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ali čisto sumnjam da su sposobni za neke velike preokrete tipa Idlib i Alepo, pa da im Rusi pošalju ne znam šta od oružja i polete 500 puta na dan da bombarduju rebele.

Ofanziva na Alepo samo što nije počela kako javljaju mediji http://www.b92.net/info/komentari.php?nav_id=1050991.


Izgleda da je cilj da okruže celu oblast Idlib koju kontroliše FSA posle zauzimanja Alepa.

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Exclusive: Syrian army, allies preparing attack in Aleppo area - sources
BEIRUT | By Laila Bassam

The Syrian army and allied Iranian and Hezbollah forces are preparing for a ground offensive against insurgents in the Aleppo area backed by Russian air strikes, two senior regional officials familiar with the plans said on Tuesday.

The offensive would expand on a ground attack launched by the same alliance last week that is targeting rebels in Hama province further west. The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said thousands of Iranian troops had arrived to take part in the ground offensives in support of President Bashar al-Assad.

A big government offensive in the area near the Turkish border is likely to further anger NATO member Ankara, which has backed insurgents fighting Assad and has already expressed deep concern over Russian air strikes that have targeted them.

Control of Aleppo city and the surrounding province is divided among the Syrian government, a range of insurgent groups fighting Assad, and the Islamic State group that controls some rural areas near the city.

"The big battle preparations in that area are clear," said one of the officials. "There is a large mobilization of the Syrian army ... elite Hezbollah fighters, and thousands of Iranians who arrived in stages in recent days," said the official.

The second official, who is close to the Syrian government, said: "The decision to launch the battle of Aleppo has been taken ... It is no longer hidden that thousands of Iranians are now in Syria and their role is fundamental."

Both officials said the attack would begin soon.

A general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, Hossein Hamedani, was killed in Aleppo province while advising the Syrian army on their battle against Islamic State in the area, the guards said on Friday.

The city of Aleppo was Syria's most populous before the civil war began in 2011 after Assad cracked down on anti-government protests. The government controls western areas of the city, and an array of insurgent groups control the east.

Islamic State and other insurgents, including groups backed by Assad's foreign enemies, have been fighting each other north of the city in an area of territory where Turkey and the United States have been laying plans to crush Islamic State.

The northern Aleppo region is one area where the U.S.-led coalition bombing Islamic State in Syria has flown missions.

Russia says its air strikes in Syria that began Sept. 30 were targeting Islamic State, though many of them have struck in areas held by other rebel groups, including some that have received backing from Assad's foreign enemies.

Last week, Islamic State fighters seized a number of villages near Aleppo city from other insurgent groups. Syrian state TV announced government forces had captured an area from Islamic State just north of the city on Monday.

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U pravu je ako se na tome i zadrži odnosno ne insinuira da je Asad idejni i strateški tvorac ID u Siriji.



U međuvremenu, još malo muka po Bratstvu:

Turkey warns US, Russia over arms supply to Syrian Kurds

Serkan Demirtaş - ANKARA

Turkey’s prime minister has lashed out at both the United States and Russia for supplying weapons and support to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) of Syria in its bid to fight extremist jihadists, raising concerns that the arms could be used against Turkey by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), an affiliate of the PYD. 

Turkey summoned the United States’ ambassador to Turkey, John Bass, on Oct. 13 to the Foreign Ministry to convey Ankara’s strong reaction over the airdropping of ammunition to the PYD late Oct. 11. A similar message was scheduled to be conveyed to Russia later on Oct. 13. 

“We have expressed this to the U.S. and Russia in the clearest way. This is an issue of national security for us. Everybody perfectly knows how we take action when it’s about our national security, just like we did on the night of July 23, when we attacked the PKK and Daesh,” Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu told Ankara bureau chiefs of newspapers on Oct. 12. Davutoğlu used the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) as he recalled Turkey’s launch of a comprehensive military operation against ISIL and the PKK.

Davutoğlu’s reaction came as the U.S. Department of Defense confirmed that a U.S. cargo plane airdropped some logistical material to the PYD late Oct. 11 in line with Washington’s plans to reinforce the Syrian Kurds in their fight against ISIL in Syria. 

“The aircraft delivery includes small arms ammunition to resupply the local forces” to enable them to continue operations against ISIL, Pentagon spokeswoman Elissa Smith told Anadolu Agency on Oct. 13. Smith said the “successful” airdrop was conducted by a “U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo aircraft flying from the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility” and added that all aircraft exited the drop area safely. Like the U.S., Russia is also in close contact with the PYD, but there are no confirmed reports about arms supplies from Moscow. 

“I have instructed the foreign minister on this. Necessary diplomatic initiatives are being taken and our message is that ‘We don’t and never will approve of such a thing,’” he said. 

‘These weapons will be destroyed’

Recalling that ISIL was now using the sophisticated weapons Washington had supplied to the Iraqi army a year ago, Davutoğlu indirectly addressed the U.S., saying: “When you provide weapons to a group, you should also be able to foresee whose hands these weapons could go to later. At the moment, nobody can assure us that these weapons delivered to the PYD will not go to the PKK. If we find out that these weapons are taken into the northern Iraq and used there, we will destroy them wherever they are. Nobody should expect understanding on this issue. These weapons will harm our soldiers, police and civilian citizens,” Davutoğlu said.   

Turkish prime minister underlined that Turkey will take all necessary measures in the event of any infiltration from Syria into Turkey or the transportation of any ammunition “just like the Turkish army is doing in northern Iraq.” “I want to announce this with clarity.” 

PKK, PYD indistinguishable from each other

Recalling that the situation in the region and in Turkey had changed as the PKK resumed its violent acts against the Turkish army, Davutoğlu said: “Five or six months ago when there were no PKK attacks against Turkey, allied countries’ intention to arm the PYD could be seen in a certain frame. It was not right but had a sort of a meaning. The crisis in Syria is a Syrian crisis until an attack targets Turkey. [if] the PYD or the al-Assad regime were to commit an act against Turkey, necessary actions would be taken. We have made clear that we will have no tolerance.”

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Realno je mogao da se koliko-toliko osloni na to da će Rusi da zalegnu za njega. Sad, da li samo do nivoa isporuke oružja ili sve do nivoa vojne intervencije to je već drugi par cipela. Mislim da se i rešenost samih Rusa na tako nešto promenila u odnosu na 2011. godinu.

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The PYD analysis though remains anathema to the Pentagon and the White House. And the PYD does know one or two things about fighting jihadis/”moderate” rebels on the ground. PYD considers ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, Jabhat al-Nusra or Ahrar a-Sham “no different” from one another. Translation: “moderate” rebels are non-existent. PYD also accepts Bashar al-Assad staying in power for a while, but only during a “transitional” period.


The PYD has perfectly read the meaning of Russia’s Syria offensive. They fiercely oppose a Turkish-controlled no-fly zone and now rest assured there will never be one. They are also perfectly aware of a Turkmen “Sultan” brigade, trained by Ankara – Turkish-style “moderate” rebels — which defected, en masse, to ISIS/ISIL/Daesh.


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Pepe malo spinuje, malo ne zna (ili laze)... a i ne mora  da zna, za anti-imperijalizam nije potrebno znati bilo sta.


nabacis par stvari o americkom imperijalizmu, malo geopolitike, par opstih mesta o mestu desavanja (koje se mogu pokupiti iz novina). zadovoljno zakljucis kako ce mracne sile imperijalizma biti porazene, kako bi zadovoljio publiku.

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