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pussy riot vs rpc


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Ma daj, uvek je ista prica. Ovi kao krenu da organizuju. Debili krenu da prete. Policija kao "ne moze" da zastiti i onda ovi nasi otkazuju skup na brzaka "zbog bezbednosti". Vec se obrazac zna i ovi debili vec znaju da je dovoljno da priprete i da ce se ovi nasi organizovati za otkazivanje brze nego sto su se organizovali za zakazivanje.
ma u k. vise sve. narocito mi muka od 'dobrocudnih','finih al povrsnih' retarda na FB koji ce ipak da pozdrave zabranu gej parade i stanu uz bratsku rusku drzavu i cvrstu rukuporucila sam im da se obrisu. il su retardi il lily allenovski 'I think they'r just evel'i Edited by InvisibleLight
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Zato je tako dugo i trajala izricanje presude. Tacno su znali sta rade. Pricali su o vernicima koji su napadnuti, o crkvi koja je srusena za vreme komunizma, o akcijama PR protiv Putina ali eto tek sada, kada je napadnuta crkva, mora da se reaguje. Sve to na CNN uzivo.

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uapsilo garija danas kad su protestovali ispred suda tokom izricanja presude.deluje kao nimalo mirno hapsenje:gary_1345205329_crop_484x648.jpg

"What is most frustrating about the considerable western reaction to this horrible farce is when the media talks about Putin and the Kremlin 'losing a PR battle" with a punk rock band. What does Putin care about PR in the west? As long as the oil and gas keep flowing and the money keeps going from the treasury into the crooks' pockets, they don't care about anything else! As I've said many times, Putin and his criminal regime are a Russian problem for Russians to solve, but western hypocrisy about human rights gets tiresome when they could take serious measures instead of just talking."I am glad artists like Paul McCartney and Madonna are speaking out, but until Interpol and EU parliaments and American legislators take action to penalize Putin's cronies for criminal, financial, and human rights violations, all the press chatter in the world makes little difference. Tell the young children of Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina that their mothers 'are winning a PR battle' while they sit in prison for three years for political protest!"
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Cak se i ideoloski pozicioniraju kao nekakvi zastitnici Hriscanstva u vreme kada je na Zapadu Hriscanstvo na udaru. Tacno znaju sta rade.

Hahaha, car.
Budala. Zbog takvih dugo jos nece biti smenjen Putin. On je mnogo vise stete napravio delovanju protiv Putina nego koristi.
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Boga mi, ono sto sam nabrzaka pregledala vise ima normalnih glasova u komentarima, nego retosa i zilota.
Više sam mislio na kvalitet. Pojedini komentari su da se naježiš.A i što se kvantiteta tiče, koliko god usrana bila, B92 je još i najbolja od svih tih tupavih mesta gde se masovno komentariše. Na sajtove Kurira, Pravde, Blica, Presa ne smem ni da zavirim...
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kako bese ona rec, licemerje, valjda.

The Russian Orthodox Church on Friday called for "mercy" for three members of feminist punk band Pussy Riot who were sentenced to prison for performing an anti-Kremlin protest in a cathedral. A Moscow court earlier Friday handed two-year jail sentences to each of the three young women who infuriated the government and captured world attention by ridiculing President Vladimir Putin in Russia's main church. The Church said in a statement: "Without doubting the legitimacy of the court ruling, we ask the state authorities to show mercy for the convicted within the framework of the law in the hopes that they will refrain from repeating their sacrilegious acts." In its wide-ranging statement, the Church's highest council indicated it was hoping the women would repent for their behaviour. "It is important to separate sin from the sinner, condemning the former and hoping for repentance from the latter," the statement said. The three women had said before the verdict they were not sorry about staging the anti-Putin stunt and would not ask the president for a pardon.
i kao sekularno licemerje
Leading ruling party member Andrei Isayev called the sentence "harsh" and noted that Putin was yet to speak his full mind on the matter. "There will still be a decision from the president. A part of our liberal intelligentsia will described it as negative, while a large number of population will see it as just," Isayev said. "It is a lesson that the state has protected and will protect the rights of all religious communities in Russia. (But) we can not dispute the court's decision. I personally think they could have been given up to one year imprisonment, with two years on probation."
Edited by luba
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kako bese ona rec, licemerje, valjda.i kao sekularno licemerje
haha lakrdija. u sebi misle 'gorite na lomaci kurve' a javno su kao intimno saosecajno umereni u osudi (jer izgleda stvarno gube na popularnosti) al jbg, sud je sud (kao,jel) Edited by InvisibleLight
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Pussy Riot su osuđene zato što su feministkinjeObrazloženje presude:
Now gender equally is asserted, maintained by the Russian constitution where all people are proclaimed equal irrespective of their gender, race, nationality political affiliation and so on.Any form of limiting rights of citizens based on their gender and so on are banned by the Russian constitution. Men and women have equal opportunities in Russia.People who consider themselves feminists presently struggle for actual equality [for women]. These activities are not considered criminal in accordance with the Russian law.At the same time, Orthodox Christianity, and Catholic Christianity and other denominations do not agree with feminism and their own values are not in line with feminists.In a modern society relations between various nationalities and between religious denominations must be based on mutual respect and equality and idea that one political movement can be superior to another gives root to perspective hatred between various opinions.
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dzaba teorija, rusi mogu da rade sta hoce. ovo je i dalje u kategoriji peanuts u poredjenju sa jednim bredli meningom. sreca je, barem za PR pussy slucaja da putin ima zero tolerance za likove kao sto su mening ili asanz, inace bi iskoristio ovaj penal i prazan gol.

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dzaba teorija, rusi mogu da rade sta hoce. ovo je i dalje u kategoriji peanuts u poredjenju sa jednim bredli meningom. sreca je, barem za PR pussy slucaja da putin ima zero tolerance za likove kao sto su mening ili asanz, inace bi iskoristio ovaj penal i prazan gol.
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