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Wimbledon 2013

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14630_285383794898672_1743870345_n.jpgNova Maki™. :D
Fantasticna je. Kao da su mene pitali kako zena treba da izgleda.

Edited by Milogled Bluff

Solidan turnir, s obzirom koliko su pirgavi i retardirani :)Mada imaju još dosta da nauče o tenisu od nacije visokih i preplanulih organizatora turnira 250 na terenima MGM Novak Đoković

Problemi sa zavrsetkom seta/meca kada ima prednost se nastavljaju ali i to ce proci. Imao je 4-2 i servis kada je napravio dve duple servis greske u drugom setu. Danas nije toliko gresio iz bh paralele, iako je mec zavrsio greskom iz tog udarca, ali forhend i servis jako losi.Nadam se da nece krenuti prica kao posle 1/2 RG, da ce totalno da pukne itd. Samo malo vise koncetracije i bice to dobro.


O, his name is Andy and he gave it all he gotHis cupcake draw helped him claim the Wimby cup he soughtHe beat that Hair Gel guy and that emotional big PoleWhen told about the closing roof, nearly lost his soulHe's the reason why we are currently getting drunkHe beat the world's number one in straights, who would've thunk?We'd prepared to once again see his efforts be for naughtAnd just as well prepared to refer to him as ScotHe's fully British now and he will be until next yearMaybe he'll win again and then again we'll drink our beer!Although tennis is not quite the most favourite of our sportsWhen Fred Perry won for us, he wore pants instead of shorts!Our champion Andy Murray prevailed with his coach IvanSeventy seven years worth of drinking is a lot to catch up onSo let us raise our mugs and cheer our champion againAnd brace ourselves for his early loss at the ol' U.S. Open!

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