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pa da ali ga ne opravdava za elementarno nepoznavanje cinjenica.svaka njemu cast za levicarske stavove, ali to ima granicu gde ono sto jakic pise o 'testu politicke (ne)inteligencije' postaje 'tekst politicke (ne)inteligencije'.

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Jakić bi sad mogao i jednu skasku o Ukrajini. Mislim, ima tih zapadnih dronova koliko hoćeš. Zna on kako je to biti dron, dok je na plaći savjetnika Vrhovnog zapovjednika Neoustaške HVojnice koračao u zavoievački NATO, i snatrio kako a inkognito roknuti Busha tokom svečane večere u skromnim Pantovčačkim dvorima. Zna on dakle što je biti dron, ali bar je bio dobro plaćen, valjda hoće reć. Dok ovi luđaci ginu besplatno, umjesto da se za svoje dronstvo ubijaju janjetinom i dingačem na račun porobljenog domaćeg podanika, pardon, građanina.Govno. Dok je ono što piše - proljev.

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vrlo tendenciozno objašnjenje početka sukoba. kao da nije postojala višedecenijska tenzija pod asadovskim režimima, kao da poljoprivreda nije kolabirala, kao da cene hrane nisuotišle dođavola, kao da prve nasilne reakcije (mimo neke redovne razmene udaraca motkama, kamenja i suzavca) nisu bile od policije a ne od demonstranata/pobunjenika...kako levica tumači činjenicu da je bašar uredno organizovao mučenja raznih zarobljenika koje mu je dovodila cia kako sama ne bi prljala ruke?mogla bi da nauči bar 2 reči - maher arar

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licno mislim da su paralele sirije gde se vodi jedan od nakrvavijih gradjanskih ratova u poslednja dva veka i hrvatske (iz doba mira) neumesne i to prilicno strci u tekstu.na kraju zar nije dovoljna kritika sto on hrvatsku (ispravno) opsiuje kao bezocnog svercera oruzja (za sirijske pobunjenike). sve ostalo nije ni morao da stavlja u istu ravan.ako mu je dosta njegove vlade neka pise o njoj direktno.

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suniti rešili da ne zaostaju za šiitima u regionalizaciji svoje ponude:

ISIS and Al-Nusra Declare War on LebanonBy: Radwan MortadaPublished Saturday, January 25, 2014The jihadi expansion into Lebanon is the main feature of a new phase to begin soon, ushering in a paradigm shift in terror attacks in the country.On January 24, online jihadi forums affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) were promoting a recorded speech by ISIS leader Abu Sayyaf al-Ansari, in which he will declare the expansion of the Islamic State into Lebanon. The speech will be posted today on ISIS’ official Twitter page at an as yet undisclosed time. Meanwhile, Lebanon’s branch of al-Nusra Front posted on its Twitter feed its fourth official statement to date, titled “Urgent appeal to Sunnis in Lebanon.” The statement declared, “Iran’s party [i.e. Hezbollah] and all its bases and […] strongholds are a legitimate target for us wherever they may be found.” Al-Nusra, based on its “concern for the blood of the Sunnis and to clear one’s conscience before God,” called on Sunnis in Lebanon to “refrain from approaching or residing in [Hezbollah] areas or near its bases,” and to “avoid its gathering places and posts.” The jihadi factions are racing to declare war on Lebanon. This takes place in parallel with rapid security developments, in tandem with the Lebanese army crackdown on individuals suspected of involvement with al-Qaeda-affiliated groups. But what implications does al-Nusra Front’s fourth statement carry? And will there be anything new in the speech of ISIS leader Ansari?Speaking to Al-Akhbar via Skype, a jihadi leader active in the Damascus countryside gave a preview of Ansari’s speech. He said, “Our war will no longer be confined to Syria. Soon, Lebanon will ignite.”He continued, “The time intervals seen between the five bombings that hit Beirut’s southern suburb will shrink, and the pace of martyrdom [suicide] attacks against Hezbollah targets will accelerate.” The jihadi leader then said, “Things won’t stop at the time intervals between attacks, and their scope will also expand.”“The amount of explosives used will also be doubled,” he added.According to reports, Ansari is an al-Qaeda commander in Lebanon. His speech might be timed to take place in parallel with terrorist attacks.The security services are tracking down jihadi movements between Lebanon and Syria. Security sources told Al-Akhbar that Saudi suspects were crossing through the border town of Ersal to fight in Syria, but did not confirm reports that the Saudis intend to return to Lebanon to carry out suicide attacks here.The security services did not conceal their concerns regarding the possible use of so-called inghimasi fighters by the jihadis in their attacks. The inghimasi – from Arabic inghimas, plunging into, as in enemy ranks – is a type of suicide attacker who engages in guerilla warfare and does not activate his or her suicide belt except as a last resort.In other words, the security services fear terrorist attacks against commercial centers or residential areas in specific regions, to cause the greatest number of casualties and cause a much bigger frenzy in the media than suicide attacks would do. In this regard, Al-Akhbar has obtained exclusive information revealing that advanced surveillance cameras were installed at a number of critical buildings nearly a week ago, while existing cameras have been replaced with more sophisticated ones to monitor suspicious movements.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Al-Qaeda has insisted it has no links with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), which has been locked in deadly clashes with rebels in Syria.
"[Al-Qaeda] has no connection with the group called the ISIS, as it was not informed or consulted about its establishment. It was not pleased with it and thus ordered its suspension. Therefore, it is not affiliated with al-Qaeda and has no organisational relationship with it."Al-Qaeda is not responsible for ISIS's actions," it added.
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To znači da se izbjeglička vlada otuđila od naroda, askera i situacije na terenu, pa će se on sada sa Assadom krljati kako on oće, a oni nek pregovaraju bez askera, ako smedu...

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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