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a recimo, kako se to odnosi na krave, da kazemo kao primarne konzumente toksina? jel reverzibilno ili ne? u smislu mleka, prestanu da jedu djubre, prestanu da prave djubre? mada pretpostavljam da sigurno ne moze biti tako jednostavno?

Edited by thermal bug
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Vrlo je lose i za krave, naravno.
dakle nepovratno.edip@duda. ja bih radije panichila, ako mogu da biram. mislim, ne sumnjam da tu sad ima hiljadu interesa. Edited by thermal bug
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a sta je sa sirevima? ne pijem mleko i jogurt ali tamanim imlekove kackavalje.
odgovorio indi već
Aflatoxin-contaminated corn and cottonseed meal in dairy rations have resulted in aflatoxin M1 contaminated milk and milk products, including non-fat dry milk, cheese, and yogurt.
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Izguglah ovo nesto EU nauke, koga zanima da to malo vise prostudira.Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites of moulds, contaminating diverse food and feed materials. In consideration of the carcinogenic properties of aflatoxin B1, human exposure should be reduced to levels as low as reasonable achievable. Current EU legislation addresses various susceptible plant-derived food commodities as well as milk. Milk is contaminated with the hydroxy-metabolite aflatoxin M1, following exposure of lactating animals to aflatoxin B1 present in feedstuffs. As aflatoxin M1 has toxicological properties comparable to those of aflatoxin B1, albeit a lower carcinogenic potency, maximum levels for aflatoxin M1 have been set for consumable milk at 0.05 µg/kg, and 0.025 µg/kg for infant formulae, respectively, aiming to reduce human exposure to the lowest achievable level. Model calculations on the carry-over of aflatoxins present in feedstuff into milk revealed that under circumstantial maximum exposure from feed materials (albeit in compliance with the levels set for feed materials), milk obtained from high-yielding dairy cows and other milk producing animals, including small ruminants, buffalo and camels, might contain aflatoxin M1 levels exceeding the present statutory limits. Surveys conducted by various EU member states, however, revealed a very lowincidence of such milk samples, not complying with the current EU regulations. Taking into account the present agricultural practice and the possibility of aflatoxin B1 to be present also in staple feeds grown in Europe, monitoring activity towards aflatoxin M1contamination of milk should be intensified and expanded to consumable milk fromanimal species other than dairy cows.

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a sta je sa sirevima? ne pijem mleko i jogurt ali tamanim imlekove kackavalje.
ma nema u siru, opusteno

Aflatoxin M1 was added to Emmental hard cheese which was used for the production of processed cheese. The melting times at about 90 degrees C varied between 3 and 30 min. The analysis of the corresponding processed cheeses yielded a recovery of about 91% aflatoxin M1 on average. This means, that the aflatoxin M1 present in the hard cheese is essentially not destroyed during the production of processed cheese

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