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Skupa igračka, pitam se na šta su je potrošili osim da im je benefit samo bojevo gađanje.


Hm, a koliki je resurs tim stvarima? Imam neki utisak da će oni svašta da pobacaju ovde, i onako plaća neko drugi.

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ne verujem da je ovaj snimak pravi!

odakle sad tu jedinica FSA kad oni ne postoje ili se bar tako tvrdi i u moskvi i ovde na forumu?

Edited by Bane5
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ma šta ovo bacaju kad ovoliko puca sunce ti kalaisano?  :ph34r:


Ништа не бацају, ископали су тунел испод положаја противника и натрпали га са тонама експлозива.

Више пута кориштено у овом прилично статичном сукобу.

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French President Francois Hollande has proposed uniting the forces of the so-called Free Syrian Army and President Assad’s army to battle ISIS terrorists, President Putin revealed. It could create the ground for political settlement in Syria, he added.

"During [my] recent visit to Paris, French President Francois Hollande expressed an interesting idea, saying it is worth trying to unite the efforts of [syrian President Bashar] Assad's army and the so-called Free Syrian Army,” Putin said during a meeting with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.

He said, however, that Russia does not know where exactly the FSA is or who heads it.

“If we assume that this [FSA] is the military wing of the so-called healthy part of the opposition, then uniting their forces [with Assad’s army] against the common enemy – ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other terrorist organizations – could create good ground for the political settlement in Syria,” Putin added.

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meni ovo lici na juznu Kaliforniju.


moguce je, ali dobro je da nisam poverovao u ovu gnusnu podvalu 'iz zaliva ili sa zapada'.

Edited by Bane5
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