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nije ovo slucajno, klupko je krenulo da se zamotava.


Rusi su zapoceli susu i isprovocirali pobunu, kako bi stvorili bazu na toplom moru. dok izbeglicka kriza stvara probleme u EU, pa Rusi mogu da rade sta zele u Ukrajini.

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Merkel wants Assad at table for Syria talks


Published: 24 Sep 2015 09:05 GMT+02:00


German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad should be involved in any Syrian peace talks, amid mounting pressure to end the four-year conflict.


"We have to speak with many actors, this includes Assad, but others as well," Merkel told a press conference after an EU summit on the migration crisis sparked by the Syrian war.

"Not only with the United States of America, Russia, but with important regional partners, Iran, and Sunni countries such as Saudi Arabia," Merkel added.

The comments by the leader of Europe's biggest political and economic power come amid increasing signs that Western powers who were once insistent on Assad's departure may be softening their positions in a bid to end the war.


US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday that although Assad must step down, that need not immediately be upon reaching a settlement to end the country's civil war.


British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has made similar comments.


Russia and the United States launched military talks on the Syrian conflict last week as Moscow increased its build-up of forces in the war-torn country.

But French President Francois Hollande, whose country is set to launch air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria, insisted Thursday that there could be no place for Assad.


"There can be no transition without his departure," Hollande insisted after the summit.


"The future of Syria will not pass through Bashar Assad."


Merkel, Hammond, Hollande and the other EU leaders issued a statement after the Brussels summit calling for a new push for peace.

"As regards Syria, we call for a renewed UN-led international effort to bring an end to the war that has caused so much suffering and forced an estimated 12 million people to leave their homes," the summit statement said.


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Putin Said to Plan Islamic State Strike With or Without U.S.
Henry Meyer Donna Abu-Nasr Ilya Arkhipov

President Vladimir Putin, determined to strengthen Russia’s only military outpost in the Middle East, is preparing to launch unilateral airstrikes against Islamic State from inside Syria if the U.S. rejects his proposal to join forces, two people familiar with the matter said.

Putin’s preferred course of action, though, is for America and its allies to agree to coordinate their campaign against the terrorist group with Russia, Iran and the Syrian army, which the Obama administration has so far resisted, according to a person close to the Kremlin and an adviser to the Defense Ministry in Moscow.

Russian diplomacy has shifted into overdrive as Putin seeks to avoid the collapse of the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad, a longtime ally who’s fighting both a 4 1/2 year civil war and Sunni extremists under the banner of Islamic State. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow for talks with Putin this week, followed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Sidelining Assad

Putin’s proposal, which Russia has communicated to the U.S., calls for a “parallel track” of joint military action accompanied by a political transition away from Assad, a key U.S. demand, according to a third person. The initiative will be the centerpiece of Putin’s one-day trip to New York for the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, which may include talks with President Barack Obama.

“Russia is hoping common sense will prevail and Obama takes Putin’s outstretched hand,” said Elena Suponina, a senior Middle East analyst at the Institute of Strategic Studies, which advises the Kremlin. “But Putin will act anyway if this doesn’t happen.”

Putin’s military buildup in Syria in recent weeks has alarmed U.S. officials who are still outraged by his annexation of Crimea and support for the insurgency in Ukraine, which prompted the American and European sanctions that have helped push Russia’s economy into recession.

The U.S. is willing to discuss coordinating strikes to avoid hostile incidents with Russian planes, but America and its allies haven’t received a “concrete” proposal from Moscow and won’t include Assad’s forces in the effort, an official in Washington said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, didn’t respond to a text message seeking comment immediately.

Fighter Jets

Russia has sent two dozen fighter jets to a new airfield near Assad’s ancestral home of Latakia and deployed hundreds of servicemen to the airbase and a nearby port, according to satellite images and media reports in Moscow. The Kremlin said last week that Russia may enter combat operations if the government in Damascus requests help.

Any armed intervention by Russia will be coordinated with Iran, Syria’s main ally, and Assad’s government, the Defense Ministry adviser said.

The Kremlin has already drafted a request for the upper house of parliament to approve the deployment of 2,000 air personnel to Syria, but has yet to formally submit it, two people familiar with the matter said. Putin is frustrated with U.S. reticence to respond to his overtures and is ready to act alone in Syria if necessary, one of them said.

Putin, who came to power fighting Islamist separatists in the Caucasus in 1999, has reason to fear the rise of jihadists in Syria. Their numbers include about 2,400 Russian-speakers, according to the Foreign Ministry in Moscow, raising the threat of attacks inside Russia.

U.S. ‘Receptive’

U.S.-led coalition airstrikes are estimated to have stripped Islamic State of about 30 percent of the territory it once held. Still, the group retains control of about half of Syria and key provinces in neighboring Iraq. Fighting in Syria has traumatized the Middle East, killing at least 250,000 people and provoking hundreds of thousands of people to seek refuge in the European Union.

Leaders of the 28-nation bloc called Thursday for broad international talks to end the civil war, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel saying Assad should be included.

“We will have to talk with many actors,” Merkel said after a summit in Brussels. “Assad will be part of that, but also others like the United States and Russia as well as important regional partners like Iran or Saudi Arabia.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday the U.S. has become more “receptive” to Moscow’s position. The U.S. has tempered two planks of its Syrian policy -- that Assad must step down immediately and that it won’t negotiate with his government, according to comments made by Secretary of State John Kerry last week.

The next day, the U.S. and Russian defense chiefs held direct talks for the first time since the conflict in Ukraine started. They agreed to continue dialog to prevent clashes between their forces in Syria.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, which is backing Syrian rebels, is ready to accept the Russian proposal that Assad stay on as president during a transitional period if he is stripped of his powers, according to Anwar Eshki, a retired Saudi general who heads the Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies in Jeddah.

Russia’s involvement in Syria will help bring stability to the region and bolster the chances of defeating Islamic State, Eshki said by phone. The Syrian opposition should “put its hand in Russia’s hand,” he said.




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Merkel wants Assad at table for Syria talks


Published: 24 Sep 2015 09:05 GMT+02:00


German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad should be involved in any Syrian peace talks, amid mounting pressure to end the four-year conflict.


"We have to speak with many actors, this includes Assad, but others as well," Merkel told a press conference after an EU summit on the migration crisis sparked by the Syrian war.

"Not only with the United States of America, Russia, but with important regional partners, Iran, and Sunni countries such as Saudi Arabia," Merkel added.

The comments by the leader of Europe's biggest political and economic power come amid increasing signs that Western powers who were once insistent on Assad's departure may be softening their positions in a bid to end the war.


US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday that although Assad must step down, that need not immediately be upon reaching a settlement to end the country's civil war.


British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has made similar comments.


Russia and the United States launched military talks on the Syrian conflict last week as Moscow increased its build-up of forces in the war-torn country.

But French President Francois Hollande, whose country is set to launch air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria, insisted Thursday that there could be no place for Assad.


"There can be no transition without his departure," Hollande insisted after the summit.


"The future of Syria will not pass through Bashar Assad."


Merkel, Hammond, Hollande and the other EU leaders issued a statement after the Brussels summit calling for a new push for peace.

"As regards Syria, we call for a renewed UN-led international effort to bring an end to the war that has caused so much suffering and forced an estimated 12 million people to leave their homes," the summit statement said.




Koji je Merkelova strategic failure.


Quarterly earnings, nigde dugog roka.

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Pa ima taj pogled na nju - da joj se posrećilo da ekonomija zapravo sama od sebe šljaka OK, a da je Sarkozija nasledio onaj bolid koji je neverovatno brzo oborio profil i uticaj Francuske u EU i ostavio Merkelovu samu na vodećoj poziciji sa specifičnim nemačkim bagažom, tj. da je postala lider™ bez svoje zasluge a da se nimalo nije proslavila tamo gde je morala biti aktivna (Ukrajina, Grčka, sada migranti).


Opet, mislim da knjiga o njoj ni izbliza nije još napisana...

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Nikome nije ovaj ISIS tako legao kao Asadu


aj ne zajebaj...kako? tako sto mu sjebali pola drzave?


btw ako je nekome legao onda su to turci i saudijci

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Jes, odrzali su ga u zivotu ko sto je bombardovanje gadfija

Ako cemo ozbiljno, pojava isisa, i njegovo delovanje, jesu imali neke pozitivne efekte na polozaj asada, tipa mobilisali su vise ljudi, i generalno su spremniji za borbu, jer sa takvim neprijateljem kao sto je isis, predaja ili povlacenje bez celokupne evakuacije stanovnistva ne dolazi u obzir ako si nesunit.

Jos jedan pozitivan efekat je to, sto iako zapad kopa i rukama i nogama, njihovo pobesnelo kuce je sada preotelo titulu svetskog zlikovca br 1 od asada, tako da rusija sada ima vise manevarskog prostora

Sira slika je da je asad mnogo vise izgubio, kada se pogledaju sve baze,gradovi i strateske tacke koje je isis osvojio(i ono sto je glavno, gubici u ljudstvu, koje on ne moze da nadohadi dzihadistima iz inostranstva)


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