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Propast sela i poljoprivrede

Lord Protector

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Poljoprivredu u Srbiji je upropastio ''višak agrarne politike'' koja je sprovođena poslednjih 10 godina i odsustvo najosnovnijih tržišnih mehanizama koje su neophodne da bi neko mogao da planira, radi i zaradi od ove delatnosti.Imali smo od 2001. godine nekoliko agrarnih politika, strategija i raznih ''akcionih planova'' koje je sprovodio gotovo svaki imenovani ministar poljoprivrede (a bilo ih je), od kojih su mnoge mere i aktivnosti bile priotivrečne i čak poništavale efekte nekih dobrih mera prethodnog ministarstva. Kada se tome doda snažan uvozni lobi koji je uvozio gotovo sve što se proizvodi u domaćem poljoprivredno-prehrambenom sektoru po damping cenama zahvaljujući ''jakom dinaru'', i prodajući to preko svojih maloprodajnih mreža i trgovački sektor koji se sa poljoprivrednim proizvođačima bio na ''dođem ti za 180 dana i više'', sta se moglo i očekivati da će da zadesi ovu ''stratešku'' delatnost kako vole da se izraze novokomponovani lideri. A o selu i životu na selu oni se prisete samo kad je Guča i raspadanje od ića pića i sevdaha, a o proizvodjačima krompira u istom selu nekom drugom prilikom....
Izvini ali ja sam letos kupio kajsije sa sicilije po 200 dindzi kilo a ne domace neprskane i nenavodnjavana ko klikeri. Nije sve ni u tim ministrima kad Rus otkupljuje u vocnjaku. Ne znam da li bih bio nacos da kupujem samo domace ali sigurno mi se ne bi gadilo da postoji na trzistu. a za ovo Guca selo zbog mojih prijatelja odatle ko da si me ujeo za srce . :s_c: ebo dragacevski krompor i ariljski kad je pire u DISu, koji se reklamira kao domaci lanac, iz Francuske.
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Posted (edited)
Recimo valjevske planine su prilicno naseljene i uredno obradjene docim imamo potpunu propast i napustanje dobrog dela Sumadije i Istocne Srbije Crna Trava izumire i kao varosica.
Propast Zastave u Šumadiji i Kombinata Bor i Majdanpek u Istočnoj Srbiji je možda uzok tome. Tamo je bilo dosta polutana, ljudi koji su pre podne radili u fabrikama i rudnicima a popodne na njivi. Poljoprivreda je već u osamdesetim bila dodatni izvor prihoda (a ne osnovni) za dobar deo stanovništva i lokalnih zajednica u tim krajevima. Kad je industrija pukla, puklo je i sve ostalo.Ima tu još jedna stvar: infrastruktura. Sela koja su imala razvijenu infrastrukturu (puteve posebno) najsporije su propadala. Kao i ona koja su se bacila na alternativne izvore prihoda (turizam). Edited by slow
Posted (edited)


Edited by slow

Inace mi je tuga srbijanske poljoprivrede (pored toga sto mi je inace bliska tematika) pala na um neki dan kad sam procitao da je onaj kursadzija-pop-lopatas "diplomirani agronom". It figures. Tacno smo ih i iskolovali da se pogube tako u 1 nigdeu.


Mozda ali zar ne bi pokusali da se vrate i nesto privrede. Moji su iz sumadije uzasno sarenoliko u Takovo se ljudi doseljavaju. Pazi ovo u brdima oko valjeva nije austrija toskana vec tamo gde je pocorek nagrajisao pa opet put do pre opstinu baina basta odlican i sve uredjeno pokoseno do pod vrhove planina na sve strane vidis kuce i domacinstva znaci zivi se nisu samo starci. Ne treba ni ocekivati da ce na selu da ostane ogroman broj ljudi ali u varosicama kalo guca arilje kosjeric zitiste sitni potok zitoradja trebalo bi lepo da se zivi okolina mionice banja vrujici da umres od lepote pa kraj oko lajkovca.

Recimo valjevske planine su prilicno naseljene i uredno obradjene docim imamo potpunu propast i napustanje dobrog dela Sumadije i Istocne Srbije Crna Trava izumire i kao varosica.
Crna Trava je mozda los primer, oni izumiru od '48.ff34a21a6004a5395635967fa2839c59.png
Posted (edited)

Црну Траву је урнисала лоша инфраструктура:''Територијом општине протиче река Власина, а од већих водотокова ваља поменути Градску реку и Рупску реку. Власинско језеро је удаљено 10 километара од варошице Црна Трава, а Власотинце 45 километара. Најкраћа веза са Јужном Моравом је пут Црна Трава - Рупље - Предејане, који је делом асфалтиран :frust:, премда је од виталног значаја за овај крај. И уопште, путна мрежа у општини је у изузетно лошем стању, премда општина преферира на зимске спортове и ловни туризам.''Основни проблем са заосталим општинама на југу је неразвијеност инфраструктуре. Када би се направили бољи путеви, многе ствари би кренуле на боље.

Edited by slow

Preferirao sam ja neke ribe ali nista nisam poduzeo.

Posted (edited)
Preferirao sam ja neke ribe ali nista nisam poduzeo.
Put do ženskog srca (ili već nečeg njemu sličnog ) je jedna vrsta infrastrukture Edited by slow

Znaci fali nam licna inicijativa na selu.


Pastoralna idila


Jel imaju oni nesto sto mi nemamo osim ulova ribe?France has been one of the most dominant agricultural centers of Europe for centuries. That gave France an important role in European and, to some extent world, affairs in the pre-industrial age. Currently, France still leads Europe in agriculture, excluding the Russian Federation. With about 730,000 farms, approximately 7 percent of the workforce is employed in agriculture or similar sectors such as fishing or forestry. When all people engaged in agriculture-related activities (including the processing of agricultural goods, for example) are considered, the percentage of the population engaged in agricultural production is much larger. As of 2001, many younger people tend to look for employment outside of family farms and help out only as part-timers. This trend, however, has generated an opportunity for others looking for jobs in agriculture. According to the French Ministry of Agriculture, the share of population actively involved in farming is decreasing. Nevertheless, new creative methods of marketing and agritourism have attracted some young talent to the sector. The sheer size of the land used for farming, about three-fifths of the total, indicates the place of agriculture in the lives of French people. In the post-World War II era, government has made a significant effort to modernize French agricultural production by switching to more scientific methods and modern equipment. In 1997, about 86 percent of farms owned at least 1 tractor, and farmers increasingly upgrade equipment. The size of irrigated land in 1997 is twice that in 1979.The major agricultural products that place France among the top producers in the world market are sugar beets, wine, milk, beef and veal, cereals, and oilseeds. Producing 29 million metric tons of sugar beets, France leads the EU. It takes second place in both the EU and the world in the production of its highly popular wine varieties, with 5.3 million metric tons. Though fifth in the world, France ranks second in the EU in milk production, totaling 23.3 million metric tons. France is the major source of meat and veal in the EU with 1,815,000 metric tons. What is commonly known as "Mad Cow Disease" (an illness first discovered in British beef that causes death if it infects humans) created a rift among European countries, especially when France prohibited British beef from entering the country. In the cereals category, which includes soft wheat and grain maze, France leads the EU. With 4.1 million metric tons of production, France also holds the leading position in oilseeds in the EU.The biggest export items among agricultural products are various types of beverages and alcoholic drinks. According to the Ministry's numbers, the value of alcoholic exports reached 56.6 billion francs in 1999. This amount registered a 6 percent increase over the previous period. Cereals and flour exports, which increased 12 percent, totaled 36 billion francs. Meat and other animal products experienced a shrinkage of 7 percent but were still valued at 28 billion francs. All categories of prepared food brought 27 billion francs into the country in the same year. However, this reflected a decline of 10 percent from the previous year. Dairy products also suffered a loss of 2 percent in the world market share, generating 24 billion francs. Demand for French sugar and sugar refineries declined sharply in the world market by about 8 per cent in 1999. The total export revenue obtained by this category was 11 billion francs. The economic crises in world markets played a role in the declines experienced by French exporters of agricultural products. The EU and the United States are France's principal customers for agricultural products.France is also an importer of agricultural commodities. Prepared food tops the list of imported agricultural items. Figures from 1999 indicate that France imported 19 billion francs worth of meat and other animal products. Even though it has a sizable coastline, France imports a large segment of its fish demand from abroad, which was valued at 16 billion francs in 1999. Fruits, dairy products, and various beverages cost France 14, 12 and 10 billion francs respectively in the same year. All import categories experienced moderate shrinkage between 3 and 6 per cent, except meat, animal products, and fish-eries, all of which remained unchanged from 1997. France did most of its shopping from the same countries to which it sold its products.Almost half of farm income in France is generated by livestock raising, and the other half is contributed by crops. Cattle are raised mainly in the north and west; sheep and goats primarily in the south and east, which is drier and more mountainous. Pigs and chickens are raised everywhere in France. The Paris Basin area is the source of wheat while some rice comes from irrigated fields of the Rhone delta. While Burgundy, Champagne, Bordeaux, and Alsace are well-known wine regions, wine is actually produced all over the country.Fishing does not contribute to the French economy in comparison with the agriculture on the national scale. According to the data released by the Ministry of Agriculture, fish production in 1998 reached nearly 600,000 metric tons, a slight increase of 1.5 percent over the previous year. Because of favorable prices, though, the fish products sector exceeded 6.5 billion francs. The exports of the sector fall far behind imports, creating a trade deficit in fisheries which is more than double the exports. However, France still ranks twentieth in the world in total fish production. Locally, fishing plays an important role in such areas as Normandy and Brittany, the Southern Atlantic coast, and the Mediterranean. Concarneau, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Lorient, and La Rochelle are the main fishing ports of France.France's forests are prized for both economic and ecological reasons. The National Forestry Service, founded in 1966, is responsible for managing the country's forests. From 1850 to 1900 a big reforestation campaign occurred, and as of 2001, about 27 percent of French land is covered by forests, making it the third-most forested country in the EU. Two-thirds of the forests are occupied by deciduous trees, and the rest are conifers. France's forests have grown 35 percent since 1945 and continue to grow by about 30,000 hectares each year. Close to 4 million people in France have private ownership of wooded areas. The marketed wood harvest was up in 1998 from its level in 1997 by about 1.6 percent. The rise in the wood industry is attributed to the renewal of activity in construction. As in many other countries, forests in France are utilized not only for wood production but as recreation as well. Hence, while supplying wood products and playing a role in a healthier environment, forests also contribute to the national economy by serving the tourism sector.


Poljoprivreda u Srbiji uopšte nije propala, niti može da propadne.Šteta je što nije ozbiljnije ukrupnjena, t.j. što nije bilo više raznih PKB i PIK Bečej, ali u privatnim domaćinskim rukama. Poznajem ljude u Bačkoj koji bez problema održavaju preko 200 hektara, to su prave firme, sa vrednom infrastukturom i pratećim kapitalom. Poznajem ljude koji drže hladnjače, snabdevaju Nektar i Ruse. Poznajem prerađivače koji izvoze džemove, marmelade i slične stvari. Svi oni zajedno imaju daleko povoljniju konjukturu od drugih, oni znaju da će ako puknu ove godine, to nadoknaditi sledeće, i imaju keša da prežive do tada. Daleko je to od propasti. A ekipa koja pre podne krpi auspuhe, a popodne zaliva paradajz će se već snaći. Niko tu neće gladovati, ne brinite se.

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