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Nije najbitnije ko se samospalio na trgu i kako je počelo već ko je uleteo sa strane i samospaljenog namerno gasio benzinom umesto da mu iskreno pomogne. Opravdano nezadovoljstvo naroda diktaturom je iskorišćeno da bi se indukovao krvavi građanski rat.


Dozvoli, veoma je bitno ko se samospalio ako pričamo o Dizdarevićevim teorijama da je čitavu stvar kompletno odradila CIA a na terenu su im poslužili neki neobrazovani čobani budale pošto običan narod nije imao ama nikakvog razloga da se buni protiv sistema u kojem je cvetalo besplatno obrazovanje, nafta tekla za dobrobit svih građana a lihvarima iz Wall St. se nije dugovao niti cent. Ako neko uporno gura takvu priču i nudi takvu argumentaciju onda je dužan da objasni kako je to CIA uspela da zavrbuje jednog srećnog i veselog prodavca dinja da sam sebe zapali nakon maltretiranja od strane komunalne policije. Mislim, otkud sad tolika napetost u 1 tipičnom arapskom društvu gde teku med i mleko dok se CIA ne pojavi?

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Ne zaboravi da mu je osnovna podloga novinarska, dakle dopisnik Oslobođenja iz Kaira. Avanzovao u diplomatu kada je zatrebalo kadrova za novostvorenu državu. A sve i da je školovan diplomata ne bi bio ni prvi ni poslednji koji se junački držao i na kraju poklekao pred vinjakom.

OK, moguće i to, ali mi nekako logičnije da to što radi radi zbog neke pozadine™.

Mada ako se vinjak uključi, onda logika nema šta da traži...

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Kanda se sprema neki rasplet...


US On The Ropes: China To Join Russian Military In Syria While Iraq Strikes Intel Deal With Moscow, Tehran
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/27/2015 22:59 -0400


Last Thursday, we asked if China was set to join Russia and Iran in support of the Assad regime in Syria. Our interest was piqued when the pro-Assad Al-Masdar (citing an unnamed SAA “senior officer”), said Chinese “personnel and aerial assets” are set to arrive within weeks. To the uninitiated, this may seem to have come out of left field, so to speak. However, anyone who has followed the conflict and who knows a bit about the global balance of power is aware that Beijing has for some time expressed its support for Damascus, most notably by voting with Russia to veto a Security Council resolution that would have seen the conflict in Syria referred to the Hague.


Here’s what China had to say at the May 22, 2014 meeting: 
For some time now, the Security Council has maintained unity and coordination on the question of Syria, thanks to efforts by Council members, including China, to accommodate the major concerns of all parties. At a time when seriously diverging views exist among the parties concerning the draft resolution, we believe that the Council should continue holding consultations, rather than forcing a vote on the draft resolution, in order to avoid undermining Council unity or obstructing coordination and cooperation on questions such as Syria and other major serious issues. Regrettably, China’s approach has not been taken on board; China therefore voted against the draft resolution.

In other words, China could see the writing on the wall and it, like Russia, was not pleased with where things seemed to be headed. A little more than a year later and Moscow has effectively called time on the strategy of using Sunni extremist groups to destabilize Assad and given what we know about Beijing’s efforts to project China’s growing military might, it wouldn’t exactly be surprising to see the PLA turn up at Latakia as well. 


Sure enough, Russian media now says that according to Russian Senator Igor Morozov, Beijing has decided to join the fight. Here’s Pravda (translated): 


According to the Russian Senator Igor Morozov, Beijing has taken decision to take part in combating IS and sent its vessels to the Syrian coast.


Igor Morozov, member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs claimed about the beginning of the military operation by China against the IS terrorists. "It is known, that China has joined our military operation in Syria, the Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, aircraft carrier follows it," Morozov said.


According to him, Iran may soon join the operation carried out by Russia against the IS terrorists, via Hezbollah. Thus, the Russian coalition in the region gains ground, and most reasonable step of the US would be to join it. Although the stance of Moscow and Washington on the ways of settlement of the Syrian conflict differs, nonetheless, low efficiency of the US coalition acts against terrorists is obvious. Islamists have just strengthened their positions.


As Leonid Krutakov told Pravda.Ru in an interview, the most serious conflict is currently taking place namely between China and the US. Moscow may support any party, the expert believes, and that is what will change the world order for many years.

Clearly, one has to consider the source here, but as noted above, if Beijing is indeed set to enter the fray, it would be entirely consistent with China's position on Syria and also with the PLA's desire to take a more assertive role in international affairs. Meanwhile, it now looks as though the very same Russian-Iran "nexus" that's playing spoiler in Syria is also set to take over the fight against ISIS in Iraq, as Baghdad has now struck a deal to officially share intelligence with Moscow and Tehran. Here's CNN:

We'd be remiss if we failed to note the significance here. The entire narrative is falling apart for the US, as Russia and Iran are now moving to transform the half-hearted Western effort to contain ISIS into a very serious effort to eradicate the group. Recall that just a little over a week ago, Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani essentially accused the US of intentionally keeping Islamic State around so that the group can continue to advance Washington's geopolitical agenda by serving as a destabilizing element in Syria. According to the Pentagon, Soleimani's visit to Russia (which, you're reminded, violated a UN travel ban and infuriated opponents of the Iran nuclear deal) was "very important" in terms of accelerating the timetable on Russia's inevitable involvement in Syria. It is of course Soleimani who commands the Shiite militias battling ISIS in Iraq. Now, it appears that in addition to the cooperation in Syria, he has managed to secure a Russian-Iran partnership for Tehran's Iraqi operations as well. Here's GOP mouthpiece Fox News:


Iraq says it has reached a deal to share intelligence with Russia, Iran and Syria in the fight against ISIS militants.


The announcement on Saturday from the Iraqi military cited "the increasing concern from Russia about thousands of Russian terrorists committing criminal acts within ISIS."


The news comes amid U.S. concerns about Russia's recent military buildup in Syria and would appear to confirm American suspicions of some kind of cooperation between Baghdad and Moscow.



Russian, Syrian and Iranian military commanders have set up a coordination cell in Baghdad in recent days to try to begin working with Iranian-backed Shia militias fighting the Islamic State, Fox News has learned. 


Western intelligence sources say the coordination cell includes low-level Russian generals. U.S. officials say it is not clear whether the Iraqi government is involved at the moment. 


Describing the arrival of Russian military personnel in Baghdad, one senior U.S. official said, "They are popping up everywhere." 


While the U.S. also is fighting the Islamic State, the Obama administration has voiced concern that Russia's involvement, at least in Syria, could have a destabilizing effect. 


Moscow, though, has fostered ties with the governments in both Syria and Iraq. In May, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi flew to Moscow for an official visit to discuss potential Russian arms transfers and shared intelligence capability, as well as the enhancement of security and military capabilities, according to a statement by the Iraqi prime minister's office at the time. 


Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani also was spotted in Baghdad on Sept 22. He met with Shia militias backed by Iran; intelligence officials believe he met with Russians as well. 


And here is ISW:



What appears to have happened here is this: Vladimir Putin has exploited both the fight against ISIS and Iran's need to preserve the regional balance of power on the way to enhancing Russia's influence over Mid-East affairs which in turn helps to ensure that Gazprom's interests are protected going forward. Thanks to the awkward position the US has gotten itself in by covertly allying itself with various Sunni extremist groups, Washington is for all intents and purposes powerless to stop Putin lest the public should sudddenly get wise to the fact that combatting Russia's resurrgence and preventing Iran from expanding its interests are more imporant than fighting terror.



In short, Washington gambled on a dangerous game of geopolitical chess, lost, and now faces two rather terrifyingly disastrous outcomes: 1) China establishing a presence in the Mid-East in concert with Russia and Iran, and 2) seeing Iraq effectively ceded to the Quds Force and ultimately, to the Russian army.


Fotka Putina sa kokicama je totally priceless.

Edited by beowl
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Kinezi demantuju:



Expert Shatters Rumors About Chinese Aircraft Carrier in Syria

A Chinese military expert has rejected reports about a Chinese aircraft carrier which was allegedly on its way to Syria to take part in the fight against Islamic State militants.

The Liaoning CV-16, China's only aircraft carrier, isn't on its way to Syria, according to Zhang Junshe, a military expert and employee of the Research Institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Navy.


In an interview with the Chinese newspaper Huantsyu Shibao, Zhang rejected "false rumors" about the Liaoning CV-16 being en route to the Mediterranean.


"China's position is to respect the free choice of the Syrian people and not to add to a military intervention in Syria or a forcible power shift, which is why China could not send an aircraft carrier to Syria to interfere in the internal affairs of the country," Zhang said.

He also pledged that China will not support any groups or individuals in Syria, saying that Beijing adheres to a fair and objective approach to this issue.

Earlier, the Lebanese news network Al-Masdar quoted a Syrian military source as saying that the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning-CV-16 was due to arrive at a Syrian military base in Latakia in the coming days.

Israeli military sources went even further, claiming late last week that the Liaoning-CV-16 had already docked at the Syrian port of Tartus.

Edited by slow
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Pumpa se priča o nekakvom enormnom ruskom vojnom angažmanu na tlu iako za to nema osnove. Slična je i priča oko kineskog i iranskog involviranja, koje samo što nije počelo. Koji su razlozi spina može samo da se nagađa.

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Iranci su tu već odavno, čak i da ne računam Hezbolah, već ljudstvo direktno iz Irana, u obliku sličnom ruskom involviranju u Donbasu (osim teške tehnike).


Kineze je teško komentarisati, ne treba nimalo isključiti da makar simbolično, jednim vojnim brodom, budu tu u blizini čisto radi političke poruke, za sve ostalo ću verovati kad vidim sliku Liaoninga dokiranog u Tartusu. 

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Imamo ruskog zvaničnika koji kaže da nosač ide ka Siriji i Debku koja kaže da je već stigao. Demanti ne stiže od kineskih zvaničnika nego od eskperta iz vojnog instituta, hm. A taj nosač je prošao kroz Suecki kanal i morao je biti primećen tamo. Pa nije to stealth avion da niko nema pojma gde se tačno nalazi.


Pa onda imamo iračke zvaničnike koji potvrđuju formiranje onog centra za razmenu obaveštajnih informacija u Bagdadu, plus neimenovane američke izvore iz Bagdada koji kažu da su Rusi svuda po gradu.


U isto vreme mediji poput Debke i ZeroHedge (koji se često citiraju na PPP) dižu never viđenu halabuku. Po njima, ruska koalicija je manje-više već upalila motore, počeli su da izbacuju i mape koridora kojima će pešadija ID biti potisnuta u Saudijsku Arabiju i Tursku. Obama je potučen, Amerika u konopcima, šah-mat i sva ona terminologija koju je Slow prošle godine koristio kada je pisao: "Vidimo se na Majdanu u Moskvi".


Nešto se verovatno dešava i to nešto su američki mediji prepumpali samo tako. Da li zbog panike koja ih poslovično obuzme svaki put kada Putin malo glasnije prdne ili zbog toga što su naklonjeni neoconima pa u ovoj ruskoj inicijativi vide priliku da provuku Obamu kroz blato kao nesposobnjakovića koji je izgubio Bliski Istok. Ili se možda SAD spremaju da ozbiljno uskoče u fajt pa pripremaju teren tako da izgleda da je bila u pitanju mrtva trka sa Rusima i Kinezima.



U svakom slučaju ovaj lik mi je omiljen za sada: dok se taliban u Beloj Kući zajebava Rusi i Kinezi nas izguravaju iz Sirije, zatim Rusi napadaju baltičke države, Kinezi uzimaju Tajvan a Kim baca milion ludaka na Seul, taliban nema cojones da otvori koferče, šah-mat, dogodine u Vašingtonu, game over. :Hail:


The following scenario now seems likely. Russia and Chinese forces eventually confront American Special Operation forces in Syria. Russia and China gain a strong military foothold in the Middle East. The US scrambles to respond. However, Russia attacks Eastern Europe and focuses its might on the Baltic states. China takes advantage of the crisis and attacks Taiwan and simultaneously, North Korea sends a million men across the DMZ and occupies Seoul within 72 hours. Does the US respond with nuclear weapons. The Pentagon has undoubtedly run this war game and they are not about to tell us how bad the United States is going to lose.


Edited by beowl
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Jos jedan tirarin podrzava Asada.


In the interview, Sisi said Syria should not be divided when hostilities end and warned that the collapse of Bashar Assad’s regime could result in all of its weaponry ending up in the hands “of the terrorists” and would “pose a serious threat to the rest of the region, and this is what we fear.” 
Sisi also expressed hope that the Palestinian issue would be resolved and in expanding Egypt’s peace deal with Israel to include more Arab countries.


Cek malo, pa ovaj je nas prijatelj, demokrata. .

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