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Poslednji film koji ste gledali Part II


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El Conde

Netflix produkcija, sta znam, ima mozda nesto vise wtf i wth momenata, ali je na kraju ispao dobra zabava (ko se ne gadi malo grafickijih prikaza vampirskog delanja). Ima i nekoliko interesantnih ideja iza citave price zasto je bas Pinoche vampir i uzevsi u obzir ostale likove koji se pojavljuju, njihov medjusobni odnos, itd.


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Reših da popunim rupe u obrazovanju, pa odgledah Alien franšizu (tj ono sa Sigurni).


Premda razumem sentiment



On 28. 9. 2017. at 20:25, Sludge Factory said:

Znas kolko me zabole sta Ridli radi sa Alien fransizom sad (osim sto mi se povracalo dok sam gledao ove nove filmove), Alien iz 1979. je Alien iz 1979. I to je to. 



Ipak sam uglavnom uživao u svemu, bez obzira na brojne glupe i besmislene momente.


Alien ........... 9/10

Aliens ........... 8/10

Alien3 ........... 6/10

Alien: Ressurection ........... 7/10


Jeunet: taj čovek ume da se zabavlja! Onaj R. Scotta ima odjeke starovremenskog cheepnis(tm)-a tj ono nešto što starije horor/SF filmove čini nedostižnim: manjak ubedljivih efekata uz višak ambicija. Obratno, u Alien3 bilo je gotovo nesnosno kad je Fincher otkrio eksplozije na velikom ekranu, umesto nekakve "radnje filma". Aliens je u osnovi The Abyss sa vanzemaljskom džinovskom bubašvabom umesto onih anđela meduza: Cameron uvek snima isti film.




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Kad pomenu The Abyss, klinac igra Subnautica, dozlaboga glupa i dosadna igra ali svakih malo mi objasni sta radi, kakve su vanzemaljske strukture ispod vode i dr, odigrao dva nastavka (dvije iteracije?) te igre. U neko doba me pita da li ima neki film ili serija na tu temu :laugh: Znaci, odusevljen.

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@kipo Reci mu da gleda Underwater, ima rođak od Aliena u Mariana Trench-u.



9 hours ago, Indy said:


Alien ........... 9/10

Aliens ........... 8/10

Alien3 ........... 6/10

Alien: Ressurection ........... 7/10


Alien 10/10

Aliens 9/10


Alien: Ressurection 7/10


Ja doduše volim i Prometeja i Kovenant. :mellow:



A sledeće godine stiže Alien: Romulus tj. Alien Succession :laugh: 



Ridley Scott has seen Fede Álvarez's Alien sequel and loves it

In Ridley Scott’s office, no one can hear Fede Álvarez scream

PublishedOctober 17, 2023
The Xenomorph that eats you if you displease Ridley Scott


For all the talk of Alien sequels over the last few years, we haven’t heard much about the one from Fede Álvarez, the director of Don’t Breathe and 2013’s Evil Dead. We know Neill Blomkamp isn’t directing an Alien and that Noah Hawley has a TV series on the way. As for Álvarez, his film is done and ready for Ridley Scott’s discerning eye. 

Appearing yesterday at the DGA Latino Summit in Los Angeles, Álvarez was in conversation with Guillermo del Toro and revealed that his director’s cut of Alien: Romulus is complete. Whether there’s still time to change the subtitle to anything other than Romulus is unclear, but he did go through “the incredibly tense process” of sending the movie to Ridley Scott, who produced the film.


Despite hearing that Scott was “really tough on Blade Runner 2049,” which Álvarez called a “masterpiece,” and thought Top Gun: Maverick was “meh,” the director wanted to show Scott the movie “before anybody.” We’ve got a lot of respect for a director who wants to rip that Band-Aid off and do the stupidest thing anyone can do: Show Ridley Scott their movie. 

“Even if he didn’t ask for it, I was gonna go there and sit at a table and look at him and get it,” Álvarez said. “Even if he was gonna say, ‘You destroyed my legacy,’ I wanted to be in front of him and see him in the eye. I didn’t want to get an email where it says, ‘Ridley says…’”

All this belly achin’ was for naught because Scott walked into the room and said, “‘Fede, what can I say? It’s fucking great.’” 


“My family knows it was one of the best moments of my life to have a master like him, whom I admire so much, to even watch a movie I made, particularly something like this, and talk to me for an hour about what he liked about it. One of the best compliments he said was, ‘The dialogue is great. Are you the writer?’ Yes!” 

Alien: Romulus will be an unconnected entry into the Alien canon and follows “a group of young people on a distant world, who find themselves in a confrontation with the most terrifying life form in the universe.” Yup, it sounds like an Alien movie. 



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ja sam valjda jedini koji u glavi nosi da je aliens /2/ najbolji, valjda sam se u to vreme ložio na feministkinje neke a to je ultimativni fem film pa zbog toga, ko zna šta bi bilo danas da se gleda.

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10 minutes ago, Eleniko said:

ja sam valjda jedini koji u glavi nosi da je aliens /2/ najbolji, valjda sam se u to vreme ložio na feministkinje neke a to je ultimativni fem film pa zbog toga, ko zna šta bi bilo danas da se gleda.

Zar nije trojka aliena feministički film? Ja sam uvek tako to gledala 🤷

Žena u muškom zatvoru, i sve ih izjebe tako uključujuć aliena. I to izgleda kao bučica 😍

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9 minutes ago, Eleniko said:

to je ultimativni fem film

To je Cameron 1/1:


Cameron didn’t just direct Sigourney Weaver in Aliens (1986), but also wrote her character, Ellen Ripley. She’s no bimbo, nor is she a mindless action-babe with a lust for bullets and blood. Ripley defends the defenseless, stands up for what’s right, supports courageous men and confronts cowardly men. In crises, she’s better able to take the long view by applying knowledge to problem solving. Ripley doesn’t shirk from leadership of a largely male crew; she isn’t shy of accepting sensible solutions from men or shutting them up when they’re nonsensical or have endangered the public. Male android Bishop, devoid of typical misogyny, rescues her when she needs rescuing most. Ripley’s crew carry barely any misogynist or feminist baggage; they complement each other’s roles and don’t compete. When studios dawdled over re-casting Weaver as Ripley, Cameron put his foot down. He saw in her what others didn’t. Weaver secured an Oscar nomination for Best Actress in an era when the Academy barely acknowledged the lead performances in sci-fi or action films, instead focusing on art direction, special visual effects and sound.




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Mislim da je zeneov film vrlo potcenjen, takodje i fincerov ima nezasluzeno losije ocene od ostalih. Prvi film je mama (produced by walter hill) a kameronov je jos jedna njegova uspesna vezba skrivanja melodrame u sf/akciju

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15 minutes ago, MocaVukotic said:

Mislim da je zeneov film vrlo potcenjen, takodje i fincerov ima nezasluzeno losije ocene od ostalih. Prvi film je mama (produced by walter hill) a kameronov je jos jedna njegova uspesna vezba skrivanja melodrame u sf/akciju

Pa, cela ova franšiza (mislim samo na ova 4, ne bih u to mešao one sa predatorom) je vrlo uspešna SF/horor zabava. Mislim da prvi Alien ide malo iznad toga, ili je to moja pristrasnost pošto je jedino taj Alien film iz mojih tinejdž dana koji sam sa drugovima (dok sam ih još imao) gledao u bioskopu kad je izašao. I dugo sam mislio da je jedino to praaaavi Alien film, kao i Sludge u onom postu koji sam citirao. A i u njemu je Sigurni plotna okrenuta na 11 od 10 podeoka što se vrućoće tiče.

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Za mene Aliens nije horor, već čista akcija, i ne sviđa mi se što demistifikuje xenomorphe kao hrpu bezumnih dronova.

Dočim me Finčerov film ispunjava teskobom, klaustrofobijom i osećajem bezizlaza.

Takođe mi jako prija kolorit trećeg nastavka.

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inače mi je uvek bila nejasna ta fascinacija sa sigourney kao ribom


mislim da nema šanse da priđe ni blizu pornjava seksipilu sharon stone u total recall /barem u mom koordinatnom sistemu/


sigourney je za neke intelektualne razgovore u sohou a sharon je da je u blekautu sadžgaš preko kuhinjskog stola



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