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Russia, Iran, Iraq & Syria setting up ‘joint information center’ to coordinate anti-ISIS operations
© Stringer / Reuters


Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria have agreed to establish a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) militants, according to sources.

“The main goal of the center will be gathering, processing and analyzing current information about the situation in the Middle East – primarily for fighting IS,” a military-diplomatic source told Russian news agencies on Saturday.

The information center in the Iraqi capital will be headed by an officer of one of the founding countries on a rotating basis. Rotation will take place every three months. According to the source, Iraq will run the center for the next three months.

Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria may also use the information center to coordinate anti-IS combat plans, the source said, adding that the agreement is a milestone for uniting the region’s countries in the war on terrorism – primarily on Islamic State militants.

The Iraqi army’s joint operations command confirmed the agreement on Saturday, saying that it came with “increased Russian concern about the presence of thousands of terrorists from Russia undertaking criminal acts with Daesh [islamic State],” Reuters reported.



ovo, kako sada stoji, čini se kao da su se ameri potpuno sklonoli iz priče, a putin kreće u pun angažman

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ne, za sada, po informacijama napadi su sverno od hame na potezu (malo grubo odredjeno) kafr nabudah - kafr zita - al lataminah


edit: evo kako to izgleda kada avijacija 'cisti' prolaz kopnenim snagama. snimak je danasnji iz okoline kafr zite



i jos jedan danasnji, snimak je iz okoline kafr nabudaha


Edited by Bane5
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Ima izveštaja o tome da su u borbe uključeni i Mi-24 helikopteri i raketna artiljerija (navodno su Rusi iskrcali Smerčove), kao i da ima poginulih Rusa. Sad, koliko je ovome verovati, to je drugo pitanje.


Btw, gledam sada mapu, pretpostavljam da je ideja da se eliminiše ovaj džep severozapadno od Hame, koji preti da ugrozi put između Hame i Latakije. Ako to urade, pretpostavljam da će im sledeći korak biti ili da eliminišu džep između Hame i Homsa ili  da napreduju u planinskoj oblasti severoistočno od Latakije, duž turske granice ili džep IS istočno od Homsa prema Palmiri.

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Sounds like #Russia fired x26 '3M-14' (SSN-30A) sea-launched land attack cruise missiles (LACMs) into #Syria today.




Edited by slow
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Sounds like #Russia fired x26 '3M-14' (SSN-30A) sea-launched land attack cruise missiles (LACMs) into #Syria today.





Skupa igračka, pitam se na šta su je potrošili osim da im je benefit samo bojevo gađanje.

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