January 21Jan 21 Zasad potvrđeno 66 mrtvih i 51 povređena osoba usled požara u hotelu u skijalištu Kartalkaja u provinciji Bolu na severozapadu Turske. 230 ljudi je uspelo da se evakuiše. Edited January 21Jan 21 by vememah
January 21Jan 21 Htedoh da pitam kako i onda procitah ovo. - "There were no safety measures; no fire escape, no smoke detectors, no fire extinguishers." Sacuvaj boze! Edited January 21Jan 21 by Moonwalker
January 21Jan 21 76 mrtvih, dosad identifikovano 45. https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/at-least-10-killed-in-ski-resort-hotel-fire-in-northern-turkiye-204920?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=post&utm_term=post Edited January 21Jan 21 by vememah
February 27Feb 27 Quote Call for Peace and Democratic Society The PKK was born in the 20th century, in the most violent epochof the history of humanity, amidst the two World wars, under the shadow of the experience of real socialism and the cold war around the World. The outright denial of Kurdish reality, restrictions on basic rights and freedoms - especially freedom of expression - played a significant role in its emergence and development. The PKK has been under the heavy realities of the century and the system of real socialism in terms of its adopted theory, program, strategy and tactics. In the 1990s, with the collapse of real socialism due to internal dynamics, the dissolution of the denial of Kurdish identity in the country, and improvements in freedom of expression, led to weakening of the PKK´s foundational meaningfulness and resulted in excessive repetition. Throughout the history of more than 1000 years, Turkish and Kurdish relations were defined in terms of mutual cooperation and alliance, and Turks and Kurds have found it essential to remain in this voluntary alliance to maintain their existence and survive against hegemonic Powers. The last 200 years of capitalist modernity have been marked by primarily with the aim to break this alliance. The forces involved, in line with their class-based interests, have played a key role in furthering this objective. With monist interpretations of the Republic, this process has accelerated. Today, the main task is to restructure the historical relationship, which has become extremely fragile, without excluding consideration for beliefs with the spirit of fraternity. The need for a democratic society is inevitable. The PKK, the longest and most extensive insurgency and armed movement in the history of the Republic, found social base and support, and was primarily inspired by the fact that the channels of democratic politics were closed. The inevitable outcome of the extreme nationalist deviations -such as a separate nation-state, federation, administrative autonomy, or culturalist solutions- fails to answer the historical sociology of the society. Respect for identities, free self-expression, democratic self-organization of each segment of society based on their own socio-economic and political structures, are only possible through the existence of a democratic society and political space. The second century of the Republic can achieve and assurepermanentand fraternal continuity only if it is crowned with democracy. There is no alternative to democracy in the pursuit and realization of a political system. Democratic consensus is the fundamental way. The language of the epoch of peace and democratic society needs to be developed in accordance with this reality. The call made by Mr. Devlet Bahceli, along with the will expressed by Mr. President, and the positive responses from the other political parties towards the known call, has created an environment in which I am making a call for the laying down of arms, and I take on the historical responsibility of this call. As in the case with any modern community and party whose existence has not been abolished by force, would voluntarily do, convene your congress and make a decision; all groups must lay their arms and the PKK must dissolve itself. I convey my greetings to all those who believe in co-existence and who look forward to my call. February 25, 2025 Abdullah Ocalan Edited February 27Feb 27 by vememah
March 18Mar 18 Quote Imamoglu was one of 28 people to have his degree revoked, with the university writing that it had revoked his degree on the strength of a report written by Turkey’s higher education council (Yok). (...) Imamoglu first moved to Cyprus in 1988, first studying at Famagusta’s Eastern Mediterranean University before transferring to Kyrenia’s Girne American University. He then transferred to Istanbul University in 1990, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration in 1994. The two points on which the case against rests are a Yok decision taken in November 1991 stating that it was “not possible” to recognise the Kyrenia university, and the publication of a regulation in Turkey’s official government gazette in 1996 stipulating that Yok recognition of a university be a legal standard for university transfers. Imamoglu’s lawyer Mehmet Pehlivanli pointed out that both of these decisions were taken after Imamoglu transferred from Kyrenia to Istanbul in 1990, adding that it is “not possible to explain the retroactive application of a rule introduced six years later within the law”. The prosecution has insisted that decision not to recognise the university in Kyrenia was not a one-off retroactive move in Imamoglu’s case, but that letters had been sent by Yok to various Turkish universities in 1988, 1991, and 1992 stating that the only university in the north it recognised was the Eastern Mediterranean University. The saga comes after Imamoglu had declared his intention to run to be Turkey’s next president, with the CHP set to hold an internal election this year to decide who its candidate will be. Imamoglu is the clear frontrunner to be his party’s candidate, with party leader Ozgur Ozel and Ankara mayor Mansur Yavas both having publicly stated that they will not stand. However, Turkey forbids people who have not obtained a university degree from running for president, thus meaning that if the revocation of his degree stands, Imamoglu will be ineligible to run. https://cyprus-mail.com/2025/03/18/istanbul-mayor-imamoglus-degree-revoked-over-non-recognition-of-cyprus-uni
March 19Mar 19 1 minute ago, mozzer said: Bice svasta ovde.... opasno.... Klimaju se stabilokratije po Evropi i obodima... Kod nas, Mađarska, Turska... Može da bude svašta i ništa...
March 19Mar 19 4 minutes ago, radisa said: Klimaju se stabilokratije po Evropi i obodima... Kod nas, Mađarska, Turska... Može da bude svašta i ništa... Bice nesto sigurno... sta videcemo....
March 19Mar 19 1 hour ago, radisa said: Klimaju se stabilokratije po Evropi i obodima... Kod nas, Mađarska, Turska... Može da bude svašta i ništa... Moze da bidne ali ne mora da znaci
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