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SAA zauzela i najvecu termoelektranu u alepskoj regiji, tako da ce civilima barem u tom segmentu biti malo lakse ...



p.s. Ocito da je ISIS veoma  krt u regijama gde su odseceni od Turske ...

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Mnogo je anje to crno "ostrvo" danas, jedno ili dva omanja sela ostala da se oslobode ... Nigde nema informacije, sta se desava sa islamistima posle tih bitaka u okruzenju (predaja, istrebljenje, dezertiranje ...)



IS je verovatno, prema posrednim izvorima, najveci deo svojih boraca izvukla iz tog dzepa.

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Nekakva klasična okruivanja jednostavno ne rade u Siriji. Pola zemlje je u nekakvim okruženjima i nikom ništa. Zatvaranje boraca ISIS u kotao bi značilo da su ih saterali u ćošak i da moraju da ih čiste iz naselja, što je sporo, teško i donosi velike gubitke. Verujem da je taj džep uglavnom prazan.

I sam Alep će da ostave otvoren dok se većina pobunjenika ne povuče. Dosad su mmogli da ga lako odseku.

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Mnogo je manje to crno "ostrvo" danas, jedno ili dva omanja sela ostala da se oslobode ... Nigde nema informacije, sta se desava sa islamistima posle tih bitaka u okruzenju (predaja, istrebljenje, dezertiranje ...)


jadan narod, cenim da pojma nemaju, niti gde ce , niti koja vojska jos treba da prodje :(


u Ramadiju su nestali. nije ih bilo prilikom oslobadjanja grada. 


p.s. Ocito da je ISIS veoma  krt u regijama gde su odseceni od Turske ...


pitanje je gde ISIS nije krt? 

postoji li front gde su napredovali?

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...koja je mnogo opasnija od americke korejske nuklearne pretnje  :fantom:

I, kako se to rangiraju ratovi?


Ma...Ameri i Sovjeti su nekoć mogli i da gube ovakve ratove, imali su lufta. Putin, ili Erdogan...danas nemaju taj luksuz, nisu to ne znam kakvi ideolozi sa globalnim pretenzijama ma kako se to činilo, problem je što su njihovi motivi zapravo isuviše racionalni, posle Sirije sledi Kavkaz, i uz stanje u Ukrajini veoma lako se može doći do toga da je pritisak na crveno dugme neizbežan. Isto važi i za Erdogana, njemu zaista preti i raspad države. Ne stoje bolje ni Saudi...

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isto, bbc:


Syria conflict: US-Russia brokered truce to start at weekend

    22 February 2016

The US and Russia have announced that a planned cessation of hostilities in Syria will come into effect at midnight on 27 February.
Their statement said the truce did not include so-called Islamic State (IS) and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front.



World powers agreed on 12 February that a truce would come into effect within a week, but that deadline passed and scepticism remains over the new plan.
On Sunday 140 died in bombings in Homs and Damascus as the violence continued.
More than 250,000 Syrians have been killed in the conflict which began in March 2011.
Some 11 million others have been forced from their homes, of whom four million have fled abroad - including growing numbers who are making the dangerous journey to Europe.

Assad 'ready'
The joint Russian-US statement said the truce applied to "those parties to the Syrian conflict that have indicated their commitment to and acceptance of its terms".
This excluded IS, Nusra and "other terrorist organisations designated by the UN".
Air strikes by Syria, Russia and the US-led coalition against these groups would continue, the statement read.
It said that armed opposition groups taking part would have to confirm their participation by midday on 26 February.
Russian and Syrian planes would halt any attacks on the armed opposition groups.
Russia and the US will work together to "delineate territory where groups that have indicated their commitment to and acceptance of the cessation of hostilities are active".
The deal also sets up a communications hotline and calls for a working group to monitor ceasefire violations.
US Secretary of State John Kerry welcomed the deal, saying: "If implemented and adhered to, this cessation will not only lead to a decline in violence, but also continue to expand the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian supplies to besieged areas."
Russia and the US back opposing sides in the war; Moscow is President Bashar al-Assad's strongest ally.
On Saturday, President Assad had said he would be ready for a ceasefire, if what he termed "terrorists" did not take advantage of the lull in the fighting. But he had previously cast doubt on the success of a truce.
Government forces, backed by Russian air strikes, have been making advances against rebels around the northern city of Aleppo.
Analysts say there will be huge scepticism about the possibility of an effective ceasefire, given the current fighting and failure of the first deadline.
Air strikes will continue and it is unclear whether Kurdish forces, which have been making ground in the north, sparking artillery fire from Turkey, will abide by any truce.
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said fighting and air strikes continued unabated on Monday, with IS fighters attacking the army's main supply route between Damascus and Aleppo.
Islamic State militants said they carried out the attacks in Homs and Damascus on Sunday.
Russia said the attacks were aimed at "subverting attempts" to reach a political settlement.
On Monday, a spokesman for the US-led coalition fighting IS in Syria, Col Steve Warren, said he believed that IS was "beginning to lose".
He said the number of Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria, previously placed at between 19,000 and 31,000, was now between 20,000 and 25,000.
"They have been able to replenish their forces at roughly the same rate as we've been able to kill their forces. That's hard to sustain," Col Warren said.


'Fractured state'
Meanwhile, the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria reported its findings on Monday. They include:
    Syria is a "fractured state on the brink of collapse"
    War crimes by the government and IS are widespread and rampant
    The conflict should be referred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague
    The international community must "curb the proliferation and supply of weapons to warring parties"
    "Indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on the civilian population must end"



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Koriste protivoklopno orudje kao snajper. Doduse, u kamenjaru je i promasaj kao pogodak.



obe strane to rade - gadjaju se osim oklopnih vozila i utvrdjene lokacije, vozila (cak i pomocna), grupe vojnika ili boraca.

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I tako potroše 20-50k $ da bi ubili jednog-dva vojnika ili uništili šator ili pikap.





Јевтиније су, пар хиљада. Поготово ове старије које сад испуцавају.

Ако је са друге стране искусан борац, у ствари је врло исплативо. 

Међутим ПОВР немају добро противпешадијско дејство, лако могу да се извуку.


Дејство није за снајпер, јер је даљина преко километар.


Оно би била права мета за минобацач. Јевтино оруђе, које је за овакве ствари најефикасније.

Међутим у Сирији их јако мало користе. Изгледа да умеју само да директно нанишане.

Све за шта треба уигран тим, неко техничко знање је изгледа јако ретко.


Иначе су и у Ираку и Авганистану америчке снаге испуцавале Џавелин ракете (најсавременије, самонавођене, по цени коју је Просперо поменуо), такође против појединачних побуњеника. То је већ за чуђење јер су добро опремљени и обучени.

Edited by vathra
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