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Hm, a koliki je resurs tim stvarima? Imam neki utisak da će oni svašta da pobacaju ovde, i onako plaća neko drugi.


Ova raketa je relativno nova, nije iz sovjetskog magacina. Svakako da ima dosta elemenata isprobavanja svega i svačega.


Generalno, veliki minus ruskog vazduhoplovstva je "pametno oružje", pogotovo satelitski vođeno. Sada koriste KAB-500S, bombu od 500kg koja ima satelitsko navođenje nakon ispaljenja. Ta oružja su koliko-toliko novijeg karaktera, najstarije su one KAB/FAB-250/500, "glupe" bombe, to ko zna kad je proizvedeno.

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evo kako gađaju tenkove



Ova posada je imala više sreće nego pameti, da ga je zveknuo bočno/iza kupole zviždao bi magacin sa granatama u roku od 3 sekunde, a oni bili prah & pepeo.

Edited by Prospero
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wash. post:


The Kalibr cruise missile is a relatively new addition to Russia’s arsenal, and according to IHS Janes analyst Jeremy Binnie, Wednesday’s launch is the first time the missile’s 900 mile plus range has been made public.

While cruise missiles are traditionally used at the beginning of bombing campaigns to hit multiple high value targets simultaneously while avoiding radar detection and maintaining the element of surprise, Russia’s strikes did none of those things. Instead, Binnie believes, everything that was targeted by the Russian cruise missiles could have easily been hit by other Russian assets within Syria (more than 50 aircraft) or possibly by Russian ships in the Mediterranean Sea.

“I think if you look at what cruise missiles are traditionally used for…this isn’t one of those scenarios,” said Binnie. “Russia has been striking the [islamic State] for more than a week and the U.S. has been for more than a year.”

Binnie went on to say that the cruise missile strikes were likely a show of Russian military force and technology, noting that the ships that fired the missiles–mostly small missile corvettes–were intended to demonstrate that even the small ships in the Russian Navy are stronger than they look.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the smaller ships that participated in the strikes are approximately 230ft long and their primary weapon is the Kalibr cruise missile. The flagship of the strike group, the Dagestan, is 650ft long and displaces 2,000 tons.

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a što imaju putanju kao neki gasovod


Zato što obično ima jedan "mehanizam" izlaska iz cevi, uglavnom vertikalne, pa se na određenoj visini pali marševski motor koji je vodi tamo gde je ciljana. Po pravilu ide vertikalno par desetina-100 metara pa onda u neku stranu.

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You can find more details of the geolocated Russian MoD airstrike videos here, and join in to geolocate the last few https://bellingcat.checkdesk.org/en/story/736 

Those videos that claim to be in areas where there is an ISIS presence turn out to be somewhere with no ISIS presence when geolocated 2/2


bellingcat ‏@bellingcat

Having geolocated nearly all the Russian MoD Syria airstrike videos it appears none of them are from areas where you find ISIS 1/2

Edited by Gandalf
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