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Nisam ispratio ovo, izgleda da ce Kg biti domacin univerzitetskog turnira 3x3
Pre par dana su bile one kvalifikacije za Rusiju (cini mi se)




Dear friends,

respected organizers and participants of the First World University Championship

in Basketball 3 on 3

Welcome to the University of Kragujevac.

Cherishing the sports activities and competitive spirits, the academic community of

Kragujevac is raising sport to the level of universal instrument in creating and

implementing of the values that are changing society.

During the days of the Championship, University of Kragujevac wishes to become the

place of new friendships and sport that promotes work, grit, determination, respect and


It is a great honor to be the host of а Еуроpean Universities Championship.

I express my gratitude to the officials of the European University Sports Association

(EUSA), International Basketball Federation (FIBA), Ministry of Youth and Sports, City

of Kragujevac and to the Organizing Committee of the Championship, as well as to the

students volunteers who made this event gain importance, not only in our town, but also

in 12 countries whose students will be competing in the upcoming days.

I especially wish to welcome and to wish good luck to all participants, members of the

teams of universities.

Rector of the University of Kragujevac

Slobodan Arsenijević, Ph.D.




evo i pisma dobrodoslice ovog tipa

i za kraj



July 21: EUSA arrivals

July 22: participants arrivals, Inspection visit  of venues (morning), SCAC meeting (afternoon);

July 23: Arrival of Delegations until 1400, Accreditation, 1800 Tehnical Meeting, 2000 Parade, 2100 Opening Ceremony;

July 24: 1500 – 0000 Preliminary Competition; training sessions in the morning

July 25: 1500 – 0000 Preliminary Competition & Classification Games (1/4 final), Preliminary Contest Competition (Duck, 3 points, Free Throw);

July 26: 1500 – 0000 Classification Games (1/2 final), Contest Competition and Finals, Award Ceremony, Closing Ceremony.

July 27: Departures

Official airport: Belgrade Nikola Tesla airport



ajmooo patkometri prijavite se, ima takmicenja i za vas :D

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ja sam mislio da je to svake godine u Kragujevcu, prosle i pretprosle godine je bilo, isao ja, nasi bili prvi, znam da je igrao brat Hajka Safarcika, preslikani su

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fibino novo takmičenje zamišljeno kao antiteza evrokupu ima 250k za prvaka 100 za drugo, 70 za treće, 50 za četvrto, 25 za četvrtfinaliste itd

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znam da treba depozit 10k koji se vraća na kraju i da je dedlajn 17.7. za federacije a 24.7. za klubove šta god to značilo

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Ma,meni on nije jasan od prvog dana u Feneru,ne znam sta vec trecu godinu pokusava sa ovim pojacanjima,od Erdena,Savasa,Zorica,sad Dikson,Antic,nisam pametan,jbt,pogledam Efes,bilo bi cudo da ne uzmu titulu naredne sezone,i ne odu na F4...Granger,Dibler,Saric,Danston,Braun,Lazme,juri Bobija.

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FIBA sada ne samo da ne želi da dopusti Brazilu mesto kao domaćinu na OI nego im preti i suspenzijom na 2 godine ako do 31.7. ne plate wild kartu koju su dobili za SP

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