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pussy riot vs rpc


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Ne samo glupo nego i uzasno uvredljivo. Jer spocitava to da nisu feministi/feministkinje svima koji ne smatraju da je seks izmedju muskarca i zene nuzno nasilje nad zenom. Da ne pominjem besramnu tvrdnju da su muskarci iz Voine gori neprijatelj od Putinovog rezima :isuse: Bljak, kakve jadnice.
Hahaha, ode Betin originalni post, a ostade tvoj odgovor.U ovom intervjuu PR daju, čini mi se, najbolji odgovor na onakvu, pa ajde da kažem "kritiku":
VICE: Why "Pussy Riot"?Garadzha: A female sex organ, which is supposed to be receiving and shapeless, suddenly starts a radical rebellion against the cultural order, which tries to constantly define it and show its appropriate place. Sexists have certain ideas about how a woman should behave, and Putin, by the way, also has a couple thoughts on how Russians should live. Fighting against all that—that's Pussy Riot.
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Bez namere da dolivam ulje na vatru
Opet ti :mad:
na muzici ste :D
sad nije interesantno :( a i trebalo je Syme da 'pokrene' topik.
Bez namere da dolivam ulje na vatru, izgleda da djevoke iz Pussy Riot vrlo dobro znaju svoj punk canon.Vlajsa:http://pescanik.net/...pu-loseg-ritma/PR za Vice:http://www.vice.com/...sian-Pussy-Riothttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owrVQebWCtc
Ali dolio si...Mogu one da pričaju šta hoće, ali nema tu nikakvog benda kao prvo, a drugo, sve i da sviraju nešto za sebe, to apsolutno nema veze sa razlozima i konsekvencama akcije u crkvi. Tako i gorčin stojanović priča stalno da je panker, pa ko to ozbiljno shvata?
Posted (edited)
The wrong reasons to back Pussy Riot
At the core of much of the media fever over Pussy Riot lies a fundamental misunderstanding of what these Russian dissidents are about. Some outlets have portrayed the case as a quest for freedom of expression and other ground rules of liberal democracy. Yet the very phrase “freedom of expression,” with its connotations of genteel protest as a civic way to blow off some steam while life goes on, is alien to Russian radical thought. The members of Pussy Riot are not liberals looking for self-expression. They are self-confessed descendants of the surrealists and the Russian futurists, determined to radically, even violently, change society.Anyone who has bothered to see them beyond their relevance as anti-Kremlin proxies will know that these young people are as contemptuous of capitalism as they are of Putinism. They are targeting not just Russian authoritarianism, but, in Tolokonnikova’s words, the entire “corporate state system.” And that applies to the West as much as to Russia itself. It includes many of the fawning foreign media conglomerates covering the trial, like Murdoch’s News Corp., and even such darlings of the anti-Putin “liberal opposition” establishment as the businessman and anti-corruption campaigner Aleksei Navalny.Pussy Riot’s fans in the West need to understand that their heroes’ dissent will not stop at Putin; neither will it stop if and when Russia becomes a “normal” liberal democracy. Because what Pussy Riot wants is something that is equally terrifying, provocative and threatening to the established order in both Russia and the West (and has been from time immemorial): freedom from patriarchy, capitalism, religion, conventional morality, inequality and the entire corporate state system. We should only support these brave women if we, too, are brave enough to go all the way.
Edited by Syme
Ne samo glupo nego i uzasno uvredljivo. Jer spocitava to da nisu feministi/feministkinje svima koji ne smatraju da je seks izmedju muskarca i zene nuzno nasilje nad zenom. Da ne pominjem besramnu tvrdnju da su muskarci iz Voine gori neprijatelj od Putinovog rezima :isuse: Bljak, kakve jadnice.
neko treba da ih obavesti da su gender wars sooo 1998.

zasad, reko bih da je tekst spisak lepih zelja. no, zivi bili pa videli.

zasad, reko bih da je tekst spisak lepih zelja. no, zivi bili pa videli.
Naravno, ali bar nije mtv friendly propaganda.
Posted (edited)

Cudan stav o Edicki Limonovu. Njegove "provokacije" ukljucivale su i izivljavanje na sarajevskim civilima. Paralela Limonov-PR je falsifikat, ove devojke su naslednici ruske avangarde, a Limonov je nekakav nacional-boljsevik, borderline fasista, potpuna suprotnost svemu sto rade i za sta se zalazu Vojna i PR. Neshvatljivo mi je da jedan anarhista moze da napravi ovu paralelu.

Edited by Marko M. Dabovic
Cudan stav o Edicki Limonovu. Njegove "provokacije" ukljucivale su i izivljavanje na sarajevskim civilima. Paralela Limonov-PR je falsifikat, ove devojke su naslednici ruske avangarde, a Limonov je nekakav nacional-boljsevik, borderline fasista, potpuna suprotnost svemu sto rade i za sta se zalazu Vojna i PR. Neshvatljivo mi je da jedan anarhista moze da napravi ovu paralelu.
Jeste, i meni je to u tekstu potpuno odskakalo, ali primetio sam da Limonov ima neka čudna dva života u Rusiji, u kojoj se paralelno doživljava kao ludi fašita, ali i kao hrabri disident. Mislim, ovo što u tekstu piše odnosi se pre svega na "To sam ja, Edička" period razočravanja Amerikom, kada, istini za volju, nije još ni bio nacbol.Ovo je inače već drugi put da nailazim na afirmativnu referencu na Limonova kod ljudi koji su očigeldno vrlo daleko od fašista.
Nisam planirala da te pitam o političkoj situaciji u Rusiji, ali nakon što sam videla kako Kusturica poziva Ruse da glasaju za Putina, morala sam. Jesi čuo za to? Znam da je on jedan od tvojih omiljenih filmskih reditelja. Izjavio je da ruski narod treba da glasa za Putina, jer je on pravi lider. Rekao je i da bi glasao za Putina da je Rus, a da bi bio protiv njega da je Amerikanac. Ti si i Rus i Amerikanac – šta ti misliš o tome?Nema sumnje da je Putin diktator koji je lažirao izbore. I nema sumnje da je Medvedev samo njegov domar u Kremlju. Ali ako ništa drugo, Putin nije otvoreno menjao zakon kao što je to uradio onaj arogantni milijarder, gradonačelnik Njujorka Bloomberg, samo da bi ostao na vlasti. Putinov režim je razlog što nemam nikakvu želju da se vratim u Rusiju. Ali drago mi je da vidim da raste broj onih koji se protive njegovoj korumpiranoj vlasti i kultu ličnosti. Nedavni masovni protesti po celoj Rusiji pokazali su da nije sve izgubljeno, da još ima hrabrih ljudi koji se usuđuju da misle drugačije i glasno govore protiv korupcije i nepravde – ljudi kao Aleksej Navalni, Eduard Limonov, Voina Group i novonastala feministička grupa Pussy Riot… Oni su pravi heroji našeg vremena, a ne slabi monstrumi gladni vlasti poput Putina i Bloomberga!
Sreda, 22.08.2012.RPC: Zaštita od podrške Pusi rajotuMoskva -- Ruska pravoslavna crkva tražiće od policije obezbeđivanje crkava i manastira, pošto su učestali slučajevi vandalizma posle suđenja grupi Pusi rajot.
Blago crkvi koju policija čuva.
Cudan stav o Edicki Limonovu. Njegove "provokacije" ukljucivale su i izivljavanje na sarajevskim civilima. Paralela Limonov-PR je falsifikat, ove devojke su naslednici ruske avangarde, a Limonov je nekakav nacional-boljsevik, borderline fasista, potpuna suprotnost svemu sto rade i za sta se zalazu Vojna i PR. Neshvatljivo mi je da jedan anarhista moze da napravi ovu paralelu.
Preterano si ogorčen Limonovljevim pucanjem na Sarajevo, pa ne vidiš dobro kontekst - ideje i performansi Pussy Riot u celini će biti podjednako neprihvatljivi i u Americi, pre ili kasnije, ukoliko naravno ne postanu ženski Green Day, što se nadam se neće desiti.
(....) ove devojke su naslednice (........)
Nije nebitno.
Posted (edited)
Preterano si ogorčen Limonovljevim pucanjem na Sarajevo, pa ne vidiš dobro kontekst - ideje i performansi Pussy Riot u celini će biti podjednako neprihvatljivi i u Americi, pre ili kasnije, ukoliko naravno ne postanu ženski Green Day, što se nadam se neće desiti.
Nego Kobni, još jedan tekst za koji slutim da će ti se dopasti. Meni svakako jeste.
The mistreatment of these young women is particularly disheartening. Yet lost in much of the US coverage is a sobering reality: there are at least two Russias. One is largely urban, Westernized, secular and modern; the other includes struggling, industrialized regional cities and towns as well as the country’s rural heartland, where most people are suffering economically. This other Russia believes it’s guarding the country’s traditional values and religious convictions. That is the lens through which it views Pussy Riot’s imprisonment: not as freedom of conscience versus the state, but as national pride and religious faith versus a well-off urban elite. In this context, it’s understandable that only 43 percent of Russians tell pollsters a two-to-seven-year sentence for the young musicians would be disproportionate. Putin has masterfully stoked such resentments (something US politicians are also adept at), frequently framing resistance to his authority as an affront to the values of the nation.(...)The irony is that even as Putin reaps political benefits from the resentments of this other Russia, these people will suffer the most under his economic and social policies. Last month the government ushered in a dramatic increase in utility and transportation costs. And neoliberal “reforms” under way in Russia since the 1990s—in education, transportation and healthcare—are being accelerated. Despite the lowest unemployment rate in thirteen years, these changes could mean socioeconomic disaster for the worker from the Urals, the teacher in Novosibirsk, the farmer from Krasnodar. What’s been little reported in the West is that even many of Putin’s most outspoken critics—including those who have led major street protests in Moscow—have long supported these neoliberal measures. Among them are elite voices like former government ministers Aleksei Kudrin and Boris Nemtsov and former Duma member Vladimir Ryzhkov. Perhaps that should be no surprise; they’re not the ones about to get hurt.If the opposition really wants to mobilize a mass movement for political, social and economic change, it will have to bring these two Russias together. That will mean not only calling for fair elections and combating corruption but also resisting the privatization of public education, utilities and healthcare. In other words, the powerful protests on behalf of freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom from fear must be expanded to encompass freedom from want. The fate of many more people than a courageous punk protest group could depend on it.
Edited by Syme

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