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April 21, 2014

Syria presidential vote on June 3


DAMASCUS - Syria will hold presidential elections that are expected to return President Bashar al-Assad to office on June 3, the country's parliamentary speaker said on Monday.


Syria's first presidential election -- after constitutional amendments did away with the old referendum system -- will be held amid a devastating civil war that has killed more than 150,000 people, with rebels holding large swathes of territory.

"Elections for the president of the Syrian Arab Republic for Syrians resident in the country will be held on June 3 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm," Mohammad al-Lahham said during a special session of parliament.

Voting for Syrians living outside the country will take place on May 28, he added, saying candidates for the presidency could register to run from Tuesday until May 1.

Assad, whose term ends on July 17, is widely expected to run and win another seven-year term in office despite the conflict.

New election rules require candidates to have lived in Syria for the last decade, effectively preventing key opposition figures in exile from standing for office.

More than 150,000 people have been killed in the fighting in Syria since March 2011, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The conflict, which began with peaceful protests against Assad's government, has also displaced nearly half of Syria's population inside and outside the country.

The government has not laid out how it plans to hold elections under the circumstances


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Assad uzima Homs. Za nagradu, indijanci imaju slobodan izlaz.


Uručbirano Tapatalkićem s Lumije Jeftinjare

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RIYADH - Iraqi al Qaeda's entry into Syria's civil war caused "a political disaster" for Islamist militants there, the movement's global leader Ayman al-Zawahri said in a video message, urging the faction to redouble its efforts in Iraq instead.

Zawahri has repeatedly tried to end infighting between the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and another al Qaeda-aligned group, the Nusra Front.

He said on Friday in a message translated by SITE Monitoring that if ISIL had accepted his decision not to get involved in Syria and had instead worked to "busy itself with Iraq, which needs double its efforts" then it could have avoided the "waterfall of blood" caused by militant infighting.

ISIL militants joined the conflict in Syria last year and unilaterally declared they were taking over the Nusra Front, which had won the admiration of many rebels fighting Syria's President Bashar al-Assad for its battlefield prowess.


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zawahri nema nikavu kontrolu nad ISIS (ISIL) i oni ga ne slusaju niti ovo moze da utice na njihovo delovanje.

rat izmedju islamista i dzihadista (sa obe strane) u siriji trajace dok bude bilo onih koji ce ratovati tj. dok bude prezivelih.


ps. uzgred, mislim da je ovo prvi zawahrijev snimak na kojem se on i nasmejao u jednom trenutku.

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Neki bunker Assadove armije u Aleppu. A to ti je Brigada sokolova Šamsa... Imaju super video producenta, sve je tu efekti, muzička pozadina...

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Ovo sto je Rodja postavio je snimak eksplozije u Idlibu na ulazu u veliki vojni kompleks Wadi al-Deif.

Operacija je podrazumevala kopanje tunela od oko 300 metara i postavljanje velike kolicne eksploziva aktiviranog na daljinu.

To je jedna od taktika koju su sirijski pobunjenici najcesce primenjivali u Alepu i okolini Damaska. Takodje primenjuju ih sve frakcije pobunjenika (i FSA i islamisti i dzihadisti)

Konkretno ova eksplozija je raznela kompletno vojno odeljenje koje je cuvalo ulaz u ovaj vojni kompleks sravnivsi sa zemljom cetiri zgrade koje su se tu nalzaile.

Da sve bude i pomalo cudno, ovo jeste deo vojne strategije, ali i propagande jer sustinski ova ekplozija nije bila segment neke sire akcije protiv vojnih pozicija u Wadi al-Deif-u.


U Alepu je upravo danas sravnjen sa zemljom hotel Carlton koji se nalazio u neposrednoj blizini tvrdjave u starom delu Alepa i bio je jedna od baza Asadu odanih snaga.

To je izgledalo ovako:




Priprema za ovu detonaciju izgledala je ovako (plus pogled eksplozije iz drugog ugla):



Da bi pokusali da sprece ovakve napade pobunjenickih jedinica asadisti uzurbano raskopavaju sve bitne ulice u delovima Alepa koje kontrolisu.



Edited by Bane5
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Јесу и тек ће, бојим се: Сирија је место где ће Путину да стигне рачун за наплату због украјинског таласања.

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