namenski Posted February 1, 2016 Share Posted February 1, 2016 Aleš Debeljak: Bio sam dio privilegirane generacije koja je rođena i odrasla u Jugoslaviji Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Određivanje sredstava za pomoć (tj američkog refundiranja troškova Austrijancima) jugoslovenskim emigrantima/izbeglicama u Austriji 1957/8. Zanimljivo i u svetlu aktuelne izbegličke krize, zatvaranja granica i poželjnosti ostanka izeglica. 115. Telegram From the Embassy in Austria to the Department of State Vienna, January 13. 1958, 10 a.m. 1976. For O'Connor from McCollum. Hanes and I with Emb officers today (January 11th) discussed with Interior Minister Helmer and his staff problem Yugoslav refugees. We offered: 1) $3 million Title II PL 4801 surplus commodities for camp feeding but not for resale., 2) approximately $700,000 USEP assistance for processing, visa documcntation, and resettlement support, and 3) continued US contribution to ICEM for emigrant transportation. Helmer reacted strongly insisting that they do not meet either Austrian financial requirement or, to him, more important problem of moving Yugoslavs from Austrian territory. He states that Austria, because of free world unwillingness to take Yugoslavs off Austrian hands must now consider closing border to all but Yugoslav political refugees, with appropriate explanation to world press of reasons for this decision. With reference Title II proposal, Helmer requested that we seek change in principle which would permit straight Title ll program, as was done in case Hungarians, permitting sale of surplus agricultural commodities in Austria, proceeds of which would be used Austrian Govt to cover Yugoslav refugee costs. Embassy itself also feels strongly, on basis of past difficulties with handling programs involving surplus commodities for camp feeding, that this policy switch should be made. Believe reconsideration should also take into acoount fact that program is fundamentally one of aid to refugees which is recognized as in interests entire free world, and therefore much less likely produce adverse reaction such exporting countries as Canada and Holland based on market considerations. Austrian food market itself has been swelled by influx refugees, which fact likely further minimize any possible disruptive effect of local sale of surplus commodities. Embassy naturally fully aware such potential difficulties,. but believes commodities can be offered and program handled so as to preclude difficulties, as was case with similar highly successful $10 million Hungarian refugee operation. Accordingly. we and Embassy urge that original OCB pollcy2 be reinstated and approval be given by Department and ICA; also suggest preliminary inquiry possibility utilizing 1957 unused ICEM funds for transportation. Re movement of Yugoslavs out of Austria, we recommended that Austrian Government request ICEM at Geneva to urge ICEM member countries at working party conference in Washington February 3 make strong appeal accelerate immigration of Yugoslav refugees. Request earliest possible communication to Embassy repeat Geneva for McCollum re Title II policy in order permit further exploratory conversations with interior Ministry and other appropriate Austrian authorities. Assume similar reaction Italians and therefore above request on OCB policy should apply both countries.3 Matthews Source: Department of State, Central Files, 768.00/1-1358. Secret. 1. For text fl PL-480, the Agricultural Trade and Assisatnce Act of l954, see 68 Stat. 454. 2. At its December 11, 1957, meeting the OCB approved a special report on Yugoslav defectors in Austria and Italy that limited the amount ot financial aid available. The OCB report and other documentation on refugee policy are in Department of State, OCB Files, Lot 62 D 430, Escapee Program. 3. A note on the source text reads: "answer wired previous to receipt of this wire. No answer ths particular cable reequired. SCA: S.L. Wagerheim 1/15/58." The answer has not been identified "Helmer" je Oskar Helmer, austrijski ministar unutrašnjih poslova, "Matthews" je američki ambasador H. Freeman Matthews, ICEM je Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration. Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Uracunata i sredstva za ove izbeglice ili su se takvi finansirali iz posebnih fondova? Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 (edited) Nemam pojma, ako su sedeli i čekali 15 godina u Salcburgu onda im je nešto od tih para možda i kapnulo preko Beča. Ali mi je super ovaj tvoj Hella-trenutak, prva asocijacija na izbeglice su teroristi, možda bi mogao da s njim kačiš Daily Fail uratke na predmetnoj temi. Edited February 7, 2016 by Prospero Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Nemam pojma, ako su sedeli i čekali 15 godina u Salcburgu onda im je nešto možda i kapnulo preko Beča. A da se negde obavestimo o broju i strukturi jugoslovenskih emigranata tog doba? Sa posebnin osvrtom na Austriju i narocito Italiju kao - iz mnogo razloga - pozeljniju destinaciju? Inace, da te obavestim - mada si to verovatno znao ali naravno precutao - da je pomenuti Harrison Freeman Matthews, poznat i kao Doc - jedno od najpreispoljnjih stejtdepartmentskih goveda, 1 od ljudi koji su zivaca i truda kostali Ruzvelta i jos po neke kojima se na kurac bila popela zadrtost, konzervativizam i idiotizam SD. I koji su od americke spoljne politike napravili jednu zadrtu i kratkovidu rabotu koju je najbolje opisati kao ne zovemo se vise United Fruit Company, sad smo Chiquita... Ma daj bre Prospero, mani me dokumenata o jugosloveskim politickim emigrantima u Austriji 50-ih, mnogo manje oni govore o лошости Jugoslavije, a mnogo vise o bagri koja se tamo skupljala od loseg oca i jos gore majke. Emigranti iole normalne politicke orijentacije, oni koji ne potpadaju pod noz i kamu, i kojih je bilo da ih na prste obe ruke prebrojis, imali su sasvim druge puteve emigriranja i kao zmije su se tada plasili pomoci iz fondova o kojima ova dzukela gore prica. Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Bežanje s ovih prostora je vekovna tradicija, kad nije moglo legalno išlo je nelegalno, u ovom ili onom režimu, dominantno iz ekonomskih razloga. A možda da se javiš da pomogneš Švabama da vršiš trijažu izbeglica, sa takvim lovačkim njuhom na daljinu ("ja ću vam reći ko je kakav i zašto je došao, bez da ga vidim") nijedan ti zlonamernik neće promaći. Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Bežanje s ovih prostora je vekovna tradicija, kad nije moglo legalno išlo je nelegalno, u ovom ili onom režimu, dominantno iz ekonomskih razloga. A možda da se javiš da pomogneš Švabama da vršiš trijažu izbeglica, sa takvim lovačkim njuhom na daljinu ("ja ću vam reći ko je kakav i zašto je došao, bez da ga vidim") nijedan ti zlonamernik neće promaći. Prospero, sinko, i ti i ja predobro znamo koga su i kako i zasto finansirali Amerikanci 50-ih. Ideologija na stranu, radilo se o mrtav 'ladan organizovanju upada i to pod oruzjem u Jugoslaviju (zabole me kurac za razne Madjarske, Poljske, itd, itd) i to sa ciljem da - jebe mi se za komunisticku vlast - tamo ponekog ubiju, prikolju, otruju, stave bombu pod misku i usetaju u bioskop u sred Beograda... I da, nisam im ja bio potreban za trijazu, znali su iz cuga, s kim imaju posla, mani me prica o izbeglistvu, rezimima, emigraciji, ekonomskoj ili nekoj drugoj. Sve to na stranu, ova ambasadorska pizda i njoj slicne to zna, ali se licemerno pravi da ne zna, sve talambasajuci o slobodnom svetu. Uostalom, nebitno, pomenulo se - ne ponovilo se, ali sto se tvoje fasciniranosti ambasadorima i dokumentima koje otkrivas, imaj u vidu da su Amerikanci medju ambasadorima imali izuzetno veliki broj potvrdjenih poluidiota, praksu dolaska na ambasadorska mesta verujem znas, a jedna od prepoznatljivih odlika americke diplomatije i ljudi koji su u Americi hteli da u spoljnoj politici urade bilo sta efikasno, bila je - izbeci SD i ambasadore i to po svaku cenu. Otuda onoliki broj neformalnih predsednickih predstavnika, od Hopkinsa pa na dalje... Mani me americkih ambasadora, molim te :) Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 (edited) Prospero, sinko, i ti i ja predobro znamo koga su i kako i zasto finansirali Amerikanci 50-ih. Naravno, finansirali su Tita, izdašno, jer im je bio koristan protiv Sovjeta: Recimo za 1 godinu: milioni su ondašnji, ne današnji. Edited February 7, 2016 by Prospero Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Ovo je 1 od najboljih spinova ikad :0.6: I sad, pretpostavljam, ocekujes da se upustim s tobom u raspravu oko Tita, americkih miliona datih Titu onako, iz ljubavi, komunizma.... Ma daj bre, ne zajebavaj me, povela se prica o americkim ambasadorima i njihovom brljavljenju i - onako uz put - o americkoj brizi za sirote male politicke emigrante iz Jugoslavije koji su, gle slucaja - preferirali nimalo demokratska sredstva borbe protiv rezima. Unosenje bombe u bioskop u sred Beograda, na primer. Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Pitao si koga su to i kako Amerikanci finansirali 50ih, odgovor je da što se tiče bilo kakve teme vezane za Jugoslaviju, posredno ili neposredno, naravno da su u nemerljivo najvećem procentu finansirali jugoslovenske vlasti. A super ti je ova premisa razgovora - svako ko je otišao iz zemlje je unosilac bombe u bioskop dok se ne pokaže suprotno. Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 (edited) Pitao si koga su to i kako Amerikanci finansirali 50ih, odgovor je da što se tiče bilo kakve teme vezane za Jugoslaviju, posredno ili neposredno, naravno da su u nemerljivo najvećem procentu finansirali jugoslovenske vlasti. A super ti je ova premisa razgovora - svako ko je otišao iz zemlje je unosilac bombe u bioskop dok se ne pokaže suprotno. Nisam ja tebe pitao nista. A pokusaj da mi uvalis premisu ti je zaista malo previse bljak. Uostalom, aj daj cifre, brojke koje se odnose na emigrante tih godina. Da ti kazem nesto: bezalo se na razne nacine, pocev od lezanja na vagonskim platformama do ostajanja u inostranstvu, nepovratka sa sluzbenog puta, sa mnogo manje varijacija na temu od slicnih pojava u zemljama radnickog raja s onu stranu gvozdene zavese. Bezalo se uglavnom sa politickom motivacijom - jos nisu bila dosla vremena ekonomske - osim za ono malo tehnicke inteligencije koja je mogla odmah da unovci svoje znanje, jer humanisticka inteligenicija sa ovih prostora tada humani Zapad nije zanimala ni malo. Vremena i fraze o ljudskim pravima i upotrebljivost humanisticke inteligencije doci ce kasnije. Ono malo inzenjera koji su zbrisali bili su dovoljno pametni - inace ne bi bezali - da izbegnu da ih se svrsta. A Zapad su interesovala grla u punoj snazi i sa sto manje mozga koja su mogli da prepuste raznim protuvama pre svega ustaske provenijencije koje su tada evoluirale u politicke emigrante, da ih gaje i odgajaju za slucaj potrebe, i to po oprobanom sistemu poznatom kao 'upotrebi i baci posle upotrebe' Pri tom taj isti Zapad nije bio nimalo gadljiv na slovo U na primer, naprotiv. Ali, pre svega, moraces da se suocis sa 1 (bitnom) cinjenicom: broj jugoslovenskih emigranata je tokom 50-ih bio zanemarljivo mali. Edited February 7, 2016 by namenski Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Nađoh neki savremeni tekst, fwiw: THOSE WHO LEAVE YUGOSLAVIAA New Wave of RefugeesFROM A CORRESPONDENT SOME 25,000 Yugoslav refugees arrived in Austria, Italy and Western Germany alone during the first nine months of this year. This exodus has been exceeded only by the tides of refugees from Eastern Germany and Hungary. In no one year since the Communists seized power have such great numbers left Yugoslavia illegally. Yet relatively little publicity is given to this influx of refugees from a Communist country which is formally not a member of the Soviet bloc.They are generally considered illegal migrants in search of employment and better living conditions. They are treated as such by most of the organisations dealing with refugees in the receiving countries. A commission of the United States "International Rescue Committee" which recently visited refugee camps in Austria, Italy and Germany has reported serious and hardly justifiable discrimination practised to the detriment of Yugoslav refugees. The most regrettable aspect of such discrimination is that large numbers of Yugoslav refugees appear to be sent back against their will. From Italy about 20 per cent of these escapees are repatriated to Yugoslavia, where heavy penalties no doubt follow their unsuccessful attempts to flee. All refugees aged less than eighteen are automatically returned —although this has not been the practice with Hungarian refugees of the same age. But thousands of adults too are being handed back once they have been declared ineligible after summary proceedings in which the decisive say appears to be that of the local Italian chief of police.Very inconvenient to the Yugoslays is also the fact that few of them receive any pocket money from such organisations as the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, the U.S. Escapee Programme and the Government authorities in the countries concerned. The only group of Yugoslav refugees which is eligible for the living allowance paid Out of the American Escapee Programme is — for some unexplained reason — the group, of seven hundred odd in the Glasenbach camp near Salzburg in Austria.'The theory that Yugoslav refugees are merely escaping poverty and unemployment is open to several objections. To be sure, most of them do complain about poor living standards and the lack of prospects in Yugoslavia. But this in itself is a reflection on Marshal Tito's Government, which, notwithstanding continuous foreign aid — now coming in from both the United States and the Soviet bloc — has failed to make any real progress in terms of material well-being for the population. Some 40 per cent of Yugoslavia's imports — including one-third of its food requirements — are paid for by foreign grants and credits : yet living standards today compare unfavourably eyen with those prevailing in most of the other Communist countries. The economic plight of the country must to a large extent be attributed to Marxist-Leninist dogmas.However, the Yugoslav refugees themselves complain as much of economic conditions as they do about the suppression of freedom and persecution of religion under Tito's Communism. In fact, as the investigating commission of the International Rescue Committee has reported after interviewing many of them, they "laughed uproariously at the suggestion that Yugoslav Communism was in some respects more liberal or otherwise superior to Soviet Communism." There is in fact strikingly little difference between what Yugoslays or refugees from any other Communist-ruled country feel and say about the regimes in their respective countries. The Yugoslav refugees are mostly young-80 per cent of them are under twenty-five. They are part of the same generation which is in ferment against Communist dogma and practice everywhere behind the Iron Curtain.Although it is easier to sneak across the Yugoslav frontier than it is, say, across the Czechoslovak or Hungarian border, the refugees nonetheless expose themselves to grave risks. This in itself suggests that they flee for more important reasons than a mere change of jobs. The majority of them cross into Austria by walking several days through woods and over mountains to escape the notice of frontier guards. Even so, cases have been reported of refugees being shot on their way to freedom. Earlier this year Austrian police reported that Yugoslav guards followed a refugee couple over the border and began shooting well inside Austria. They wounded the man in the leg. Many refugees cross mountains 10,000 feet high, and some of them have found their death in precipices. Others swim across the bay of Trieste or paddle for several days in perilous seas right across the Adriatic to Italian ports on the other side. Some resort to even, more unusual. ways. Last month, three Yugoslays in their early twenties —two boys and a girl—were found in a states of utter exhaustion tied under a railway carriage in Graz. Two others recently escaped to Belgium by hiding themselves for five days in a refrigerator car. The tide of Yugoslav refugees to the West seems to be in direct proportion to the, Khrushchev-Tito rapprochement. It is difficult to see why their numbers should have increased so much during the last summer if the causes were merely economic. Material conditions of life have hardly changed one way or the other in the last few years. Yet the numbers of Yugoslav escapees reaching Austria and Italy this year have been far greater than in, say, 1955. In July 1955, for instance, only twenty-seven Yugoslav refugees arrived in Italy, Compared with 1,200 in the corresponding month this year. Arrivals in Austria were at the rate of 2,000 a month last summer, compared with a few hundreds in 1955..Although it is unlikely that a renewed Soviet domination could make things much worse in Yugoslavia, people fear that it would further consolidate the Communist power and would finally dispel all hope of a peaceful evolution towards democracy. Recently a group of several hundred Yugoslav refugees was reported to have reached Italy via Rijeka after having walked on foot or travelled by train from Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro, following a rumour that Russia was sending troops to Albania.After arriving in the West, the Yugoslav refugees face an uncertain future. Apart from being in danger of repatriation, they have in any case to wait several months, and often more than a year, before they can move on to an overseas country such as Canada and Australia, where most of them eventually settle. In the meantime they must stay in camps where conditions are often appalling. These camps are generally overcrowded, and, except for a handful of relatively well equipped centres, they lack elementary facilities. The main reception centre in Italy is the San Sabba camp near Trieste — a former Nazi concentration camp and crematorium. This camp will normally accommodate a thousand people, but last summer there were at least half as many again there. Even in the best camps, such as the one at Glasenbach, in Austria, which was recently reconstructed with the help of the U.S. Escapee Programme, conditions are from ideal. For example, only a fraction of the inmates can find work outside the camp ; the others, although young and healthy, spend their time in demoralising idleness. There are 110 children in the camp, who receive no schooling.Both Italy and Austria are making great efforts to assist Yugoslav refugees, even though the forcible repatriation must be regretted. Both countries have tremendous economic difficulties of their own: Italy has an acute unemployment problem, and Austria was only recently flooded by about 175,000 Hungarian refugees. This is a problem which can only be solved in a manner satisfactory from both the moral and the political points of view if full co-oneration is secured from the leading nations of the West. Indeed, it is a problem which concerns the West as a whole, as the influx of Yugoslav refugees is only an aspect of the world-wide rift between freedom and tyranny -no matter in what direction President Tito's foreign policy may be veering at any particular moment. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1 January 1959 56. The observer for Yugoslavia questioned the reference in paragraph 177 of this document to refugees from his country. In the opinion of his Government, these persons were migrants who deliberately chose to leave Yugoslavia by illegal channels. There was no obstacle to their leaving Yugoslavia with regular papers, but they found that in this case they had little or no chance of being accepted by countries of immigration. His Government realized that difficulties were thus caused in Austria and Italy and was ready to hold discussions with the Governments concerned to find a solution to the problem.57. The representative of Italy stated that refugees had been arriving in his country from Yugoslavia without passports at a rate of 1,000 per month during 1957. It was difficult to draw a line between political refugees and economic migrants. Ne znam jel to mnogo ili malo, tek ne znam koliko je tu terorista bilo, verovatno velika većina ili svi.... Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Ne vredi Prospero, sve dok ti insistiras na samo jednoj strani price. Pod 1. clanak koji prvi navodis, a takvih sam se nagledao, o broju od 27,000 tokom prvih 9 meseci 1957. godine, je kvaran: nigde ne napominje da se radi o jugoslovenskoj kvoti Madjara u tranzitu posle 1956. Ostale brojke koje se pominju su realnije, obaska napomene koje su izrazito slobodno svetski propagandisticke. Uostalom, videce se, klatno istorijskih moda se ljulja tamo-ovamo, kad-tad ce se uravnoteziti negde izmedju mene i tebe. Drugi je problem: svaki tvoj post, a bojim se i stavovi, unapred je usmeren da dokaze da je Jugoslavija bila go kurac. Nije: ima ovde ljudi i njihovih roditelja koji ce iz prve ruke da ti potvrde, utemeljeno barem koliko ovi izvadci iz stampe, da to nije bilo bas tako, da nisu americki i ruski ambasadori krojili kape, a ljudi ovde sedeli i cekali sta ce da ih snadje i trpeli torturu zlih komunista i njihovog vodje. Ako nista drugo, 'ladno pivo je bilo 'ladno pivo, rostilj je mirisao u letnje veceri, a ljudi su znali i da se pojebu mimo i uprkos komunistickoj represiji. Znam ja bolje od tebe sta nije valjalo i ne trebaju mi drtine od americkih ambasadora da mi to kazu, bas kao sto mi ne trebaju ni novine, ma kako ugledne, bilo istocne, bilo zapadne. Tako, da ako si spreman ili kad budes bio spreman, da se krenes do barem pola puta, razgovor ima smisla: u protivnom, radi se o ideoloskim razlikama, a tu bojim se, lebe nema, ni za tebe, ni za mene. Ni za istoriju -_- Link to comment
Prospero Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 (edited) Na drugom linku imaš opširno o Mađarskim izbeglicama, što u Jugoslaviji što u Austriji. Ostalo spada u tvoj standardni uradak - malo pluckanja opšte prakse, malo rezignacije što neko ne vidi ono što to vidiš i kako ga ti vidiš, malo nepotkrepljenog dociranja s visine itd. No, forumski server trpi sve. Okačio sam 1 crticu o 1 sasvim konkretnoj stvari, i vremenski i prostorno ograničenoj. Jedina vertikala iz te crtice je stav Beča o izbeglicama koji zvuči kao da ga danas govore. Ali ne, ti si tu ubacio i Bugojansku grupu i Hrkača (zašto radiš tu dehumanizaciju grupa ljudi poredeći ih sa teroristima to samo ti znaš), pa si tvrdio da su izbeglice koje nisu bile nož & kama varijacije toliko malobrojne da se na prste mogu izbrojati (oept nenormalizacija grupa ljudi), pa malo rantovao o ambasadama, pa onda krenuo o američkom finansiranju, pa ti se onda nije svidelo šta su to zapravo najviše finansirali (izvoz pšenice u Jugoslaviju), pa si stao na poslednju liniju odbrane a to je "znaju naši stari....". Tebi istorija dođe kao neka trauma, :( cenim da je lepše držati se pomenutih zadovoljstava tipa ladnog piva, roštilja i jebačine. Edited February 7, 2016 by Prospero Link to comment
namenski Posted February 7, 2016 Share Posted February 7, 2016 Na drugom linku imaš opširno o Mađarskim izbeglicama, što u Jugoslaviji što u Austriji. Ostalo spada u tvoj standardni uradak - malo pluckanja opšte prakse, malo rezignacije što neko ne vidi ono što to vidiš i kako ga ti vidiš, malo nepotkrepljenog dociranja s visine itd. No, forumski server trpi sve. Okačio sam 1 crticu o 1 sasvim konkretnoj stvari, i vremenski i prostorno ograničenoj. Jedina vertikala iz te crtice je stav Beča o izbeglicama koji zvuči kao da ga danas govore. Ali ne, ti si tu ubacio i Bugojansku grupu i Hrkača (zašto radiš tu dehumanizaciju grupa ljudi to samo ti znaš), pa si tvrdio da su izbeglice koje nisu bile nož & kama varijacije toliko malobrojne da se na prste mogu izbrojati (oept nenormalizacija grupa ljudi), pa malo rantovao o ambasadama, pa onda krenuo o američkom finansiranju, pa ti se onda nije svidelo šta su to zapravo najviše finansirali (izvoz pšenice u Jugoslaviju), pa si stao na poslednju liniju odbrane a to je "znaju naši stari....". Tebi istorija dođe kao neka trauma, :( cenim da je lepše držati se pomenutih zadovoljstava tipa ladnog piva, roštilja i jebačine. Neka ti bude, ja pruzih ruku, ti opljunu i ostade na dociranju, novinama i pisanijama americkih ambasadora. Pri tom nisi mogao da odolis da ne postavis dijagnozu, prepoznas traumu, dehumanizaciju, itd, itd, manje-vise vec vidjeno. Meni OK, monopol na objektivnost imas sto se mene tice. Isto tako mogu da ti, i to poprilicno osnovano, pripisem da si istoricario 90-ih na istoricarima kakve vec poznajemo iz tog doba, da si se kapitalizmu ucio od Peconija i njemu slicnih, a demokratiji i parlamentarizmu od likova koji su se po parlamentima Srbije smucali od uvodjenja visepartijskog sistema. Pa, eto, ja to ne radim. A mogao bih -_- 'ladno, ponekad jedva dobacis i do pobrojanih. BTW, nemas cak dovoljno jebemliga cega da priznas ideoloske/politicke razlike izmedju nas dvojice - koje nas ne sprecavaju ili ne bi trebalo da nas sprecavaju - da pokusamo da razgovaramo, nego se uporno krijes iza nauketm i kao bajagi objektivnosti koju ti ona omogucava. Ili, pazi ovo: Diplomirao je na Katedri za istoriju beogradskog Filozofskog fakulteta (1959), a postdiplomske studije je završio na Univerzitetu Pensilvanija (1963). Doktorirao je na Univerzitetu Pensilvanija, a postdoktorski rad obavio je na Harvardovom univerzitetu (1972). Tokom svoje bogate naučne karijere bio je i redovni profesor univerziteta do 1979... Kvotovano se odnosi na nedavno umrlog Dragoljuba Zivojinovica, izmedju ostalog jednog od otvaraca ociju glede nase istorije. Koji je, pored UDB-e i Tita i zive KPJ, 1963. otisao na postdiplomske u Ameriku, itd, itd, verovatno u znak priznanja za razotkrivanje opacine sistema... Ma daj bre covece... Link to comment
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