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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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Vidi takve agencije postoje kao pravna lica u manje vise celoj Evropi i funkcionisu bas na nacin, sto osoba fizicki radi za nekog, ali joj se pravni status vodi kroz agenciju kao da je tu zaposlena iako sve fizicki radi tamo gde je «iznajmljena» i uglavnom dobije sve potrebno za rad. Poslovi za zaposlene, ne kao studentski letnji poslovi.


Sustina je da nemaju bas sva prava kao stalni zaposleni. Otpremnine, razlicit otkazni rok.


Ovo je tekst koji sam pronasla, iako se ovde radi o poslovima na ogranicen period u Nemackoj.  U zavrsnim pasusima je to o cemu sam pisala.





Under the AÜG a TWA is required to register with and be licensed by the German government. This applies to German and foreign TWA companies alike and is done to keep dubious and suspect companies out of the marketplace. The laws detail the requirements that both the TWA and hiring company must meet in regards to length and type of employment contracts, responsibilities as to payment of required social benefits and taxes, compensation and other important matters.

It can get complicated. A temporary worker is usually considered an employee of the TWA, not the hiring company. A contract is normally made between the worker and the TWA. A separate contract may be made between the “hiring” company and the TWA to provide a certain number of personnel for a certain period of time. The TWA is responsible for meeting the German Labor Law requirements and should take care of making the necessary deductions for the social benefits (retirement, unemployment, health insurance etc.) and relevant German wage or income taxes. Deductions for health insurance may depend on the individual and on what insurance company is involved and whether or not the individual is insured privately or with one of the many national health insurance providers. Wage and salary payments are made by the TWA — not the “hiring” company. The hiring company is responsible for providing a safe workplace as well as providing the workplace protections that are afforded their regular employees.

Foreigners in Germany — whether a company owner or a potential worker - should probably get expert advice when considering working with a TWA. A hiring company needs to familiarize itself with the laws and the contract requirements surrounding the hiring of temporary workers. A potential worker needs to be certain of the responsibilities of the TWA and how they will meet them.

For those coming from outside the EU/EEA it is important to know that signing on with a TWA is probably not the path to getting a residence permit with permission to work. However, those that already have a residence permit with permission to work may be permitted to work as “temps”. These issues are left up to the local authorities. (See the article on Residence Permits.)

Following are some questions that should be asked and fully answered when considering working with a TWA — whether as a hiring company or as a potential worker:

Is the TWA (whether a German or non-Germany company) fully and properly licensed in Germany?

As a company is there a limit on the length of time a “temp” can work?  As a company are there any laws or regulations regarding the hiring of a “temp” away from the TWA and putting him or her on the company’s payroll?

As a company, when working with a TWA from outside of Germany are there any tax issues that have to be addressed?

As a foreigner contracted by a TWA, what level of assistance can be expected from the TWA in regards to information on such issues as taxes, health insurance, salary deductions, contributions to the social programs, assistance in obtaining a residence permit etc.?

What are the differences in working for a TWA for a citizen of the EU/EEA compared to someone coming in from outside the EU?

If assigned to work in Germany as a worker from a TWA outside of Germany what are the tax obligations and is it possible to be covered under the social security system of the home country?

As a worker what assurances are given that the income will meet the requirements of the law regarding compensation from TWAs?

As mentioned before the issues surrounding foreign “temps” can get a bit complicated. Companies and foreign workers should get as much information as possible from the TWA as well as outside experts in business consultation before entering into any sort of binding contract whether as a hiring company or contract worker.


Jedino sto je meni bilo na umu sa komentarom je da ljudi znaju da postoje i takve forme i da mogu da postave vise pitanja unapred koja bi im pomogla.
Ostavila sam rezervu da za lekare zbog prirode posla nije sasvim tako i da su tada agencije samo incijalni posrednici.

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Sa srpskog reddita:



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Just now, bags said:

Sa srpskog reddita:






ne vidi se

40 minutes ago, bags said:

Sa srpskog reddita:





U pravu je Vladan, dokle god (svojevoljno) ne prihvatamo (protestantsku) radnu etiku, dotle nam nema spasa...    








u mojoj firmi se vrlo cesto desava da su ljudi zamoljeni da rade i kad se ne radi posto ima mnogo posla. i u ovo ludo vreme proizvodnja radi i subotom, a bilo je i da se trebalo raditi i nedeljom. ljudi vise placeni radeci na neradni dan i svima lepo

  • +1 2
Sreca pa su okeani razdvojeni i ne postoje morske struje. :huh:
Nemoj sad i ti...

.... Shiit has hit the fan!

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, JozoMujica said:


Sreca pa su okeani razdvojeni i ne postoje morske struje. :huh:




Nesreca je sto nisi clanak procitao... 


Frank, prestani da me provociras. Poslednja opomena. 



Edited by mustang

Šta hoćeš ti sad, ko sa tobom komunicira uopšte...

.... Shiit has hit the fan!

20 hours ago, Moća said:

Jebem li mu sto majke lopovske :mad:


Ovo je osnov za tuzbu za mobing ili nesto ozbiljnije?

Ovo je osnov za tuzbu za mobing ili nesto ozbiljnije?
Što mobing? Apeluje da se radi za praznike zbog obima posla i biće plaćeni po tarifi za praznike... tužba za patetisanje eventualno :)

Sent from my M2002J9G using Tapatalk


Pritisak na radnike da se odreknu zakonskih slobodnih dana, zbog "potreba fabrike". Nek uvedu trecu smenu ako im je proizvodnja super zahtevna. Cisto sumnjam da su im plate vise od proseka ili da imaju bonuse, stimulacije, placeno prekovremeno i sl.

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