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Za sada je cirkularni chatter, nista konkretno.

Ne izgleda mi realno, prvi tvit datira od pre vise od sat vremena a informacija i dalje nema zamah. U praksi to obicno znaci da je patka.

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Ali je zato nešto eksplodiralo u istanbulskom metrou i sve linije su zaustavljene. Biće lep kolaps.


Kažu da je transformator, a to je bila prva vest i u Londonu onomad...


Ima povređenih.

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Jel to terminus Bayrampasa? Secam se da je to ogromna stanica, ili ako ne toliko velika a ono uvek krcata

Edited by Аврам Гојић
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Ono nije bombardovanje 'belim fosforom' već su sovjetske kasetne zapaljive bombice, i korišćene su već više puta od strane sirijskog vazduhoplovstva tokom rata - ima videa iz 2012 kad je i prvi put snimljeno... U principu je stara vest o zapaljivim bombama, a sad se neko negde 'setio' da je opet prepakuje u beli fosfor pusti u opticaj.


Kasetna bomba (nosač) se u Siriji izbacivala uglavnom iz helikoptera Mi-24, postoje verzije od 250 i od 500 kg (RBK250 i RBK500) dok punjenja tj. bombica ima nekoliko različitih. Onaj pravi 'beli fosfor' koji su izraelci i amerikanci koristili su artiljerijske granate 155mm.


par starih linkova koga zanima:




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Syria Is a Chemical Weapons Free-for-All


It’s no secret that the Barack Obama administration doesn’t have much to show for its efforts in Syria. About the only thing that has gone right is the lucky break when Syria agreed to abandon its chemical weapons after the president had gone to comical lengths to avoid enforcing his own ad libbed red line.


Earlier this year, following a series of allegations about continuing chemical weapons use in the Syrian civil war, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) dispatched a fact-finding mission to Syria. The resulting report found, well, facts.


The first incident occurred near the Syrian town of Marea. The awful details of the attack have already been reported in the New York Times by C. J. Chivers, who has done so much to report on chemical weapons issues in Iraq and Syria. A chemical mortar hit a home. The agent — sulfur mustard — burned three family members and killed an infant. Unlike the attack against Ghouta, it seems the shell was fired by Islamic State militants.


The second incident mentioned by the OPCW’s report is actually a series of attacks by the Syrian government that occurred over a period of months. Having lost their stockpiles of Sarin and mustard, the Syrian regime has resorted to filling barrels with chlorine, creating an improvised chemical weapon that can be dropped from a helicopter. The fact-finding mission documented series of so-called “barrel bomb” attacks in Idlib governorate carried out between March and May 2015.


After Syria agreed to give up its chemical weapons, the president warned of “consequences” if Assad did not follow through. Now, two year later, a U.S. official can characterize the use of chemical weapons in Syria as routine, without so much as delaying a turkey pardon.


Happy Holidays.


Edited by Gandalf
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Evo i jedne prilično detaljne i informativne mape (objedinjeni Sirija i Irak):




Jos jedna mapa koja predstavlja opticku varku o velicini ISIS - a.

Posebno obratiti paznju na mapu gore - levo o naseljenim mestima. Sad da se vratimo stanju na frontu, nekoliko dilema se namece (posebno moze da odgovori Bane5 koji je, kako vidim, informisan):

Kako se snabdevaju izolovane baze, kokretno ova crvena u Deir - Er - Zoru? 

Sta se desava kod zelenih u provinciji Idlib i Aleppo, da li su oni u nekoj vrsti neformalnog saveza  sa Al - Nusrom ili su "potpisali pakt o nenapadanju"?

Zasto se nista ne desava u samom Aleppu i okolini? 


Neko moje laicko misljenje je da i crvenima i zelenima ISIS na neki nacin i nije primaran neprijatelj i da je dobar dok iscrpljuje jednu stranu. Samo se Kurdi izgleda bore protiv njih i svuda ih mlate. 

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