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Tačerizam - ideja, pozadina i posledice

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Rudari iz Lidsa nisu bas odusevljeni sa'ranom:BIC_UQiCUAArbmP.jpgNadjoh ovo na Wikipedi, odrednica ide prema BBC dokumentarcu iz 2007: Marr Andrew(2007). A History of Modern Britain(milsim da je cetvrta epizoda pod nazivom-Revolution!, koja govori o vremenu Margaret Tacer:

Throughout the 1980s revenue from the 90 per cent tax on North Sea oil extraction was used as a short-term funding source to balance the economy and pay the costs of reform.
Ko je gospodza?

gospoja Pusić

Crnogorci se očito sve više okreću Hrvatima, traže neko novo podrijetlo i konekciju. Malo Zagreb, malo Tirana. Tipično.

Vrlo zanimljiv osvrt na tacherizam od strane Philipa Blonda....i u komentarima, ovaj tip je upravo osvojio internet:

My god, was I happy to be born German when Thatcher took the reign. Germany is still top, and it is because it values the common as much as the individual. Its like soccer. Germany had few great players but they still won most of the time because they had a great team. Something the Poms never understood and hence the outcome...

Jeste zanimjiv Blond, mada je naravno to što priča potpuno suprotno od onoga što priča Robin. Za Blonda je najveći Tačerkin greh upravo individualizam, itd. Podsetio me malo njegov tekst na Todija Džada koji je isto smatrao da i berkovski konzervativizam i savremena socijaldemokratija prepoznaju važnost društvenog tkiva i njegovog čuvanja, dok je na drugj strani neoliberalizam.

gospoja Pusić
Nisam je prepoznao sesirom.

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