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Top Cuban general, key forces in Syria to aid Assad, Russia, sources say

Published October 14, 2015

Cuban military operatives reportedly have been spotted in Syria, where sources believe they are advising President Bashar al-Assad’s soldiers and may be preparing to man Russian-made tanks to aid Damascus in fighting rebel forces backed by the U.S.


Gen. Leopoldo Cintra Frias, head of  Cuba's Armed Forces, recently visited Syria to lead a group of Cuban military personnel joining forces with Russia in their support of Assad, according to information received by the University of Miami's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies.


On Wednesday, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News that Cuban paramilitary and special forces units are on the ground in Syria, citing evidence from intelligence reports. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Cuban troops may have been training in Russia and may have arrived in Syria on Russian planes.


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Nakon (za sada!) relativno neuspelih pokusaja u zaledju Hame, Asad i saveznici jutros svom zestinom napadaju dzepove pobune u zaledju Homsa.

Sa vojne strane, ovaj deo je mozda i jedini gde oni mogu da ostvare neke znacajnije uspehe u kracem vremenu.

Veci problem je taj sto su naseljena mesta u zaledju Homsa puna stanovnistva i moguc je veci broj civilnih zrtava.

Sve u svemu, logicno je ocekivati da ce kopneni napadi nakon nekog vremena doneti neke pomake za Asada, ali je tesko ocekivati da ce ispuniti sve glavne ciljeve.

Takodje, pitanje je koliko ce ti dobici biti odrzivi nakon konsolidacije pobunjenika.

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Evo malo lakog štiva da nam ulepša jutro, sve sa ćiriličnim titlovima:


Ti nisi normalan, presede mi kafa

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Ahrar a-Sham commanders assassinated at ‘fake’ Homs checkpoint

AMMAN: Unknown assailants at a “fake checkpoint” assassinated three Ahrar a-Sham commanders and their guards in Homs province on Tuesday, an Al-Jazeera correspondent who saw the aftermath of the attack told Syria Direct Wednesday.

More than 20 assailants set up “a fake checkpoint” near the rebel-controlled city of al-Houla in northwestern Homs to stop Khudar’s caravan, Jalal Abu Salman said. As soon as Ahrar a-Sham’s second-in-command in Homs province, Ammar Khudar, and his men got out of their armored cars, the attackers “suddenly opened fire on them,” Abu Salman said. The Al-Jazeera correspondent arrived at the scene shortly afterward.

In the past two months, unidentified gunmen have assassinated eight other rebel leaders and dignitaries in the northern Homs countryside, including members of the local Sharia courts and commanders of Free Syrian Army factions, reported pro-opposition All4Syria.

Ahrar a-Sham had appointed Ammar Khudar the general “Emir” of the rebel-controlled al-Houla plains, reported pro-opposition Zaman al-Wasl on Wednesday, as well as Ahrar a-Sham’s military and administrative second-in-command in rebel areas in Homs province.


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Evo sta misle Pakistanci o ruskoj intervenciji :


Russia's anti-terrorist operation in Syria helpful: Khawaja Asif

ISLAMABAD:  Pakistan defense minister believes that Russia’s current military operation against Daesh and other terrorist groups in Syria is helpful to the Arab country and the whole region.

Khawaja Muhammad Asif told IRNA that Russia’s military operation against terrorists in Syria can be help helpful to thwart the threat which has been posed by Daesh in syria and that region.

'The operations which are currently being done by Russians targetting Daesh bases in Syria, I think they are augmenting the efforts against terrorists in Syria,' the minister said.

'Russians have historical ralations with Syria. Russia is also concerned about the rise of Daesh in syria and this terrorist group is not only a threat to Syria or Iraq or countries of that region but it is threat to all mankind,' the minister said.

Russia has launched a massive military operation against terrorist groups in Syria since September 29.


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Sirijski patrijarh Aphrem II


Syrian Christian leader tells West: 'Stop arming terror groups who are massacring our people'


Pope Francis ® talks with Ignatius Aphrem II, Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, during a meeting at the Vatican, on June 19, 2015.

The world leader of Syria's besieged Christians has issued a heartfelt plea to the West to "stop arming and supporting terrorist groups that are destroying our countries and massacring our people."

The Patriarch of Antioch, Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, said he was not asking the West for military intervention to defend Christians.

If the West wants to do something about the present crisis, the most effective thing would be to support local governments, which need sufficient armies and forces to maintain security and defend respective populations against attacks.

"State institutions need to be strengthened and stabilised. Instead, what we see is their forced dismemberment being fuelled from the outside," he told Vatican Insider.

Patriarch Aphrem, head of the Syrian Orthodox Church, said the most blasphemous thing a person can do is to call suicide bombers "martyrs".

"Throughout its journey through history the Church has also been a suffering Church," he added. Speaking in the days after meeting the Pope in Rome, he had just returned from Qamishli, his home town, where he met thousands of new Christian refugees who fled after Islamic State jihadists attacked Hassake, in Jazira province.

Islamic State terrorists who die while carrying out their atrocities regard such deaths as martyrdom. They believe it secures them passage to paradise.

The Patriarch contradicted this view. He said: "Martyrdom is not a sacrifice offered to God, like those sacrifices which are offered to pagan gods. Christian martyrs do not seek martyrdom to demonstrate their faith. And they do not wilfully shed their blood in order to obtain God's favour or some other prize, like Paradise."

Along with bishops of his church he recently had talks with President Assad of Syria. "President Assad urged us to do everything in our hands to prevent Christians from leaving Syria. 'I know you are suffering,' he said, 'but please don't leave this land, which has been your home for thousands of years, even before Islam came.' He said that Christians will also be needed when the time comes to rebuild this devastated country."

He said the majority of Syrian citizens support Assad's government and have always supported it.

"We recognise legitimate rulers and pray for them, as the New Testament teaches us. We also see that on the other side there is no democratic opposition, only extremist groups. Above all, we see that in the past few years, these groups have been basing their actions on an ideology that comes from the outside, brought here by preachers of hatred who have come from and are backed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt. These groups receive arms through Turkey too, as the media have shown us."

He said Islamic State was not the Islam that Syrians have learned about andlived alongside for hundreds of years. "There are forces that fuel it with arms and money because it is useful in what Pope Francis calls the 'war fought piecemeal'. But all this also draws on a perverse religious ideology that claims to be inspired by the Koran.



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