets Tchaikovsky. 

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novi standard u svi cine zlocine performansu. unistena bolnica u kojoj su lekari, sestre i pacijenti vs. unistena bolnica u kojoj je vojska, bez lekara i pacijenata.  :thumbsup:

Dovoljno si mator  :P da znas ili barem pokusas da naucis da od ucitavanja svi cine zlocine performansa, inace omiljenog ortopedskog pomagala u diskusijama koje bi pre svega da vode racuna o humanosti u ratu koji je po definiciji 1 nehumana rabota, mnogo, mnogo, mnogo vise vazi 1 aksiom i to od kako je sveta i veka:

u ratu, svi lazu. 

Ali bas svi.

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u ratu, svi lazu. 

Ali bas svi.


nam nam druge nego da ne verujemo nikome vec samo 'namenskom' i njegovim mantrama.

evo jos jedne "lazi" iz sirije


Ujedinjene nacije su potvrdile da je izbeglički kamp u sirijskom gradu Sarmadi na 30 kilometara od Alepa bombardovan u četvrtak.

Pretpostavlja se da je stradalo tridesetak izbeglica, uključujući žene i decu, veliki broj je povređen, a objavljen je i snimak mesta tragedije.


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Izvini, zaboravio sam: nasi™ ne lazu, taman posla, gde bi oni to.

svi lazu, tu nema zbora. tvoj je problem sto neces (ili ne umes) da provalis kada i kako (ne)nasi lazu, kada i kako spinuju, a kada (misle da) govore istinu.






House's credo often gives him good guidance, as in many episodes the underlying diagnosis is often lacking either because someone has lied outright without provocation, has lied when asked about a possible source of the disease directly (particularly sexual infidelity) or did not disclose a particularly important fact that they thought was unimportant or too embarrassing.


However, even House agrees that his credo has its limits. He notes that people will only lie for a good reason, and that many people will lie only in some extreme situation that they feel is incredibly important.


House also has another important credo - the symptoms never lie. However, even he agreed that they sometimes do.


Edited by Gandalf
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svi lazu, tu nema zbora. tvoj je problem sto neces (ili ne umes) da provalis kada i kako (ne)nasi lazu, kada i kako spinuju, a kada (misle da) govore istinu.



Pa zato imam tebe :)

I Andurila.

Kompase i uzdanice istine, pravde i borbe za prave vrednosti :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Syria conflict: Deadly blasts rock Assad strongholds


18 minutes ago



At least 78 people have been killed in a series of bomb attacks in two government strongholds on Syria's Mediterranean coast, state media say.

The bombs targeted bus stations in the city of Tartous and Jableh, a town to the north, and Jableh hospital.

The two places have until now escaped the worst of the war. One report put the total death toll at more than 120.

A news agency linked to so-called Islamic State (IS) has said the jihadist group was behind the attacks.


Amaq cited an IS source as saying militants had targeted "gatherings of Alawites", a reference to the heterodox Shia sect to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs.

Russia - a key backer of Mr Assad - has a naval base in Tartous and an airbase near Jableh, from where it has conducted air strikes on IS targets across Syria.


The state news agency, Sana, cited a police source as saying that 45 people were killed and many others, most of them women and children, were injured in Jableh.

It reported that two bombs exploded at the main entrance of the town's bus station.


A suicide bomber also blew himself up at the entrance of the emergency department at Jableh National Hospital, it added.

The fourth blast reportedly occurred near the offices of Jableh's electricity directorate, on the outskirts of the Amara residential district.

In Tartous, more than 33 people were killed and 47 injured, Sana said.


A car bomb was detonated at the main gate to the city's bus station, while a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest inside the facility, it added.


Another bomber blew himself up in a residential area in the west of the city, according to Sana.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group which relies on a network of sources on the ground, reported that 73 people were killed in Jableh and another 48 in Tartous.

It said the two bombings at the bus station in Jableh were suicide attacks.


Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said terrorist groups were resorting to bomb attacks against civilians because they were unable to fight the Syrian army.

"We will not be deterred," he told al-Ikhbariya TV. "We will use everything we have to fight the terrorists."


Russia expressed concern at the blasts and said they underscored the need to continue peace talks between the government and opposition.


"Of course a rise in tension and terrorist activity cannot but heighten concern. It is further proof of how fragile the situation is in Syria and demonstrates the necessity to continue active steps towards resuming talks," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters in Moscow.

Asked whether Russia would consider its decision in March to withdraw most of its forces from Syria, Mr Peskov pointed to a statement by President Vladimir Putin, noting that the country's infrastructure allowed for a "very flexible approach".

IS, which is fighting both government and rebel forces trying to topple Mr Assad, has killed scores of people in suicide bombings in Damascus and Homs this year.


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Jasno kao dan. Kada SAA bombarduje to isključivo pogađa žene, decu i lekare ali kada dobri/umereni/antiloši momci bombarduju onda je to isključivo po "uporištima režima", da slučajno žrtve ne budu nevine.

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Jasno kao dan. Kada SAA bombarduje to isključivo pogađa žene, decu i lekare ali kada dobri/umereni/antiloši momci bombarduju onda je to isključivo po "uporištima režima", da slučajno žrtve ne budu nevine.

Covek se jedino zaje@'o kad je napisao "media'... Nije "media" nego placeno oglashavanje... 

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Malo ga pretera.


"Kill scores..."

"...kill dozens..."

"...deadly blast".

Edited by Eraserhead
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Malo ga pretera.


"Kill scores..."

"...kill dozens..."

"...deadly blast".


Probaj makar ovog puta da ne braniš neodbranjivo. Ovakvu brutalnu dehumanizaciju civilnih žrtava ja ne pamtim da sam video. Ako je i od više rase, mnogo je.

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